757 *NEW* Executive Order on Protecting The United States From Certain Unmanned Aircraft Systems (www.whitehouse.gov) posted 4 years ago by oldseaweed007 4 years ago by oldseaweed007 +757 / -0 91 comments share 91 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why you dooming in here. We won't be talking so neggy until after the 20. In case you haven't noticed this is a Q board. We hold the faith here. If your not here to find hope then you came to the wrong message board.
Exactly. This isn't a Plan B board.
It's kind of plan A, assuming they meant to have the election stolen, having the courts refuse to even hear evidence, etc. and plan B otherwise.
He's all up on plan C...or a bad actor trying to get everyone for a false flag again
Shut that FED-UP!!!