I was always a liberal minded, freedom loving anti war hippie. Marched against Bush and Trump.
But I think my redpilling started with GamerGate and Zoe Quinn. Called sexist and racist for.merely not caring for some nobody who thought it wise to cause a scene in 4chan of all places. And from there it was a slow awakening of progressive stuff being too crazy.
The tipping point was that I still stand on my principles, like anti-war and everyone should have the freedom to say stupid shit. And eventually discovered Trump's record of sex trafficking rings was exactly what I needed to see.
If you can make sure we have our troops and the children safe, I honestly don't care how much of a jackass you are, I will vote for you.
Honestly I am an ignorant liberal defected to America's side recently, so much of the military customs are entirely lost on me.
But that being said, the view I have with no previous knowledge is telling me they don't acknowledge him in any way a commander to them.
Hey better late than never. Welcome!
Need an icepack for your shoulder, fren? Must have hurt grabbing onto the Trump train while it's moving. NO BRAKES BABY!! ??
I will say, it was a rough few months of dissonance before hopping on in August, the child trafficking rings breaking was my deal on who I side with.
I tolerate not a soul that considers taking such innocence.
Much respect.
Need more like you. Sad so many don’t even know because of the media and dissonance.
Like Bush Sr said, “If the American public knew what we were really doing, there’d be riots in the streets by morning.”
Glad yo have you aboard!
If you don’t mind sharing, what red-pilled you?
Sure, since my story is not on TDW anymore.
I was always a liberal minded, freedom loving anti war hippie. Marched against Bush and Trump.
But I think my redpilling started with GamerGate and Zoe Quinn. Called sexist and racist for.merely not caring for some nobody who thought it wise to cause a scene in 4chan of all places. And from there it was a slow awakening of progressive stuff being too crazy.
The tipping point was that I still stand on my principles, like anti-war and everyone should have the freedom to say stupid shit. And eventually discovered Trump's record of sex trafficking rings was exactly what I needed to see.
If you can make sure we have our troops and the children safe, I honestly don't care how much of a jackass you are, I will vote for you.