STOP THE LIES. Please. Enough with the Fukbook BS and trying to get "push the Like button", thread after thread. This entire BS was debunked in a thread late last night. Some dudes in FRIGGING state of GEORGIA, the snake pit, created this whatever it is, for whatever it is. Most likely a honey pot, so avoid if at all possible since we have no idea what this is all about. Most likely name collection for whatever purpose.
Trump today already said he will back primaries against GOP, within GOP, and not any other party.
I'll switch parties the moment our elections are certifiably honest. If the Q crew cannot get it done by 2022, fuck if I am wasting any extra effort towards exercising my non existent right to vote. It did not count this election. At the current state, it will count less next.
Really ... a new very important party using a gmail registering email address?? Check it a tausend times before you commit your personal data, money and time.
Its been filed, sure. No one knows why and who these guys are. Read the filing very carefully. In state of GEORGIA, not Florida as one would expect. "FOR" Trump, not "by" Trump.
You can file anything you feel like, file 10 of these. Doesn't make it anything "BY Trump". Most likely a honey pot. Trump already said he will stay in GOP and primary all traitors he can. THE ONLY WAY.
When I joined the board, 3 Sundays ago, I spent the day researching all the Resources posted first. Made lots of sense, so I joined. First 4 days or so were excellent, threads were concise, well researched, and NOT repeating themselves every 20 minutes. Then an influx took place, seems many from the TDW, some not, but the place is almost like National Enquirer since, multiple threads on same exact subject, almost no research at all even when facts are clearly stated and are easily found with even a cursory search online, and this childish behavior reminiscent of Fukbook and its "hit Like button!" BS. Shame. And even when you post factual information that disspells/debunks "But I want...", you are then hit with dislikes as if posting factual info is now verbotten and only myth is now allowed to stand.
Main reason I only started one thread, not looking for "Likes" and counts, simply want to learn and share all I can. Have no idea what others are here for.
that gmail address seems sketchy as heck though, any thoughts?
yep see comment below
Why would a firefighter/landscaper be filing for a political party? Seems like a nothingburger.
i mean he is a DoD firefighter but yes I agree
It's official but not officially from Trump.
I'm sure once the swap is drained, the ground will require maintenance.
weird, he's a firefighter with the DoD
STOP THE LIES. Please. Enough with the Fukbook BS and trying to get "push the Like button", thread after thread. This entire BS was debunked in a thread late last night. Some dudes in FRIGGING state of GEORGIA, the snake pit, created this whatever it is, for whatever it is. Most likely a honey pot, so avoid if at all possible since we have no idea what this is all about. Most likely name collection for whatever purpose.
Trump today already said he will back primaries against GOP, within GOP, and not any other party.
Read the real news, get informed!
I don’t think many of us can wait two years for this though!
Where do I sign?
I still want to know who Michael Joseph Gaul, the Custodian of Records, is. Why is he filing this. Anyone know?
I’m ok with this whether it’s really DJT behind it or not. The uni-party needs a wake up call
Can't wait to vote for it and my vote not matter!
Best plan ever!!!
This is just a random guy on twitter and has nothing to do with Trump. Don't post shit. Thanks.
I'll switch parties the moment our elections are certifiably honest. If the Q crew cannot get it done by 2022, fuck if I am wasting any extra effort towards exercising my non existent right to vote. It did not count this election. At the current state, it will count less next.
Really ... a new very important party using a gmail registering email address?? Check it a tausend times before you commit your personal data, money and time.
there is also a maga one-->
Even Trump himself had to come out and disavow this crap that people liek you try to spread:
You saying "Trump just created the patriot party" when he didn't. Spreading bs in here.
Its been filed, sure. No one knows why and who these guys are. Read the filing very carefully. In state of GEORGIA, not Florida as one would expect. "FOR" Trump, not "by" Trump.
You can file anything you feel like, file 10 of these. Doesn't make it anything "BY Trump". Most likely a honey pot. Trump already said he will stay in GOP and primary all traitors he can. THE ONLY WAY.
When I joined the board, 3 Sundays ago, I spent the day researching all the Resources posted first. Made lots of sense, so I joined. First 4 days or so were excellent, threads were concise, well researched, and NOT repeating themselves every 20 minutes. Then an influx took place, seems many from the TDW, some not, but the place is almost like National Enquirer since, multiple threads on same exact subject, almost no research at all even when facts are clearly stated and are easily found with even a cursory search online, and this childish behavior reminiscent of Fukbook and its "hit Like button!" BS. Shame. And even when you post factual information that disspells/debunks "But I want...", you are then hit with dislikes as if posting factual info is now verbotten and only myth is now allowed to stand.
Main reason I only started one thread, not looking for "Likes" and counts, simply want to learn and share all I can. Have no idea what others are here for.