No. That would shock us but not the world. Remember, the world watches the TV, and the TV tells them 24/7 Orange Man Bad. Vaccine Good. Wear Your Mask. That is what they believe.
I think you'd be surprised on that one
I live where were the first ones to see the new days sun technically im talking to you from the future lol but it would shock our country sure we have the same liberal retards but they are the minority the world as a whole knows good from evil right from wrong they are the minority
Unless there's a hidden message in there, and the first arrest is shocking because we didn't know it already happened as part of this series of events; Epstein
Biden and Clinton are dead and are played by doubles, for sure. GW Bush is rumoured to be dead. Xi is on our side, surprisingly. Pope is dead. Pence is a good guy playing a bad guy.
Okay so as I was saying last time you talked about Biden being dead, you got that special Hunter crack?
Biden I can see the double, just a couple years ago he looked closer to how he used to. Now he looks really weird with an entirely different complexion and somehow better hair.
However at the same time, he is clearly suffering from dementia and that ages you fast.
Dunno why you think Hillary is a body double. A lizard? Maybe after she gave birth in a cup.
Never heard the rumor of Gee Dubs being dead.
Pope definitely doesn't seem to be dead.
Pence I can see but I'll shit on him until the proof.
I think it could be Barry, as lot of the crimes Trump is undoing and investigating was under Barry's watch. They spied on his campaign and Barry obviously a major part in the shadow government still operating against trump. As Q told us Barry was traveling the world before and after Trump's arrival to certain countries. I think Trump has a lot on Hussein and he was the 'renegade' president seeking to betray America. I'm sure they almost completed their plan when Trump got in, so most of the worst betrayals were done recent to Trumps office.
It will shock the world because Barry is well loved and respected by them.
This is where I was headed with things. Someone posted earlier about the actual number of Biden voters being closer to maybe 25 million and it got me thinking.
Could the first arrest shock the world because of the timing , too ?
Could the first arrest be in Biden's inauguration ?
The whole world will watch the inauguration AND "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD" could be Biden's arrest in papers .
So what about SHOT being a photoSHOT and first arrest will be Biden's in his inauguration ? This would shock the world (BECAUSE the whole world will watch it)
Not gonna lie, the question you posed was super annoying lol, but I get it. You seem to be just digging for answers. You opened a can of worms here though lol.
DJT is considered a righteous man in these parts. "What has he legally done wrong?" should be the first question.. It is most likely someone who has committed Treason of Crimes Against Humanity that they have ultimate proof of...
These are great for beginners...The Deep State Part 1 & 2 are where I recommend starting. There are the actual Q drops as well but you might find yourself in over your head so take it slow and enjoy the show.
Are you a mod? Should I assume your comment "removed" means my post is now not visible to others? If so, how can I avoid incurring this penalty in the future? Thank you.
No. That would shock us but not the world. Remember, the world watches the TV, and the TV tells them 24/7 Orange Man Bad. Vaccine Good. Wear Your Mask. That is what they believe.
I'm going with Traitor 44 (Obummer / Barry) and his 14 pallets of stolen cash used to undermine Trump
I think you'd be surprised on that one I live where were the first ones to see the new days sun technically im talking to you from the future lol but it would shock our country sure we have the same liberal retards but they are the minority the world as a whole knows good from evil right from wrong they are the minority
Do we know the world watches TV? Who tells us this? The Television itself?
Not high. My questions are respectful. I used to live on TD. Now it is just noise. HUNGRY FOR ANSWERS
The first arrest will shock the world . Trump is not a shock . The other side expect him to be arrested . So it's not Trump .
But anyone have a thought about who it is ?? Which arrest would really shock the world ???
Maybe a "saint" who is evil ? That would really shock the world .
Going down the list from the top:
Pence (his own VP)
The (black) Pope
Obama (their black pope)
Hillary Clinton
George W Bush
Xi Jinping (okay now I'm going too far off track)
I think all of these would be shocking.
Unless there's a hidden message in there, and the first arrest is shocking because we didn't know it already happened as part of this series of events; Epstein
Biden and Clinton are dead and are played by doubles, for sure. GW Bush is rumoured to be dead. Xi is on our side, surprisingly. Pope is dead. Pence is a good guy playing a bad guy.
Okay so as I was saying last time you talked about Biden being dead, you got that special Hunter crack?
Biden I can see the double, just a couple years ago he looked closer to how he used to. Now he looks really weird with an entirely different complexion and somehow better hair.
However at the same time, he is clearly suffering from dementia and that ages you fast.
Dunno why you think Hillary is a body double. A lizard? Maybe after she gave birth in a cup.
Never heard the rumor of Gee Dubs being dead.
Pope definitely doesn't seem to be dead.
Pence I can see but I'll shit on him until the proof.
George Floyd getting arrested would shock a lot of people
The clearest answer seems to be Joe Biden.
you know, the thing
I think it could be Barry, as lot of the crimes Trump is undoing and investigating was under Barry's watch. They spied on his campaign and Barry obviously a major part in the shadow government still operating against trump. As Q told us Barry was traveling the world before and after Trump's arrival to certain countries. I think Trump has a lot on Hussein and he was the 'renegade' president seeking to betray America. I'm sure they almost completed their plan when Trump got in, so most of the worst betrayals were done recent to Trumps office. It will shock the world because Barry is well loved and respected by them.
Oh yes.
Let's not forget Obama (and Nancy's?) statements of (paraphrasing) "we'll have the Navy drag Trump out of the White House if we have to"
Or fumigate Trump from the White House. She's such a cunt.
I'm so excited for 0bummer to go down! It will be the ultimate comeback if/when Trump proves 0bama is a Kenyan and Trump was right all along too.
Hell, just look at Michael O's videos and statements.
I guess the world is behind potus But I pray thats not the case
This is where I was headed with things. Someone posted earlier about the actual number of Biden voters being closer to maybe 25 million and it got me thinking.
That would cause a civil war IMHO. They don’t want to inflame the patriots.
Great point.
Go back to your designated shitting site, TDW.
Which part of the sidebar are you? "Civil Discussion Only" or "Representing Most Positive Way Possible"??
The way things are going, I would be shocked if anyone got arrested. Yes I'm losing a little hope, sorry about it.
Try this then
Wow...that's amazing :)
Allow me some global point of view from Europe.. If you say The Arrest Will Shock The World, then it has to be someone recognized globally..
Ten miles behind the US borders no one has the faintest idea who these people are..
THIS is the insight I was looking for with my query. Thanks, Europe!
Could the world be unified in hatred?
That's the left in a nutshell
200M voted for him. He won 410 electoral votes. They have the server from Frankfurt.
Why would trump set himself up. When his never done anything bad.
Doesn't trump have to exit stage at some point?
No. Insurrection Act puts him to the side
ThanQ for shedding some light on this.
Could the first arrest shock the world because of the timing , too ?
Could the first arrest be in Biden's inauguration ?
The whole world will watch the inauguration AND "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD" could be Biden's arrest in papers .
So what about SHOT being a photoSHOT and first arrest will be Biden's in his inauguration ? This would shock the world (BECAUSE the whole world will watch it)
Rosie O’Donnell Trump has never liked her ?
OK, u win. KEK!
That wouldn't shock the world, your complete autist. It would be like "no shit, orange man bad". is a containment site for you spergs. Time to head back there.
Is "complete autist" slander or praise here? Please help. Serious answers only.
Not gonna lie, the question you posed was super annoying lol, but I get it. You seem to be just digging for answers. You opened a can of worms here though lol.
DJT is considered a righteous man in these parts. "What has he legally done wrong?" should be the first question.. It is most likely someone who has committed Treason of Crimes Against Humanity that they have ultimate proof of...
These are great for beginners...The Deep State Part 1 & 2 are where I recommend starting. There are the actual Q drops as well but you might find yourself in over your head so take it slow and enjoy the show.
I am balls-deep already. Why is no one acknowledging my use of the word arrest in quotations?
Removed. Uh....... no. It said SHOCK, not surprise.
Are you a mod? Should I assume your comment "removed" means my post is now not visible to others? If so, how can I avoid incurring this penalty in the future? Thank you.