He's better than a lot of alternatives. We've won the mandate on transing kids, I think he will buckle to that pressure. Plus we're watching a movie so Trump is filling the positions with actors at the end of the day so I really don't care. We delivered him the victory so we have to hope he follows through and trust his judgement.
While it's sad aleasy we won't have more retards reproducing more retards
Nahhhhh Cruz gets a pass. Yes should he have been there, but he was one of the few senators who was gonna vote for Scott. I will say Cruz has earned some skin in the game imo with how he's backed Trump over the last 4 years. Regardless of his motivations - which I think they're good. So hey I'm gonna let him explain himself when possible
So ummmmm I'm pretty sure that dyke fucked diddy
To all you British Anons, isn't it kinda telling that all fags share the same accent. Like the person who should head brand strategy should at least sound normal. #MakeFagsGoBackInTheCloset
Fuck I can't believe that winning in basic facts is like boys in boys bathrooms and girl's whatever's girls bathroom is a win. The bar is soooooo low
Soooo ughhh when do we declear this a rebellion or insurrection?
Scott Jennings is the only sane head on these discussions, it's great how he just shakes his head and just proceeded to school anyone who fearmongers what's happening
Yes on Jan 6th 2020 I'm fairly certain Trump instituted this after the compromats staged a coup d'etat in which led to Jan 6 ff by FBI. Then this was the pretense for devolution of powers to other military and civilian assets while they set up a govt in exile. This occured when Trump signed the Federal Mission Resilience Act basically saying the new Admin will not have the full powers granted by the Constitution because they are a belligerent govt. Now whether or not this is ever made public idk
I'm pretty sure Trump said "Fuck BiBi" so this guy is just trying to to get back in Trump's good side
😖🥹🥲 you to fren!
To your point, the DOE needs to be sunset. I just think it will happen over the course of a few years tho, and we can use to to benefit the country until them
All I'm trying to say is we should leverage whats there and remove it B4 someone else gets their hand on it. But idk I'm just trying to do the thought exercise here and see how we can leverage certain areas of govt with the eventuality of returning it to the local levels. For example New Jersey used to have one of the most comprehensive systems of education in the world but the Dems stripped it from them under Obama. But now the Dems occupy NJ and we shouldnt let Dems queer the kids in public schools. (I'm all for school choice but school in the North East is definitely a lot different than the rest of the country) plus NJ is being destroyed by Dems/communists.
I think it was Gaetz being AG
NJ should be a swing state but the Dems are gonna put in a dual citizen aka an Israeli spy then the Jews will occupy PA gov and NJ gov. Also the Dems are trying to fill the suburbs with criminals from the inner cities. NJ really could use some love from the anon world or it will truly be lost. Plus they didn't vote in Murphy he had the 3 am ballot dumps that pushed him over the edge for a 2nd term. If only crispy cream (Kris Kristi) wasn't such an asshole the Dems might not control nj
No Trump won his third term. Obama's 3rd was a complete fraud
Ehhhh the wfh thing imo is very field specific. I do think the wfh model is very advantageous to raising a family if possible. Especially if you don't want the schools queering your kid
Ok so does shutting down the govt include part of the 10 days? If so he can get the appointments that way
Please turn this into a movie franchise. I think you're on to something
What's that? So I even want to know..?
Also remember the good ol' days when we used to have dumb conspiracies or just conspiracies through association but no causation. Just the good ol' dumb days. But hey if you have fresh ideas please tell me I'm dying for more rabbit holes to dig through
I'm pretty sure that as long as you don't stick your dick in another dudes asshole, your guaranteed to not contract monkeypox.
I like homan, but I think it might be JD Vance who's next. Only because I think Trump is prepping people to take over once he's gone now