I know a lot of Christians don’t like the Mormon church, but the entire Book of Mormon is native records of the western world and their direct ties to Israel, not here to debate if it’s true or not but it’s very fascinating stuff to say the least.
He goes into a little depth about their oral traditions & growing up it was clear many times over our government would hide knowledge from Americans. Some from Tesla, others about dig sites that suggest giants or Hebrew roots, others about interesting tech that I would see in the 90s with early internet.
It just seems interesting that everything is coming together & that President Trump simply wants all people to work together & to be fair to each other. Just be at peace & respect each other.
Even if you do not believe in a God, Jesus, or that there has been Hebrew people that made it to the US. At the very least there is far more to this country & our history than what our narrative is telling us & I believe Trump & Q is trying to break us free from the traditional story.
Edit: It is clear when you start looking at Native American stories from any Tribe*
When we listen they each offer a unique idea about what the history of this land really is.
In the Bible, Jesus described the Jews who refused to follow him as being the sons of Satan. Martin Luther (not king jr.) and C.S Lewis were NOT fans of the Jews. Anyone who is Christian and thinks for themselves would realize why Christianity and Judaism did not get along for centuries. This modern movement if trying to lump these two things together as "Judeo-Christian" was always total bunk.
What about Gen.49:8-12?“Judah, your brothers will praise you. You will grasp your enemies by the neck. All your relatives will bow before you. Judah, my son, is a young lion that has finished eating its prey. Like a lion he crouches and lies down; like a lioness—who dares to rouse him? The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. He ties his foal to a grapevine, the colt of his donkey to a choice vine. He washes his clothes in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth are whiter than milk.
Genesis 49:8-12 NLT
When this Kraken is released itll kinda be like Thor Ragnorak at the end but it's Nancy Pelosi taking on a giant Eagle/Uncle Sam with an American flag Cape fighting w the scales of justice and armor of God!!
I want to see what's in there and the Vatican. Hmm, that's an interesting thought actually. Are secrets in Smithsonian classified or just hidden? I like this. Could someone declassify what's in there without breaking a classified secret law? Thanks for the beginning of a trail. They have 154 million items according to wiki (I know, I know) so even half that number is impressive.
it's not about the White House. It's about the Smithsonian. They keep a Kraken in the basement.
Along with the giant human skeletons/Nephilim and who knows what else.
Lots of evidence down there to back up the Cheyenne Indian Tribe claim to Israel I am told.
No matter what is down there, I am hoping to see knowledge unloaded in the amounts from the library of Alexanderia.
Maybe we should be storming the Smithsonian archives rather than Area 51
Naruto run - they can't catch you all :-P
Woah what?! Natives and israel?
I know a lot of Christians don’t like the Mormon church, but the entire Book of Mormon is native records of the western world and their direct ties to Israel, not here to debate if it’s true or not but it’s very fascinating stuff to say the least.
He goes into a little depth about their oral traditions & growing up it was clear many times over our government would hide knowledge from Americans. Some from Tesla, others about dig sites that suggest giants or Hebrew roots, others about interesting tech that I would see in the 90s with early internet.
It just seems interesting that everything is coming together & that President Trump simply wants all people to work together & to be fair to each other. Just be at peace & respect each other.
Watching this again reminded me of that side of him. https://vimeo.com/116458701
Even if you do not believe in a God, Jesus, or that there has been Hebrew people that made it to the US. At the very least there is far more to this country & our history than what our narrative is telling us & I believe Trump & Q is trying to break us free from the traditional story.
Edit: It is clear when you start looking at Native American stories from any Tribe*
When we listen they each offer a unique idea about what the history of this land really is.
TPTB has kept so many secrets from us. It's time we know them. We can handle the truth.
Regardless of bloodlines, the Jews broke the covenant, resulting in the loss of the Ark of the Covenant and the Second Temple.
John the Baptist told them not to trust in Abraham, as the Lord can raise sons of Abraham from the very stones.
In the Bible, Jesus described the Jews who refused to follow him as being the sons of Satan. Martin Luther (not king jr.) and C.S Lewis were NOT fans of the Jews. Anyone who is Christian and thinks for themselves would realize why Christianity and Judaism did not get along for centuries. This modern movement if trying to lump these two things together as "Judeo-Christian" was always total bunk.
That's why the 144,000 are actually descendants from the 12 tribes? Come on.
Paul deliberately fit into whatever group he was in so as to not put up any barriers to spreading the Gospel.
What about Gen.49:8-12?“Judah, your brothers will praise you. You will grasp your enemies by the neck. All your relatives will bow before you. Judah, my son, is a young lion that has finished eating its prey. Like a lion he crouches and lies down; like a lioness—who dares to rouse him? The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. He ties his foal to a grapevine, the colt of his donkey to a choice vine. He washes his clothes in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth are whiter than milk. Genesis 49:8-12 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/gen.49.8-12.NLT
True, Judah=Jew if I understand it correctly.
They were recognized as a lost Tribe of Israel if memory serves correctly. I need to find the links.
The Arc. Like the movie ;-)
Top men are dealing with it.
And fruit stripe gum that never loses its flavor.
Ooo, I can’t wait for that stuff to be revealed.
Thought they’d be in the Vatican basement
Good point. Many secrets housed there too. Lift the veil!
I want to see the Kraken I wonder if it can talk kek.
When this Kraken is released itll kinda be like Thor Ragnorak at the end but it's Nancy Pelosi taking on a giant Eagle/Uncle Sam with an American flag Cape fighting w the scales of justice and armor of God!!
it will be more like the dragon and the Mother of the Christ
What better place to find a harlot with the mark of the beast drinking the blood of the Saints than DC
I figured Nancy was Medusa in this Epic
I want to see what's in there and the Vatican. Hmm, that's an interesting thought actually. Are secrets in Smithsonian classified or just hidden? I like this. Could someone declassify what's in there without breaking a classified secret law? Thanks for the beginning of a trail. They have 154 million items according to wiki (I know, I know) so even half that number is impressive.