If it really is happening, then shouldn’t we keep our mouths shut, lest we alert the enemy to the plan?? Not that we would be able to reveal much, since we know so little, but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for any deaths of our military members because we accidentally gave away positions or movements or anything like that.
Trust the plan.
We have had years to spread the word, to wake people up, to alert them to what’s really going on. And we have done that. More people are awake now then ever before.
But now, I think it’s time to be silent. We have literally done all we can do. It is not our job to unravel the puzzle before it occurs, nor would it be a good thing if we did. The only thing further investigation would do would be to give our enemies more information that might help them. Silence and patience are our best weapons at this time.
Godbless and Godspeed.
While I agree, I also think that if they haven't figured it out thus far, they never will.
Problem with insulating media and tech with lies is that the truth never gets to them.
We could publically mention how we'll destroy Biden et al. right now and CNN will censor it, and Pelosi would never see it.
But then again, they might already know.
The beautiful part about it is for them to act upon Q, they would have to admit that Q is real, and they would never do that.
Well someone said on there that there's a chance that there may be something similar to Q on the other side. It's obviously not as robust as Q. This may be because they keep loading up on useless information. Perhaps this is the UNICORNS? I agree though. Maybe we should communicate as privately as possible?
I understand the sentiment, but I also think there is a lot of hubris in thinking that if everything is "happening," that we have been able to divine some truth out of the events taking place beyond those in the know on both sides.
From the beginning of the Q Posts, we have only ever been observers, and most of us will probably only ever be observers seeing the rippling action of others. And we got to be okay with that.
Well... it's not like they can do anything with the intel
our mission is already explained
informational warfare
At first i thought this too, then i realized, Q is atleast 5 steps ahead, not to mention 2 year delta messages coming true, Even if they figure it out, its already too late for them.
Unless we can assure no violence from ucs
Maybe it is not so much about alerting the DS to the plan. ...as they have been perusing the boards for years....
Maybe we need a bit more care in letting everyone know where we congregate, lest we have an immediate fall back...
And since this site is not p2p ... and is a single point of failure ....
While every snowflake karen, or castrated snowflake karen, can start shit.