I guess I am a sub 80 IQ none white.
These idiots don’t understand how embarrassing they are!
Why fund them at all!?
Maybe a message to the Cabal using their artwork symbolism against them!
Yeah I talked to some of the higher ups at my property management company I work at/
They all said no to Bitcoin.
Racial tribalism will never work. Because fake leaders will always seek to control the people.
They will always steal!
That is making the assumption that everyone else is WEAK!!!
Have you met someone in person who thinks like a THUG???
Read the book 48 laws of power.
This is why when people yell "IT'S THE JEWS"
They don't understand how that's not possible. There are several groups involved.
Who would have ever thought. Our biggest enemies are Gay and Pedos!!!
We know that isn't going to AFRICA lol!!!
I think this is deep state acting. They don't want Trump to use the Military when he comes into power.
So they setup an act like this showing the House and Senate removing power from the president.
So if Trump tries to use Military against deep state actors. The media would say "Trump is acting like South Korea".
The House and Senate needs to remove his power.
Have an awesome day!
Well said.
I believe this issue is tied to the fiat currency system, where the government can print unlimited money based on debt. This enables them to funnel endless amounts of money into NGOs.
As a result, these so-called "civil rights" groups often attract the most dishonest and corruptible individuals. Why? Because the government can pay them in the name of social justice.
It’s the phony black leaders, funded by this system, who contribute to the downfall of black America. These leaders are incentivized to exploit black communities as a tool.
The system benefits by keeping black culture dysfunctional, as that dysfunction can then be weaponized against limited-government, Christian whites.
When whites call out this dysfunction, the system deploys its paid civil rights leaders to label them as racist.
It’s all a calculated scam to pit blacks and whites against each other.
In the end, no one wins when these divisions persist—except the deep state or cabal that orchestrates this conflict.
This is a game to put in a TARIFF system.
I understand why some whites don't like it. We really do get it.
But a lot of us just can't take it anymore. All the ghetto or social justice feminist bullcrap.
There isn't much of an option these days. Even my mom understands it. She was born in 1950.
I agree.
So when you see a black man with a white woman.
He understands that some white and black people will not like this at all. He understands that he might get dirty looks or even name calls. He understands that his mixed kids might get some bad treatment from other kids.
Even with those risk. That's still low risk compared to dating black women like the ones in that video.
This is why I think God allowed for mixed kids to happen. Yes... it's not ideal for a lot of people.
But just like a burning building. People will flee at some point.
Black men like me pick to leave the burning building and start somewhere else.
The options to find a woman that looks like him is slim pickings.
Here is another reason why it's not instinct. It's a combination of subscious social, economic, cultural and geographical factors.
Want to know why tons of black men aren't attracted to black women.
Take a look at this video friend.
This is exactly why black men like myself date outside of our race.
The main issue is that the human race has learned to complicate everything. When we complicate reality, it becomes easier to confuse and deceive people.
What I have learned is that evil tells no lies—evil uses complicated truths to confuse and deceive people.
Take video games as an example. When Nintendo first came out, games were much simpler. The controllers had just two buttons: A and B.
Compare that to now, where games are far more complex and harder to play.
We live in a time where culture itself is confusing and full of variables.
To teach morality effectively, we need extremely simple ideas that people can quickly understand and apply.
We need to ask ourselves: If we want people to follow Christ, what exactly are we teaching them? Are we teaching something subjective that can be interpreted in countless ways?
Or are we teaching something clear and actionable, something they can practice tomorrow?
Everything comes down to communication. If someone isn’t following what we teach as we expected, maybe it’s because we’re not motivating or communicating it effectively.
That's your experience. And when you say, "They smell wrong," it’s clear you already have an emotional bias against brown or black women.
Also, you haven’t met every black or brown woman on the planet.
People who say no to mixed dating usually do so for "social, cultural, economic, or geographical" reasons.
You aren’t going out of your way to see if you find a black or brown woman attractive, and what you’re describing isn’t instinct—it’s your personal preference.
If God wanted us to be separate, we wouldn’t be able to bear children across ethnic lines.
A tiger cannot naturally procreate with a lion. A dog cannot naturally procreate with a frog. A cat cannot naturally procreate with a monkey.
I believe the reason God created people with different appearances is the same reason GM and Ford create cars in different colors and with different features—to give the human race options.
Could you imagine living in a world where every man and woman had the same face, color, hair, height, and weight?
From an artistic standpoint, think about how monotonous such a world would be.
I see your points.
When people say mixed dating is not natural.
They are ignoring the first stage of attraction between a man and woman. I feel bad for people who get angry about interracial dating.
They are ignoring that all interracial dating is.
Is a man and woman who are physically attracted to each other. Nature generated chemical responses between the two.
Now it will take will like minded personalities to determine if it works long term.
Because Ads plays to general primitive sex psychology.
Attractive Man and Attractive Women
Ok... what people are missing about interracial dating . A man has to SUPPRESS those chemical responses of attraction. He has to go against his natural instincts because it might piss off people in his social circle.
What marketing people know. Is that all it takes is an attractive man and an attractive women to make a couple.
Because you missing NATURAL tendacy,
Are you saying that if a white man is at a beach. And he sees an inshape attractive black woman in a bikini walk in front of him.
Are you suggesting there would be ZERO chemical reaction?
If they are going to give out declassified documents. We need credible journalist who would report on that.
A former member of the house could be credible enough to get that truth out there.
He also could become a member of White House press.