I found the invites!!!
There were some extras on Jerry's desk, he's the Qanon Club Art Dept. intern right now so things have been messy. We've switched to only untraceable technology, so we're using a dot matrix printer from 1979. It can't even be converted to 5G!
Anyway, I found Jerry drooling while sleeping on them under his desk. I guess he managed to save a couple of good shots of the invites, here they are!
Hope this helps get the word out quickly. We'll do some extra deep fake Photoshop jobs of Obama and Killary eating pasta on ice cream by 03/17, the next destination for our moving target. Right guys!? Those TV folks have us figured out anyway, might as well be honest now instead of using our other super top secret, unspoken forums where we plan all our devious stuff.
Watched a ton of Cymatics videos about 10 years ago. Amazing stuff. Really opened my eyes to what the broader impact of it could be. How it affects water. How that, in-turn, affects us.
Now everyone needs to go down the rabbit hole of Fractals and the Mandelbrot Set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56gzV0od6DU
Those assholes commented on it in their press conference after POTUS was acquitted. "We asked for ONE witness, the minority leader wants to invite 100 or something"
Cry some more losers
Watch it here if it isn't showing up on Vimeo for you https://michaeljlindell.com/
Looks like it's down for me. Anyone else?
If Psaki looks like that when she gets out of bed in the morning, not a big deal. She just doesn't care as much as Kayleigh. Typical feminist.
Yep, it's really no different today than it was for the last 3.5 years. I've stood strong this whole time so why would I back down now? Just because their Commie-in-Chief won and they get to act all pompous now? Fuck no. They can take their Communist bullshit and shove it.
"You're the criminal for looking at it and posting it! He had a drug problem and has overcome all odds to still be alive! His brother died!....his real Mom and sister died in a car accident?? I haven't heard that on MSNBC, so I don't believe it!"
- Every libtard
I found the shill!
I'd say the woman's badge on the right matches US Marshal's very closely, unless the metal is reflecting weirdly. The one on the woman behind Fancy Nancy doesn't match though, looks to match US Capitol Police and not Marshal's.
Could be just serving as an escort for the Marshal's and Nance. A bit confusing with two law enforcement agencies that look to be present here but I'd still say the US Marshal's theory matches with the woman on the right at least.
The Deep Fake narrative is likely being prepped right now. If Trump and his allies have a plan to release irrefutable proof of any wrong doing, child sacrifice, pedophilia, deals to create the Covid situation or anything else that should blow normies minds, the MSM will immediately bring on so-called experts to prove why the photo/video proof is edited and fake.
It's almost certainly why all these "make yourself look like so and so celebrity! It's so crazy! Look what your PHONE can do!" apps have been periodically dropping in the last couple of years for free.
Now everyone knows what even our phones are capable of doing, so when CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WAPO/etc all synchronize the deep fake narrative, Anons and Patriots will know exactly why that's being said.
We just need to counter it with better analysis of the videos and pray that they also release alongside this proof, anything that makes it irrefutable. Bring the pain!
I've got a few people in my life that will almost certainly fight until the very bitter last dying breath of the left and their lies. I just continue to remind him that when the proof comes, do your best to not just immediately believe the defense of "Deep Fakes!" or whatever else they try to use to distract us with.
I remind him that the good guys will win. That many times in history, it has seemed to MANY that the bad guys were actually good and it seemed so certain to many. Prepare yourselves for the meltdown that we will remember for centuries to come. I am proud to be able to tell my children and grandchildren that I saw this coming and battled in the digital battlefield alongside you beautiful people for years.
So jacked this morning. The salty Anon energy is flowing smoothly. Justice is coming. PAIN.
Can't wait to see you all there! I'm really excited about all the orange slices. Hopefully we're able to get a close seat for Trump's true inaug.
OH...I found the 2nd version of the invite that Kevin Roose sent me. Yes, this is his official announcement of being red-pilled. He asked that we start referring to him as "RooseAnon". Wait...I should tell him that makes him not "Anon". Damn.
Anyway...enjoy this one featuring our Grand Wizard/Moral Compass Holder the Almighty Q SHAAAAAMAN!
https://ibb.co/nnbTGRK https://ibb.co/h7Bk2st