159 Obama and Gates haven’t tweeted in many days (uncharacteristically). Pelosi hasn’t been seen in Congress the last 2 days when she’s pushing her impeachment of Trump... posted 4 years ago by Sharker 4 years ago by Sharker +159 / -0 Does anyone have any news or updates about this? None of that seems normal. 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't, except to say these are very good omens. Also, the best is yet to come, so DJT has a way to make this all turn out great for the American people.
McConnell and Schumer should be hearing the Jaws music getting louder...
People should play that to them instead of calling them traitors when they see them, the reaction would be priceless
Oh my Lord, please make this a thing.
Horrible cell service at Epstein Island.
For good reason! With all the disgusting shit that apparently would go on over there, they didn't want outside communications.
Oh they had cell service.
There was a drop asking why was JE filling the tunnels with concrete.
I think it ended like These people are stupid.
Did he go dark when Trumpers “raided” the Capital... then impeachment... I feel like this is a weird time for him not to say anything.
For him to not be slamming Trump supporters for the capital would be way out of character.
RED3: Pelosi or Pence?
Yeah, but #PelosiLovesTrump
Is there a SOURCE for this? I keep hearing this over and over, but I also remember when Tom Hanks disappeared.
I said she got an ice cream delivery. They didn't show the freezers in her basement where she has all the children locked up.
They only get cheap-ass tubs of vanilla though.
She's gotta be there until they finish unloading the trucks.
She's probably got a hair appointment after that and dinner with Gavin at some restaurant in a neighborhood where restaurants are shut down.
Followed by a constitution and flag burning party.
Before they go to the basement to rape some more kids.
shes there right now started streaming 35 minutes ago. She swore in more swamp and is going to take a vote to remove Trump with the 25th amendment
She has no authority to remove Trump with the 25th.
I don't know who the person is that tweeted that
Pelosi demanded a covid positive member come in to vote for her to be speaker...
I retweet that Pelosi should have never put that woman in that situation.
Where's Nancy? Where's Hunter? Where's Gina. They will all have a story to tell. A tale of treason, pedophilia and murder. Stay tuned.
IMO - no proof means - no shouting it out. The left already makes sh** up without us actually giving them ammunition:)
Pelosi was in Congress earlier today and left early. It she’s around.