posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn +54 / -2

Based on Q's posts this is a military operation. Trump was asked to help. What if Trump inserted his own plan and they said sure we can do that... For arguments sake throw out all the theories Trump is still POTUS and that part is all fake. Trump is OUT. He might still be helping but he has no "official" power.

Soon the military steps in and tosses the cabal out on their ass. So who is POTUS? What if they put someone else in an POTUS? Say Pompeo? Why? Because technically on Jan 20th Trump is out(per constitution), the rest are arrested and on that day Pompeo was SecState in the line of succession. My point is rather than try to reverse litigate the disaster that was Nov 3rd 2020. They just accept it, and with the bad actors removed by charges of treason etc someone sane can be placed in as POTUS let's call him POTUS-X. I'm not sure who this person is but I'm sure the Military has a plan. Most would assume its Trump. What if its not and...

POTUS-X nominates Trump as VP. It takes a few months to reform congress(because everyone's been arrested). Trump is put in as VP... but hold on POTUS-X stays in place and spends the next year plus cleaning house while Trump works in the background and takes it easy for a while. Then at the two year mark POTUS-X resigns. His job is done. The cabal is utterly destroyed world wide, or at least in retreat.

Per the constitution if they time it right Trump could run again in 2024 making him a 10 year POTUS and more than making up for the fact that his entire first term was one giant shit-show. He would have 6 years with a cooperative congress to actually FIX THE USA FOR REAL!!!

By the time he's out of office he's old enough to be ready to move on anyway. While its seems like trickery no one is going to complain. 90% of the people that would object are cabal or MSM and they are all toast. Instead of trying to put Trump back in place immediately and thus denying him even more time as POTUS out of his 8 years total this flips the script and gives him more time rather than denying it. That's how Trump thinks. Turn a disadvantage into an advantage.