A quiet Trump is a very dangerous Trump (to the Left). I would not trifle with a man who has stripped of his first amendment, cheated out of office, and has had banks close his accounts. This motherfucker will burn the establishment to the ground.
And growing now that buyers remorse is setting in. 120,000 energy jobs just lost in Texas alone due to Keystone Pipeline. Biden is a disaster! I miss Trump Bigly!
My TDS brother sent me an anti-Trump thing yesterday. Seriously, their whole thing was hating Trump. Now he disappeared and they still want to think they are fighting the system. It's not over but they don't have a leg to say anything. And if they keep saying it, it shows they know they fucked up but don't want to admit it. February is going to be a long month watching these people break.
We stopped inviting TDS-sufferers to our social events a good while ago. Now they complain about how nobody hangs out with them anymore and they're so lonely.
You should tell your brother only Dictators have razor wire fencing with guards around the government. I do believe if Joe causes the economy to crash and millions of lost jobs the dems would still praise him, thank you Joe this grass taste good with a little salt.
I would pay to see what President Trump is up to, yall think Trump is going to just let these cocksuckers do him and his family the way they've done him for 4 years, take a shit on his economy with a bullshit virus, burn down cities, cheat him out of an election, call him a white supremist leader inciting a riot on the Capitol and not do shit about it??
LOL, I will never datefag because who knows how long it's going to take but if you think something odd isn't going on then I have unicorns for sale.
The Hill trolled him today at the golf course. He lives rent free in their head. Like a break up CNN will be late night phone bombing Trump...what are you doing?
Funny. They hated Trump to the core but he's what drove any numbers they had. People watched for the vitriol. Now that they don't have Trump to complain about what remains of their viewership are leaving too. The number of people who hated Trump don't now support Biden.
I wonder how long they'll play this off because honestly it's very off and very weird and they have to be aware of that, so they're either hiding it or they really don't care.
Thats what theyre not getting. Its quiet. Eerily quiet.
A quiet Trump is a very dangerous Trump (to the Left). I would not trifle with a man who has stripped of his first amendment, cheated out of office, and has had banks close his accounts. This motherfucker will burn the establishment to the ground.
And 80+ million patriots who want their country back.
You fucking know it. Betting its close to 100M. Trump is the most popular President of all time.
And growing now that buyers remorse is setting in. 120,000 energy jobs just lost in Texas alone due to Keystone Pipeline. Biden is a disaster! I miss Trump Bigly!
Xiden is such a retard.
And he won't even need a fire starter.
Hoping so.
Handshake faggot
Yeh this one is a troll. https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJtAohEr/x/c/4DvmPruGXXI?d=50
And check the rest of his post history. Hes probably here to create more content for the next Jimmy Kimmel Q segment
Trump is like a spider in the room. They might not like him, but they'd damn sure prefer to know where he is and what he's doing.
a centipede* in the room lol
Exactly! That's the best. He's living rent free in their twisted minds.
I can't relax without knowing what Trump is doing.
Golfing and laughing that CNN ratings have crashed, bigly.
My TDS brother sent me an anti-Trump thing yesterday. Seriously, their whole thing was hating Trump. Now he disappeared and they still want to think they are fighting the system. It's not over but they don't have a leg to say anything. And if they keep saying it, it shows they know they fucked up but don't want to admit it. February is going to be a long month watching these people break.
It will get to the point where one day people will trash trump and the whole party will walk into the other room
We stopped inviting TDS-sufferers to our social events a good while ago. Now they complain about how nobody hangs out with them anymore and they're so lonely.
You should tell your brother only Dictators have razor wire fencing with guards around the government. I do believe if Joe causes the economy to crash and millions of lost jobs the dems would still praise him, thank you Joe this grass taste good with a little salt.
I would pay to see what President Trump is up to, yall think Trump is going to just let these cocksuckers do him and his family the way they've done him for 4 years, take a shit on his economy with a bullshit virus, burn down cities, cheat him out of an election, call him a white supremist leader inciting a riot on the Capitol and not do shit about it??
LOL, I will never datefag because who knows how long it's going to take but if you think something odd isn't going on then I have unicorns for sale.
The Hill had a picture from what looked like a palm tree trolling Trump on the golf course. Like a crazy ex stalking lmao
No Trump = no news = no $$
Watch and see how quickly they turn on the Dems.
You know how dem states are opening up restaurants...Beetlejuice and Chumo?
Also lowering thresholds for COVID testing...ergo less cases in the counts.
Covid disappears soon, the economy opens up again. Makes Biden admin look like heros. And thats just THIS WEEK...for God’s Holy sake.
They’re gonna give back his Twitter account for the MSM to have some fodder. Boost up their ratings if Trump started tweeting.
But he should just scares the soulless-life out of them and not tweet. Silence.
The ultimate troll.
Let’s see where their bitch ass ratings are in a few months
I'm guessing they will go down so far that Fox News will be back on top.
Peaceful = Boring for them.
Oh ya so peaceful can’t u hear all the babies being sacrificed
Trump made CNN a lot of money, it’s no wonder they are obsessive about him
Trump addicts.
I confess, I'm an addict. Do you think AA will welcome me?
Doubtful. Better stay here.
Fake news would have no fake news to report about. They’d be out of a job.
The Hill trolled him today at the golf course. He lives rent free in their head. Like a break up CNN will be late night phone bombing Trump...what are you doing?
None of the rats at work will celebrate in front of me. I let them k ow, it isn't over.
What do you mean it's not over? I've been so depressed since Biden was inaugurated. Is something going to happen to change that? ??????
That's the difference... Movers and Shakers... Then you got... Sleepy Joe... Sleepy News...
Which they are being told not to cover anything "bad" about Xiden.
Funny. They hated Trump to the core but he's what drove any numbers they had. People watched for the vitriol. Now that they don't have Trump to complain about what remains of their viewership are leaving too. The number of people who hated Trump don't now support Biden.
Will be more peaceful when they start the first wars
And they will blame the wars on Trump’s ‘irresponsible’ foreign policies to boot
Hahahaha..love it..so fucking true. Give them a few months and the media will turn on Biden just to get Trump back. Take that to the bank
I wonder how long they'll play this off because honestly it's very off and very weird and they have to be aware of that, so they're either hiding it or they really don't care.
They care. Nobody even really know where PDJT is. That right there is driving them nuts
R/conspiracy seems based there are a ton of q related threads with quality discussion.
Most R/greatawakening people migrated to r/conspiracy.
Yup, I remember those days.
Check out conspiracies.win
The top mod of r/conspiracy got banned by reddit a few weeks ago and is now mod on .win
There is a conspiracy.win
I know, but the subreddit itself is still fine and hasn't been banned or infiltrated