The super duper serial attack on literally the most sacred place in the universe was also the single deadliest, most chaotic event since 9/11 and pearl harbor put together. Drumpf said to peacefully march to the capitol and we all know that peaceful protests are a dog whistle for burning shit down like we did for almost a whole year. Dont you understand, you sexist nazi racist terrorist? Why can’t you just come together in healing and unity with us, fascist nazi transphobic bigot?
It’s one of the most egregious examples GASLIGHTING by those at the highest levels, that I’ve ever seen. And believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter there (sorry couldn’t resist)
I can’t take it, that the entire ruling class, mainstream, and legitimately anyone or anything you see outside of your family and friends (and unfortunately a decent number of those are still brainwashed, for many of us) seem to genuinely believe what they say they believe about January 6th, and everything relating to it. And it’s ALL wrong and makes no fucking sense if analyzed in a vacuum, outside of a world where Democrats have the power to spin the most unspinnable situations into something that’s good for them and bad for the opponent.
If nothing else, I want to live to see a day in the USA where this kind of stuff would absolutely not fly. People/politicians that dare to try it would get their asses called out so fast, and be publicly shamed for trying to deceive and gaslight citizens in this way. They would be reminded of the horrendously unjust and propaganda-ridden era of the 10s-20s, where this all began and ended, as we know it. It’d be like being compared to a Nazi, where no one on any part of the political spectrum would want to be compared to a present-era Democrat. Gosh. That would be the dream.
Gotta beat the MSM for that to happen. In fact, with them defeated, so many of our problems would go away or be reduced to manageable levels. That, I believe, is one of the main objectives of Q. We are well on our way with this. Polls now showing a major reduction in trust in the media since the Dominion machine/ballot stuffing selection, but there is much work yet to do.
AOC led protests against Kav inside federal buildings - it was never called a vile siege, no calls for rounding up her or all her supporters as terrorists, no hyperbole about how democracy itself and the foundations of the nation were in peril, no demands to throw her & supporters out of the banking system, off social media, forbidding them from setting foot in businesses, it didn't even get compared to the holocaust!
Making up shit as they go and inventing new offences that arent real (while committing ones that are) is the modus operandi of the radical left.
Don't know. Don't have the access. I thought about applying to be a MOD myself, I just don't really have the time. Or the "relevant" back story. I am happy another [M] did though. Makes more sense.
Doesn't pass the smell test. If the (FRAUDULENT) house had to rush a vote days before he left office so fast that the Senate couldn't even see it, all they could do is bar him from serving again. What is the real point or justice in that? Removing someone during service is one thing, but if he's already out, how can you come in after the fact and stop further possible service? If the people really want him, let them have him.
Additionally, why are they concerned about him coming back, anyway? They only got him out through cheating, they can just chest to keep him out... Unless it's true that some entity stopped their cheating in 2016.
Nothing anywhere suggests that you can't impeach someone who is no longer in office.
The question is "why do it?" They are impeaching him for lying about voter fraud which means Trump would finally get to present all his evidence. They have nothing to gain and everything the lose by doing this.
Will Trump be allowed to testify, will this be when Q post 1181is used
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.
Trump declassified a lot of info before he left, is this when he will get to show the public what was done?
Will this also set the precedent (however misguided) to bring in former leaders (0bama, Clinton, Bush)
He's already been impeached by the House. The next is a trial in the Senate. That is when evidence would be presented since the House denied that phase.
This is good and a very concise example of precedent, however, this administration, congress and senate have violated the constitution on so many different grounds.
They actively don't care about the constitution. CJ Roberts couldn't give two shits about the constitution.
They rigged an election. They released a virus and god knows what else for their own gain and to rig the postal service in their favor. The Postal Service being co-opted as such, is a massive blow to the spirit of the consitution.
If there is no adherence to the constitution and in fact, Biden et al wish to pack the supreme court in their favor, the constitution is only applying to those who wish to acknowledge it.
Back in 1799, they respected the constitution. This belligerent administration is fully willing to dismantle it. In fact, some have called for it.
The fact that Trump didn't pull the pin after the DNI report was handed down, was a grave mistake, imo, supposing there's no military plan.
Of course this could be the plan indeed, to make people aware of the constitution... it's just a very nerve wracking way to go about it for everyone else!
breaking the constitution is a past time for the left. Not calling them out in public and letting the abuse continue is the failure of both a complicit media and fake controlled opposition (GOP)
Great summary. This needs to be presented to the people en mass especially if the Senate actually moves forward with this thing. Congressmen and Senators need to be made to understand that they will be held accountable for this.
A couple people already have been censured for their actions regarding this. That is a good sign. Also, Marjorie Tayor Green filing articles of impeachment against Biden, while they won't go anywhere now, serves as a threat hanging over their heads to hopefully provide a small check on their power. All we would need is a few seats gained and Biden would have the asterisk around his neck too. It's not much, unless we could actually get 2/3 Senators to convict, but it is something. They have to be taught that impeachment cannot be used like this.
Just a little more by Binden aaaand...
No matter there is a plan or there isn't. This crooks are braking the law and constitution what makes them legally out of office.
I'm still waiting to hear what Trump said that could in any way, shape or form be construed as problematic in any way, shape or form...
The super duper serial attack on literally the most sacred place in the universe was also the single deadliest, most chaotic event since 9/11 and pearl harbor put together. Drumpf said to peacefully march to the capitol and we all know that peaceful protests are a dog whistle for burning shit down like we did for almost a whole year. Dont you understand, you sexist nazi racist terrorist? Why can’t you just come together in healing and unity with us, fascist nazi transphobic bigot?
This is the first comment I’ve ever saved. That was incredible.
^^^Doing the dirty work so we don't have to, channeling reddit. Thx for taking that bullet.
It’s one of the most egregious examples GASLIGHTING by those at the highest levels, that I’ve ever seen. And believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter there (sorry couldn’t resist)
I can’t take it, that the entire ruling class, mainstream, and legitimately anyone or anything you see outside of your family and friends (and unfortunately a decent number of those are still brainwashed, for many of us) seem to genuinely believe what they say they believe about January 6th, and everything relating to it. And it’s ALL wrong and makes no fucking sense if analyzed in a vacuum, outside of a world where Democrats have the power to spin the most unspinnable situations into something that’s good for them and bad for the opponent.
If nothing else, I want to live to see a day in the USA where this kind of stuff would absolutely not fly. People/politicians that dare to try it would get their asses called out so fast, and be publicly shamed for trying to deceive and gaslight citizens in this way. They would be reminded of the horrendously unjust and propaganda-ridden era of the 10s-20s, where this all began and ended, as we know it. It’d be like being compared to a Nazi, where no one on any part of the political spectrum would want to be compared to a present-era Democrat. Gosh. That would be the dream.
I didn't realize that was my dream too until you described it so well?
Gotta beat the MSM for that to happen. In fact, with them defeated, so many of our problems would go away or be reduced to manageable levels. That, I believe, is one of the main objectives of Q. We are well on our way with this. Polls now showing a major reduction in trust in the media since the Dominion machine/ballot stuffing selection, but there is much work yet to do.
I too have now acquired the cactuscactus dream. Excellent, original perception.
AOC led protests against Kav inside federal buildings - it was never called a vile siege, no calls for rounding up her or all her supporters as terrorists, no hyperbole about how democracy itself and the foundations of the nation were in peril, no demands to throw her & supporters out of the banking system, off social media, forbidding them from setting foot in businesses, it didn't even get compared to the holocaust!
Making up shit as they go and inventing new offences that arent real (while committing ones that are) is the modus operandi of the radical left.
Absolutely NOTHING!
This is why they NEVER point out a specific quote to legitimize their claims.
Yeah it’s ridiculous. From now on, will every single lefty politician that invites or supports BLM/Antifa be held to the same impeachment standard?
Illegitamate attempt or legit attempt because he won?
I’m tracking with you on this.
If proof ever gets out that he actually won that will prove he still is President. So they KNOW they are impeaching a ‘sitting’ president.
This is why the censorship is so widespread. The proof is overwhelming.
Can this guy sticky his own posts?
He is a mod he can if he’d like, I put the sticky on this.
Don't know. Don't have the access. I thought about applying to be a MOD myself, I just don't really have the time. Or the "relevant" back story. I am happy another [M] did though. Makes more sense.
Fake news said becuz he was still in office when it was voted on.
Doesn't pass the smell test. If the (FRAUDULENT) house had to rush a vote days before he left office so fast that the Senate couldn't even see it, all they could do is bar him from serving again. What is the real point or justice in that? Removing someone during service is one thing, but if he's already out, how can you come in after the fact and stop further possible service? If the people really want him, let them have him.
Additionally, why are they concerned about him coming back, anyway? They only got him out through cheating, they can just chest to keep him out... Unless it's true that some entity stopped their cheating in 2016.
Nothing anywhere suggests that you can't impeach someone who is no longer in office.
The question is "why do it?" They are impeaching him for lying about voter fraud which means Trump would finally get to present all his evidence. They have nothing to gain and everything the lose by doing this.
Will Trump be allowed to testify, will this be when Q post 1181is used
Trump declassified a lot of info before he left, is this when he will get to show the public what was done?
Will this also set the precedent (however misguided) to bring in former leaders (0bama, Clinton, Bush)
Your comment just activated my autism level.
What if this second impeachment was part of the plan?
What if DECLASS is Trump's impeachment trial!?
In a frivolous impeachment hearing, he could unload anything and everything!
He's already been impeached by the House. The next is a trial in the Senate. That is when evidence would be presented since the House denied that phase.
This is good and a very concise example of precedent, however, this administration, congress and senate have violated the constitution on so many different grounds.
They actively don't care about the constitution. CJ Roberts couldn't give two shits about the constitution.
They rigged an election. They released a virus and god knows what else for their own gain and to rig the postal service in their favor. The Postal Service being co-opted as such, is a massive blow to the spirit of the consitution.
If there is no adherence to the constitution and in fact, Biden et al wish to pack the supreme court in their favor, the constitution is only applying to those who wish to acknowledge it.
Back in 1799, they respected the constitution. This belligerent administration is fully willing to dismantle it. In fact, some have called for it.
The fact that Trump didn't pull the pin after the DNI report was handed down, was a grave mistake, imo, supposing there's no military plan.
Of course this could be the plan indeed, to make people aware of the constitution... it's just a very nerve wracking way to go about it for everyone else!
So this is the explanation of what we already know -- these traitors don't respect the laws of our country.
They obviously do not care
It wll come back to bite them
Am I the only one who has to zoom and scroll left and right ?
Patiently waiting until things are finally moving forward FeelsGoodman
Sham impeachment. I don't think the senate will follow through.
Legally, impeachment for crimes during presidency should be allowed, right?
A private citizen cannot be impeached, it is a political process. Crimes during presidency would be tried in a court of law.
A government that is in favor of violating our election is a government that by no surprise has no issues violating the constitution.
This ends only in 2 ways.
Nothing can stop what is coming We will have our country back. One way or another
breaking the constitution is a past time for the left. Not calling them out in public and letting the abuse continue is the failure of both a complicit media and fake controlled opposition (GOP)
I don't think Mitch cares. He's ready to vote to convict and make sure trump can never be president ever again.
There could be entire libraries written of the crimes of these people.
What matters at this point is: what can, or is, being done about it?
Great summary. This needs to be presented to the people en mass especially if the Senate actually moves forward with this thing. Congressmen and Senators need to be made to understand that they will be held accountable for this.
A couple people already have been censured for their actions regarding this. That is a good sign. Also, Marjorie Tayor Green filing articles of impeachment against Biden, while they won't go anywhere now, serves as a threat hanging over their heads to hopefully provide a small check on their power. All we would need is a few seats gained and Biden would have the asterisk around his neck too. It's not much, unless we could actually get 2/3 Senators to convict, but it is something. They have to be taught that impeachment cannot be used like this.
how can you impeach a president that is no longer president....?
the whole point of impeachment is to get him out of office....
why would you bother to impeach a president a few days before he leaves office anyways ?
scared of something ?
could trump still be in office ?
CCP Dem wheels spinning in the mud here....
In other news, liberals don't care about the rules and nor should they because there are no repurcussions to breaking them.
"While I believe his remarks to his supporters were disturbing and a serious mistake..."
Which remarks exactly? Because I watched the whole thing and literally nothing, no comment was "disturbing."
Impeach Nancy Pelosi but she is getting closer to being mentally dead.
Welcome to post Constitutional America.
Couldn't he just ignore it since its unconstitutional?
Just a little more by Binden aaaand... No matter there is a plan or there isn't. This crooks are braking the law and constitution what makes them legally out of office.
The impeachment is proof that they know he won and is the rightful President.