You may or may not remember toward the end of bathhouse Barry’s illegitimate presidency he tried to normalize/ease travel to cuba. One of the first things President Trump reversed when he took office was travel to cuba citing the fact that 80+% of the hotels there are owned by the military/government.
Heck, if Disney's involved in this to the extent it appears, you might not have the option of taking your kids there,
Part of justice is for common citizens getting to see them in the slammer, live while they await their fair trial.
Yep - 24/7 live streams - They had no issue intruding into every aspect of our lives - no reason we cant intrude on theirs.
There is a problem with your plan. Nancy will be executed and if the intel rumors are correct Bill Clinton already died and Hillary may also be dead.
So current Hill is a clone then?
well that sux, but I'm sure with another 190k indictments we can find the next in line to fill their shoes. and add a few wax figures.
Nothing can stop what is coming because it has already happened. Biden, Hillary, Bill, Bushes, Rothschilds, most are already dead.
Yeah, uh I'm gonna need to borrow some of that crack, Hunter
You may or may not remember toward the end of bathhouse Barry’s illegitimate presidency he tried to normalize/ease travel to cuba. One of the first things President Trump reversed when he took office was travel to cuba citing the fact that 80+% of the hotels there are owned by the military/government.
Stop fucking sliding with useless shit.