Everyday henceforth, the amount of disinfo, shilling, trolling, and general faggotry will increase exponentially against us. Carefully analyze content, and use proper discernment before jumping on some "info". We are definitely about to get into the fucking weeds over the next few days.
Comments (15)
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I'm seeing hardcore normies asking about mass arrests. The media war is over, we won. What comes next is anyone's guess, but I think we'll love the ending.
Same here I went from your the crazy Q guy to Holy shit wtf is going on in a matter of weeks
I'll bet the optics of the barbed wire fences and tons of troops did that trick ????
My son called me as he was driving home from work yesterday and immediately asked if Trump had declared martial law. He usually doesn't read much news so rumors are starting to get around.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Be skeptical of anything you read on the internet and see on TV.
Just a badge of honor for us that have gone through this sudden increase before. First off even before the sudden increase u should always be caution of anyone's post or theory they talk about. There hasn't been a single theory about Q and what will take place. Some might have weight in a few hearts but they are not remembered by most. Ur not here to get hope or guidance from any of us. Ur here to learn ur inner truth and come to ur own journey. Even if u let yourself believe a false truth u have already woken up so u can see easier when u start to drift to far and u know how and what to look for. All the post people share r just gateways for the many different souls path. I've been amazed at what was the trigger for some of my biggest growth. Another thing I believe is u should read everything without judging it at all and then try to start a discussion with the poster and there response should reveal atleast a baseline
While normally I would agree, I don’t think any of that really matters at this point. Whatever happens will happen. And we all know NCSWIC.
We should have stopped allowing new accounts on GAW about a week ago!
The good news is, if/when it all comes to pass, all the treacherous, devious phuquers and other assorted Justin’s will have more pressing concerns than trying to shill about these parts.
Bongino Rule!