swizzley 4 points ago +4 / -0

100% She was dead 2 weeks after outting Big Mike.

swizzley 7 points ago +7 / -0

She the (the MD) offered to go get the office manager, and I asked if they were a doctor that could help my son, and she was all “well no, she would just repeat what I said.” I would have expected more logic from her.

swizzley 59 points ago +59 / -0

I told the 1 of the Doctors that "this is EXACTLY what racial discrimination feels like," and asked her if "She would be doing this if I were white?" she chuckled and said of course. I simply said "I don't believe you." You would follow 1 Nazi rule but not another? These people need to feel like the racists maskists they are. Haven't pulled the race card since I was a naive child, but these drones don't understand freedom, but they understand racism.

swizzley 14 points ago +14 / -0

My son's pediatrician's office was about to deny him life saving care yesterday because I would not wear a mask. After capitulating, they told me it was "building policy" and "private property" as if that some how made them not the ones to blame. This is the invisible enemy folks.

swizzley 5 points ago +5 / -0

History of the Cabal is a good introduction to this, I still don't fully understand it myself or how Hitler was tied into it exactly, but here's my interpretation so far as it pertains to Jews.

1000 yrs ago King of Russia forced the Khazarians to adopt a new religion, because all the child sacrifice was freaking people out. So they chose the Jewish faith. but they never became Jews, they practiced Lucifarianism in secret. They spread throughout Europe and during the crusades they setup the first international bank under the Knights Templar and gained enormous wealth by having most people die on their journey. They became known as evil and too powerful and were executed by the Vatican, but not all. The remaining formed the Illuminati. After the battle of Waterloo that helped them buy the Bank of England they wrote their plans to take over the world in such a way that if they were ever to get leaked, it would look like a Jewish plot to take over the world, which it did, and was. They infiltrated the Masons, the Jesuits and basically recruit and operate in every secret society today.

Hitler's mother was a maid of one of them, and Hitler was probably the bastard son of them, which is hard to do since they all have RH- blood which is one of the reasons interbreed with each other. So they intentionally placed the blame of their evil on the Jews which may have been the plan or at least was the justification of the holocaust. They also needed to gain a foothold in Jerusalem to fulfill the prophesy of the Anti Christ. Q told us this would be Biblical. So they got the State of Israel created, where they may or may not control everything the way they do everywhere else. I suspect Israel is a stronghold for the Kabal, but they may actually be weakest internally there too because they aren't really Jews, and Jews in Israel know the Bible and the prophesies.


Jewish people = Good ;;; Secular Jews aka Khazarian Jews = Evil Lucifarians disguised as Jews. How to tell the difference? Fuck I dunno, Q said look at the Wives.

swizzley 2 points ago +2 / -0

no, in-game team chat... follow-up restarted my game and could not connect to friends in a party at all either invite, invited, or drop in. could be glitches Lord knows they have their fair share, but made me go hmmmmm

swizzley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clones never learn to drive.

by Home_
swizzley 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% I saw this coming a yr ago, I expect it to start to hit THIS summer.

swizzley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their plan is to it will be listed as pneumonia and it will be attributed to mask wearing, so just wait for next flu season.

swizzley 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think you're 100% over the target. I was just connecting these dots myself and shared it with my bro on Sunday. It's no coincidence Europe is taking down Chinese 5G towers. The Cabal even made a movie about exactly this idea, called Kingsman.

swizzley 1 point ago +1 / -0

In France they shaved the heads of the women who were Nazi collaborators, and shot the men. Maybe this is a good use of the vaccine passport. Like everyone's phone pings with the picture of the person in their vicinity who supported this shit, like a proximity amber alert every time they go somewhere, modernized scarlet letter.

swizzley 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude! THIS IS REAL. I literally had a neighbor tell me she HOPES the vaccine passports come, so that it will mean she doesn't need a test to go to Hawaii. I was dumbfounded at the appalling stupidity.

swizzley 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tear down those signs whenever its convenient to do so.

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