I think he's rubbing it in their face. The pandemic narrative has long been NWO's poster child for implementing their system of control. The ebb and flow of "it's getting better - it's getting worse - repeat" is how they slow drip the annihilation of our freedoms and the Constitution.
Trump let them play out their pandemic and shrank it down to a year instead of a decade. Restrictions and Lockdowns would have gone darker for years and years. Instead, the long-sought vaccine (the cure/carrot the NWO/MSM always dangles before us) was delivered so fast the narrative immediately passed its climax. SC declared you can't shut down places of worship. States are writing anti-mask mandate laws.
Trump is maintaining a presence of leadership as this narrative comes to a close so when he returns people remember what we overcame while sending a classic Trump F U to the NWO. I don't like vaccines either, but sadly most people getting it don't want to wake up. They will understand down the road.
KEK best president ever.
I go to ghostezra to steal memes but he and georgenews can go screw. the only person of note on telegram I'm a fan of is Lin Wood. There is no use for anyone to pretend to know the plan. Trying to predict it is one thing (which I support) but to claim inside knowledge and provide nothing helpful is just propaganda.
a retarded illegal just broke down crying in joy
and don't worry. I've posted many a meme that turned out to be shopped. now I just do extra vetting. I appreciate you fren and thank you for sharing <3 WWG1WGA
from what I can tell all the ones that have taken it are old. one of the big alleged side effects is sterilization. also these people are probably going to be hanged so who cares. they run on worship from fans and the idea of destroying them.
FYI: bottom was photoshopped
but makes sense she has a career despite everything she does blows
Megyn Kelly without makeup looks more like OJ Simpson. also he wouldn't have gone to jail, they would've made the murderer some random fan.
This. Also if it goes through, and they show Biden's presidency to be illegitimate do they take back the stimulus checks. The virus is probably going to be done next month. Voter fraud arrests keep happening. But what of the presidency if we're are going to shame it ourselves.
the problem would be him signing the bill into law
I do not trust Snowden. The intelligence agencies all hate each other. It seems Snowden's work was a total hit job on the NSA. Snowden is Booze Allen Hamilton, CIA both of which can go fuck themselves.
I am insane. Q has made me into a digital Rambo. I am unfit for society and trust no one but God.
I shall datefag with you fren.
I would love to unify the country with Kristi Noem and Tulsi Gabbard.
wow. that makes total sense, and with Woody Allen on the other end just like wtf is your deal today?
dang. fuck these people. their poor kids.
that every time he wants to prove he's smart to his handlers he fails
Cryptocurrencies/Digitalcurrencies/whatever you want to call them. They are all NWO mark of the beast evil.
Step one: Receive mark of the beast (RFID all metadata/money/personal info)
Step two: Social Credit Score (behave or RFID wiped = no job, no house, no money)
Step three: only way to acquire money is by performing NWO sanctioned tasks. task completed (think mining bitcoin)
Metal is money. Paper is fake. Digital is not even real.
they wouldn't even show muh hommid years ago
As a fren, I advise against following this guy. He is CIA that ran a fake campaign to sell a book and steal donations.