Doesn't necessarily mean its fake...they could just be terrible at compliance. I've seen worse.
A quick perusal of the Managing Partner's various social media accounts shows he's been around for awhile and has lots of connections. Doesn't mean those accounts were not also faked of course.
Great work, yep it's castle realty logo. Logically, they wouldn't spin up an entire fake website and logo in the last 24hrs just to "debunk" this 1 single claim. Random coincidences still do exist.
Oh fuck - I just overdosed
Breathe Mahn, Breathe!! Don't go toward the Light! Here, Drink The Bourbon.. You'll be OK..
-Antifa/Byecep Man
Sorry, the current budget situation we will send out a social worker. They have a liberal art degree, so you should be fine.
Applies tourniquet. Scratch. applies tourniquet, Sucking chest wound, applies tourniquet, stubbed toe, applies tourniquet, smoke inhalation, applies tourniquet.
Doesn't necessarily mean its fake...they could just be terrible at compliance. I've seen worse.
A quick perusal of the Managing Partner's various social media accounts shows he's been around for awhile and has lots of connections. Doesn't mean those accounts were not also faked of course.
Great work, yep it's castle realty logo. Logically, they wouldn't spin up an entire fake website and logo in the last 24hrs just to "debunk" this 1 single claim. Random coincidences still do exist.
Looks like entertainment lower, but this is a janky video for sure. Why do we need the guy typing
Overdosing will cost you more now, drug prices just went up
Correct, probably Castle Realty. See other answers.
Go to
type in "images castle rock logo"
Pay especial attention to the black and white version of the logo.
What does it look like to you???
A dick.
Ding, ding, ding ding, ding! Now, what do you think the "moon" represents?
What is the occult significance of the moon?
I disagree brooooo