50 Hiden has issued ZERO Executive Orders? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Internet_hugs 4 years ago by Internet_hugs +52 / -2 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It probably takes time for them to upload and prepare. Give it a day or three, then, maybe...
yep it looks like 4-5 days average to become "published" on the website
The Federal Register only covers Executive Orders of Presidents and not statements by CEOs of now-defunct, illegal corporations.
This screenshot is FAKE NEWS.
The data is outdated!
Notice how Donald Trump 2021 only says "6" executive orders. He issued 17 on his last day, so the data on here is incorrect...
By the way FUCK YOU and GOODBYE. Deported because your username violates Rule 1.
I like your high energy
Isn't that great?
Exactly. All theater
Click on the CSV/Excel.
Note the dating for Signed vs. Published
it's a blank excel file?
Within a about a weeks time we can confirm if any EO's have been published.
Trumps, not Bidens.
Executive action vs executive order
What’s the difference- honestly asking
EAs are a suggestion w no teeth. Look it up. I’d help you out but OTM now.
Think it takes like a week for them to be published.. look at Trumps most recent ones for 2021
I agree, they likely mean nothing but go look at the ones Trump signed in 2021, there's a minimum of 3 days between the "signed" and "Published" date. They might be published in a few days, we'll see.
Whitehouse.gov lists them all
Those are not executive orders.
They are executive bullshit.
it takes a few days to publish.
Nice try. Just trying to keep the damage minimal till Biden is put in Gitmo.