username_MAGA 1 point ago +2 / -1


The average American was ripped off and so was Trump as we careen about with an illegitimate President, cowering in the White House, or worse.

Where the fuck is he?

username_MAGA 2 points ago +3 / -1

that is a calendar, not a schedule, and it reads just like a diary ( today, I did xyz )

notice how there has not been a single public appearance

every 'statement' by Biden is canned and scripted

username_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

exactly! Let me get this straight. Antifa is a Jewish funded communist front. They put on MAGA wear and were 'let into' the Capitol. The (((MSM))) calls it an Insurrection inspired by the President's rhetoric. Now we, the people who have not acted violently and adhere to law are order, are all Nazi's.

Is that about it?

username_MAGA 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are over 75 Holocaust Museums in the United States and Zero tributes to the US Army liberating them from the Concentration Camps. I always found this curious and in retrospect, seems like a giant guilt trip on the very people that liberated the Jews and gave them their own country.

username_MAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

but there have been hundreds of thousands of violent felons released under Covid

username_MAGA 10 points ago +10 / -0

no... he's just a douche

he's been trolling the board with his Debbie Downerism for a number of days

username_MAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly... give me 200 posts about the Pope being arrested rather than an equal number of posts about how 'it's a problem'.

These posts are getting equally frustrating and are hypocritical.

Don't message the fucking mods on the main board. Send a DM to them.

username_MAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think there won't be an Inauguration on the 20th, for either.

Also, there will be no Impeachment in Trump's second term because nearly the entire Congress is going to jail, or worse.

Nationwide elections and installment of a 100% fraud proof election process.

username_MAGA 0 points ago +5 / -5

yes... that's what the idiots should do..

nobody said we were entering any days of darkness as far as POTUS communicating with Americans was concerned

you faggots like to misread drops, make predictions, and then delegitimize Q with doomer shilling on your own failed predictions

pretty fucking standard

username_MAGA 7 points ago +7 / -0

day old account, chiming in with WE narrative ^^^

warning Q-ers not to be like the 'LEFT'

this is 100% controlled opposition FOX level bullshit

LET'S throw away the bullshit narratives, shall WE ?

get the fuck out of here.

username_MAGA 27 points ago +27 / -0

Notice how pale and shaky they all look, including Graham.

I can read people extremely well, but it does not take an expert to see these people are in full panic mode.

username_MAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything under the highlighted portion has already taken place and is irrelevant to current events.

username_MAGA 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's bots and shills.

Let's be clear. This board was DEAD before Voat shut down and when Voat migrated here and not thedonald, it became a threat to the astroturfed bullshit psyop piece of shit that board is...

They are here to destroy this board and not looking for enlightenment.

username_MAGA 48 points ago +48 / -0

I want say thank you to the OP for posting this yesterday and again, today. I am the poster with the top comment.

I also knew Pence would push the vote through, triggering a domino effect. Remember, everyone who cast a vote knew what the facts were and how the election was being stolen and they committed treason, anyway. They violated their Constitutional Oath and betrayed the country. They are criminals who are now fully exposed.

I was wondering how the Insurrection Act would be enacted and POTUS gave us the answer in his deleted tweet when he instructed the crowds to disperse, in nearly verbatim language from the law. Troops moved into the Capitol Building and will remained stationed there. Nobody is going home, believe me. Including the traitors.

It appears POTUS flew out of DC on a E4B and as promised by Q, 100% insulated. POTUS could run WW3 from the E4B if needed and scooping up these degenerates is going to go down quickly once the signal is given.

Remember... POTUS still has not said the STORM HAS ARRIVED and look at the historical events that have already taken place.

Best is yet to come.

username_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

yep... deleted :)

I think Q+ missed a chance here.

username_MAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will take this down immediately, if not.

username_MAGA 19 points ago +19 / -0

This sounds accurate.

If Pence rejects the electors and it leads to POTUS winning the election on a Constitutional technicality that most people do not understand, the MSM and every traitor in government will launch an all out assault in the second term which would likely lead to another Impeachment. ie. Deep State will target POTUS again, rather than him draining the swamp, with very few allies to assist.

However, if Pence knowingly authorizes the fraudulent election, the Military will step in and arrest every traitor associated with the Big Steal.

Additionally, Pence could still be a White Hat even if he authorizes, double crossing the Cabal that placed him at VP. Ironically, he would betray the Cabal by authorizing and triggering mass arrests.

username_MAGA 9 points ago +10 / -1

Pizzagate >> child rape, torture and murder as blackmail to take over the USA

You >> 'unnecessary and elaborate backstory / I just want to get on with it..'

You're a piece of shit. Just shut the fuck up.

username_MAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah... not that guy..

I thought it may be one of the two agents behind Pence, but neither check out.

Interesting how the agent on Pence's left never takes his eyes off of him.

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