photographer version of an ambulance chaser. They sell licenses to the news. tv show
stacking like items would make for better comparisons, no?
OP on thedonald thought so. I hadn't started that route yet. But, from what little I know, letters and words need spacing to define start/end.
Inverting the binary produces some Hanzul (Korean), Chinese (dominates the multibyte space), and a high surrogate character, -- so either way there are good chars and bad.
I found a white knight looking at it as multi-byte unicode over on thedonald. The rest could meaning something, but the ideograms I produced had to do with fish -- but could be a proper name of sorts.
䲑酪♘ ?䲢? , the question marks being UA28D, which doesn't have a glyph is a strange glyph.
imo, it begins when open your canned goods you saved up; turned the crank on the radio/flashlight.
tonight and/or last, yeah. Being chummy with the guys; handed out some coins. Some command staff, but they knew they were followed and filmed.
"Amazon", you say?
When asked why he risked it all to save his country, Lindell replied
I just wanted America to get a good night's sleep.
I can't get nuttin
HA, one of the replies.
i zoomed in on this over google maps a few minutes ago this might've been me
right. so the means of posting aside, we're left to interpret the (human) scheduler's intent.
legit. Meet John
Things to consider:
Is there an audience for your arguments? Others watching, even if they aren't joining in? If so, I'd recommend mercy. Claim the win, no doubt, but be humble.
Why? The lurkers are the harvest.
one of those thinking/learning/quantum computers?
or one of those human pre-schedules releases type computers?
the war horns of our timeline
Put the memes down. Hands up, get on the ground. Do it now
shall not be infringed
Breaking911 posted 6 Sep 2018
Test scheduled for 3 Oct 2018
There was only one "Friday 15" in 2018, and it was the in month of June.
Her other hand says it all.