We all know that Biden isn’t running the show. He doesn’t even know how to wipe his own ass.
Nope! I was stopped to the side of the road (on a small street) just outside my house. Looking at the lens though, I can see how it might look like I was driving though haha. I’m a safe patriot! Nor do I text while driving! Thanks for asking though, fren!
Victory by Two Steps from Hell
We should all sign up, dress up in all black, and get paid $15/hr to stand guard!
Photo Credit: The Donald
I bet Dan Scavino is the real Q.
~10 months ago...
How do you get Pepe to show up next to your name?! That’s awesome, fren!
How do you get Pepe to show up next to your name??
Nope, same here. Keep the faith. God will expose all of the darkness. It will be biblical!
Agreed. Lifelong Democrat here that was red-pilled prior to 2016. Voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. I live in CA. Beverly Hills was flooded with Trump voters in 2020 (a lot of them used to also be Dems). There’s no way Trump lost CA. Can’t wait to see Trump get rid of all these sewer rats!
Yup, Trump’s name is on it. Got mine in the mail yesterday.