If you wondered how the evidence from dear old Nancy's laptop was going to get entered into court the answer is that she's going to be tried by a military tribunal where the rules of evidence are very different from the rules that restrict the admissibility of evidence in federal court.
Looks like Nancy is goin' to GITMO. One way ticket.
DJT said in his last speach something to the effect of "when you catch someone committing fraud, now you have a different set of rules". Would tribunals be conducted under a DIFFERENT SET OF RULES than civilian Court?
If someone is detained, to be brought before a tribunal, would the public have to be informed of this occurrence?
I don't think so.
In normal courts cases can take years in tribunals they take one to two weeks
The NY Times even said she tried to stage a military coup
Nuremberg 2.0 is on the way.
Everything can be used.
"We have it all."
I wonder if the progress of thr NSA and digital technology has allowed the military to gain information about everyone for the last decade. Even people like the vatican, rothschilds etc..
And build up a clear picture of who is dping what. Being able to hack any computer any smartphone in the world must give you some valuable info right?
Just so long as they can't be pardoned afterwards.
And this is also right up Sidney Powell's alley.
She can enjoy the cockmeat sandwich in gitmo.
Educate yourself on Military Tribunals:
If you're posting this garbled up reference for me I'd read it before posting. It is an attempt to make tribunals appear the equal of federal courts when they are in fact not at all equal. Read more and try to absorb what you read. The differences are critical and they are why the laptops were stolen.
The stolen laptops would be inadmissible if federal courts. So why have specops scoop them? Only one reason.
Read the references I posted.
My bad, I apologize. I should have phrased it "One can learn about Military Tribunals here", so it wouldn't have been so directed at you.
Didn't mean to come across so snarky. I'm tired, I should get some sleep.