44 I just got an EAS test to my phone, that never happens! Anyone else? posted 4 years ago by Fudog 4 years ago by Fudog +44 / -0 Bout shit my pants. 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yup just about shit my pants. Im in Texas dont know about you
I did too on android work phone not on my personal iPhone— said monthly emergency alert test (not Amber- I have that turned off). Never happened before— also in Texas
Im in TX and I didn't get anything. Weird
not yet but im waiting for one
Louisville, KY
Yes. Felt like somebody was rubbing it in my face.
Yep 1:01. Heart is still pounding!
i think you shit your pants and almost got an eas on your phone...
I just have an old flip phone. I'm not gonna get shit! I will have to rely on my fellow Pedes for any EAS notification.
I’m seeing a few popping up. I wish I could get one. I’d feel much better if I did
Nothing here - yet
What state
Nothing in IL yet.
No, not here in the mid west
Liar. Proof?
What was the message?
MD NOT Amber.
I’m in TX and didn’t get one on my iPhone
Not yet
Nope. Nothing.
Basically all of this is a whole lot of nothing....just saying.
Amber alert ?
Guess you're the only one so far !
Actual commercial alert test.
NC i never get these either.