I wish there was a “right to try” for alternative treatments
I think in time we will see that we are still living in a medical dark age and some alternative treatments do work but because modern medicine doesn’t have a way of explaining how it worked it’s explained away as “had to be something else”
It’s to the detriment of mankind that alternative treatments are essentially ignored by modern medicine and doctors, leaving it pretty much up to the individual to go down the research path on their own.
What would actually be of immense value to mankind is if doctors presented people with all the options and let them choose and tracked the performance. Who knows what we’d learn.
Right now if an alternative treatment does actually work how do we know?…
I know wishful thinking because of the big pharma beast. But still.
You raise some interesting points. Some of them are correct too but a few of them require you to make a few big assumptions which is where I disagree
Power Intensive
Claiming something is bad for the environment is a trick the globalists use to try to trick people into willingly giving up something they don’t like us doing. Eating meat, driving cars or having a currency that they cannot print more of to keep you enslaved to their system of control.
As you would know, there’s a great deal of things out there that already use significantly power than Bitcoin blockchain (eg. Banking network) but no one complains about them and uses it as an argument against them. Why? Because Bitcoin is a threat to the globalist cabal.
I’m of the opinion that on the Power argument, Bitcoin may actually usher in a new era of energy production. It provides a significant financial incentive to invest in and research ways to discover a plentiful source of power.
For solving scale, things like the lightning network offer a potential solution. Personally, I think the thing most people get wrong is thinking of Bitcoin as digital currency. If you ask me, I think of it more as digital land. In the sense that you COULD transfer land in exchange of payment but it’s kinda costly
There is hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. There’s a financial incentive for a lot of people to try to gain control of the network. But that is actually a feature, not a bug as it incentivises people, corporations and now (with El Salvador) governments to commit resources into fending off any attack like that. An attack like that at this point is kind of like chasing the horizon. On the surface it looks totally doable, in practice, I’m not so sure.
** Quantum **
This is a turn the world on its head kind of scenario with ramifications extending to pretty much everything.
My only counter to this point are:
(1) if this tech was advanced and available, it would mean there’d be a bunch of people who have experience building it and maintaining it. Wouldn’t one of those people be tempted to use the knowledge they have to get an edge?
(2) wouldn’t that kind of attack/cheating be profoundly obvious? And wouldn’t the solution for triaging after the fact to just be to establish consensus for the point in time just before the attack and work from there?
Yeah. Can this not be solved by just being a little bit more savvy with wallet handlings?
Thin proprietary layer
Even if they managed to get it to have any traction, the fundamental point is: they won’t be able to get away with hiding just how much magic money they’ve created and it all would have to distill back down into verifiable amounts of Bitcoin. No more “how much is actually in Fort Knox”
I think it’d be shortsighted to throw away solutions on the basis that they don’t actively stop determined actors from setting up a fiat scam on top. Because no matter what is invented there will always be a way for that kind of thing to be done.
But having a system that underpins it with verifiable amounts is a solid enough solution since as history has shown, even if you stop them they’ll work back in
For me the absolute strongest case for “why Bitcoin” is that it was first. I know it’s not particularly intellectual but my reason is: when Bitcoin first came onto the scene no one knew what it was or what it could be. It was innocent.
Anything that comes after has lost its innocence because it’s tainted by human greed.
I’m not convinced by your Bitcoin argument. Many pro-Bitcoin people are very much aware of the nefarious things going on and enthusiastic about “unbanking” themselves
Why would “they” (bankers/DS) introduce something completely new, setting off an entire industry that can potentially unseat the banking cabal in some elaborate control scheme?
Doesn’t make any sense to me.
It would be like poo poooing the entire invention of the internet/web as some genius deep state ploy
The utility of those things are just far to beneficial to the average man and far to detrimental to the supposed elites for it to make sense to me
This is the key part
They genuinely believe that the pandemic is only persisting because not enough people are getting the jabs This shifts their hatred of Trump towards the new common enemy
If trump was anti vaccine, there would be a number of repercussions
But the key and most important one is:
He would become the lightening rod to blame for continued COVID freedom destruction
They would position the average idiot easily into blaming Trump for missing Christmas, missing funerals etc.
Right now that blame is SLOWLY starting to be placed at the feet of the actual perpetrators: the globalist governments.
It’s a slow process because many normies haven’t trusted their own eyes and ears ever before in their life.
But gradually people are starting to wake up and get pissed off.
Not everyone will wake up. Some people are just born sheep and will always blindly follow whatever their sheep brain picks up as the consensus. They’re annoying but cannot be helped.
The real battle is for the minds that are capable of being awakened. and that’s happening.
People are waking up and starting to question the bullshit and starting to say they want the corrupt government out of their lives.
So you have: large chunk of the wakeable population awakening. Recent experience with globalist government lying corruption mixed with potentially the unveiling of some huge scandals.
If you were needing some kind of great awakening to get people up to speed and suspicious of the lying corrupt globalist control structures, this could be a way.
This explanation has always made the most sense
Especially when you consider the 8 year plan to destroy America with Hillary.
By this point the economy should have been at failing point. COVID would be the final nail in the coffin to usher in global communism and finalise the reshaping of the world by ensuring the complete and total financial destruction of the world economy
Trum forcing their hand through operation warp speed means that more and more people are waking up and realising something isn’t right.
Instead of sneaking it through and positioning the entire population into thanking their overlords, people are seeing things not add up and starting to push back. The numbers continue to grow every day
So it’s a race to the finish line. They’re abandoning the sneaky/subtle technique and just hoping to steamroll their way through.
It might work, it might not.
But I’ll say: if you consider how many people were awoken above the 2 party politics game prior to this compared to how many now… the difference is pretty significant
Imo: they want our Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the biggest threat to their control system and it represents an opportunity for a breakaway economy not controlled by them.
For all the gold standard folks, it’s similar. No more magic money. No more hidden taxes through inflation. A chance to exit the rat wheel
They are building their own digital currency like every cartel they want to take out the competition.
Bitcoin is the original. All the cryptos that came after are all “tainted” by expectations. Bitcoin has the humble beginnings factor that just cannot be replicated.
It’s my opinion that they’d want to use this “knocking the internet offline” as a 50% attack on the Bitcoin network to destroy it because it’s the biggest and last threat to their total control
Yeah it’s weird but I know people who are in the exact same position/mindset you are in
They weighed the options and decided getting it was a reasonable choice for them but they’re pissed the hell off with all the vaccine passport bullshit that’s being pushed and want people to be allowed to make their own decision, not be coerced.
Same logic for me too around if you gotta get one I’d rather stay away from the mRNA experimental stuff and lean towards ones with longer history of the technology being used.
Still not convinced I’d want any but these are my thoughts around it
I agree
Worth pointing out the mindset change that comes with seeing fiat as the shitcoin and Bitcoin as the real money
If you no longer care about fiat then it doesn’t matter as 1 BTC = 1 BTC
Just how most people don’t really care about the currency conversion of USD to <some random country>
Regardless, I agree with your assessment to cover all bases