Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Of the four beasts in Daniel representing the nations of the world, a Lion with Wings of an Eagle is one. It is NOT the beast of revelations which is described as a dragon and "unlike any beast that came before it."
Nebuchadneezer is given a dream of the statue, that is how MANKIND sees our kingdoms over time. Babylon was the greatest (it lasted over a thousand years and ruled over everything else), our civilization the weakest and "last." Later Danial is given the vision of the Beasts representing the same kingdoms. That is how GOD sees our "kingdoms," as mere beasts.
"Western Civilization" is one kingdom as seen by God, not many. The greco-roman-Chrstian world we call "democracies" and "republics" and "monarchies" are all cut from the same cloth, that of the Roman empire. It doesn't matter how many times we change the names, the flags, the laws, the boundaries between states, it's all the same core civilization that hasn't changed since the graffiti on the walls in Pompe. Kings or Presidents, Lords or Senators, house of commons or house of representatives, the core of our society and laws has not changed since the Roman bill of rights. One fractured civilization of Iron and Clay, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.
The Beast that rises from the sea (out of no-where) will be a nation unlike the ones that came before. A total technocratic nightmare of communism that eradicates all remnants of the greco-roman civilization and does away with all rights and property would certainly fit that bill. Throw a new muslim Caliphate at the head of that system, and an army the likes of which the world has never seen will rise up from their entrenched positions all across the world in a single day.
Any 4 footed mammal can be referred to as a beast. The Mark is in reference to something else.
The Mark of the Beast. Revelation 16:2 and 19:20 cite the "mark of the beast" as a sign that identifies those who worship the beast out of the sea ( Rev 13:1). This beast is usually identified as the antichrist. This mark is first mentioned in 13:16-17, where it is imposed on humanity by the beast out of the earth ( 13:11). Some say that is the Roman Catholic church.
An apocalypse is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden.
Good is evil and evil is good
[Isa 5:20 KJV] 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
The people who implement marxism (or socialism, communism, or whatever you'd like to call it) don't believe in those 'ideals' whatsoever. They want total control of the government over the people with them in charge, and that's what every socialist/communist government which ever existed was. The peons that do all the heavy-lifting of creating this dictatorship are called useful-idiots with good reason.
Your theory is quite far off. The ones doing evil are not jews in faith, they serve the devil and do so quite openly.
Orthodox jews are quite 'far' right leaning and also want to be left the hell alone by the evil left. Soros and Rothchilds are NOT orthodox in any way.
We could blame the evil Catholics for everything the democrats and the deep church are doing too, how many of them claim to be catholic again? But in general it's somehow easier to separate good from evil when talking about Catholics and Jesuits, or American Patriots and Marxists. But those standards vanish when talking about a group to which one does not belong because a large amount of propaganda sets a specific narrative.
I know it's cliche and cheesy, but it's literally 1984. War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Yep. I think a lot of us have been aware of this for decades.
This is actually paraphrasing a quote from Chris Hedges. Also to note that this inversion is by design, it’s satanic.
End times are near, they have to be.
The end of the satanic Cabal.
The end of Satan and sin and evil IS the end in the bible.
Yes, too many people think it is the end of all things.
The end of the earthly kingdom.
The new Patriot Party logo is a lion, a beast.
What if the Patriot Party gets so popular, it turns into the mark of the beast?
Of the four beasts in Daniel representing the nations of the world, a Lion with Wings of an Eagle is one. It is NOT the beast of revelations which is described as a dragon and "unlike any beast that came before it."
Nebuchadneezer is given a dream of the statue, that is how MANKIND sees our kingdoms over time. Babylon was the greatest (it lasted over a thousand years and ruled over everything else), our civilization the weakest and "last." Later Danial is given the vision of the Beasts representing the same kingdoms. That is how GOD sees our "kingdoms," as mere beasts.
"Western Civilization" is one kingdom as seen by God, not many. The greco-roman-Chrstian world we call "democracies" and "republics" and "monarchies" are all cut from the same cloth, that of the Roman empire. It doesn't matter how many times we change the names, the flags, the laws, the boundaries between states, it's all the same core civilization that hasn't changed since the graffiti on the walls in Pompe. Kings or Presidents, Lords or Senators, house of commons or house of representatives, the core of our society and laws has not changed since the Roman bill of rights. One fractured civilization of Iron and Clay, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.
The Beast that rises from the sea (out of no-where) will be a nation unlike the ones that came before. A total technocratic nightmare of communism that eradicates all remnants of the greco-roman civilization and does away with all rights and property would certainly fit that bill. Throw a new muslim Caliphate at the head of that system, and an army the likes of which the world has never seen will rise up from their entrenched positions all across the world in a single day.
Any 4 footed mammal can be referred to as a beast. The Mark is in reference to something else.
The Mark of the Beast. Revelation 16:2 and 19:20 cite the "mark of the beast" as a sign that identifies those who worship the beast out of the sea ( Rev 13:1). This beast is usually identified as the antichrist. This mark is first mentioned in 13:16-17, where it is imposed on humanity by the beast out of the earth ( 13:11). Some say that is the Roman Catholic church.
An apocalypse is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden.
Right is wrong, wrong is right Real is fake, fake is real Good is evil, evil is good
Truth. It’s Black Magick in action.
Yep. Been going on for quite a while now.
A problem well defined is only half solved.
I guess this is what the "other side" felt 4 years ago. But I am pretty sure ours is quite real. And quite dangerous.
Hell on Earth
It's time to change all that, no?
That's not wrong.
Those are the fruits of a society that forsakes God
The truth hurts.
Good is evil and evil is good [Isa 5:20 KJV] 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Great David icke quote
What is it with these damned socialists? Go the hell away. Leave us alone. Realize your philosophy sucks and no one wants you! ?
The people who implement marxism (or socialism, communism, or whatever you'd like to call it) don't believe in those 'ideals' whatsoever. They want total control of the government over the people with them in charge, and that's what every socialist/communist government which ever existed was. The peons that do all the heavy-lifting of creating this dictatorship are called useful-idiots with good reason.
Your theory is quite far off. The ones doing evil are not jews in faith, they serve the devil and do so quite openly.
Orthodox jews are quite 'far' right leaning and also want to be left the hell alone by the evil left. Soros and Rothchilds are NOT orthodox in any way.
We could blame the evil Catholics for everything the democrats and the deep church are doing too, how many of them claim to be catholic again? But in general it's somehow easier to separate good from evil when talking about Catholics and Jesuits, or American Patriots and Marxists. But those standards vanish when talking about a group to which one does not belong because a large amount of propaganda sets a specific narrative.
Well the Synagogue of Satan is indistinguishable from any other by sight alone. The natural tribal bond further facilitates them.
Edit: Much like the various Mafias use ethnic enclaves as cover/support