I think he did. I saw a facelift when I was a student nurse and they cut off some of the bottom earlobe, which was droopy, and attached the rest. So yeah, facelift.
You can see the same wrinkles at corner of his right eye in both of the first pics. Very clearly the same person who very clearly has had plenty of cosmetic surgery done. I mean ffs he has more hair now than he did in the past
I want there to be some truth to this but the wrinkles outside HIS right eye match up, and the bottom eyelid on the same eye has the same under bump. I’m going with a facelift. Better than John Kerry’s fucked up facelift though.
I dunno dude I keep seeing this and I think its probably due to a facelift. Ya know to attract those 10 year olds that he likes to sniff. He did steal the election, but all this body double stuff is kinda nuts.
For some reason, this is a part of cosmetic surgery for a face lift. I don't know why, but you can see it in the advertisements for the procedure. They attach the earlobe as part of the facelift for some unknown reason... makes people look younger maybe? I have seen some old people with earlobes hanging down like a Buddha, so I guess I can understand why they do it.
I saw this argued out on another site and the claim was he had a facelift that created the ear lobe change. To me it looks totally different but the eyes and eyebrows appear the same. No real opinion either way, but that's what was conveyed and I didn't really dig into it.
I always thought he looked different than the older videos and photos I’ve seen
The only thing I can think of is that as he got older the skin began drooping and pulled the earlobe skin down a bit giving it that appearance?
But even so, a lot of the previous footage of him just looks different. So I don’t know. There’s too much MALARKEY going on I feel like I have brain aids
It's pretty obvious. Look at his neck flaps during the Obama years.
That means they were prepping him to run for President a long time ago
I think he did. I saw a facelift when I was a student nurse and they cut off some of the bottom earlobe, which was droopy, and attached the rest. So yeah, facelift.
Pixie Ear
You can see the same wrinkles at corner of his right eye in both of the first pics. Very clearly the same person who very clearly has had plenty of cosmetic surgery done. I mean ffs he has more hair now than he did in the past
I want there to be some truth to this but the wrinkles outside HIS right eye match up, and the bottom eyelid on the same eye has the same under bump. I’m going with a facelift. Better than John Kerry’s fucked up facelift though.
You mean Lurch? :)
I'm of the opinion he's just had a ton of work done.
Yeah? Well he looks like shit.
I dunno dude I keep seeing this and I think its probably due to a facelift. Ya know to attract those 10 year olds that he likes to sniff. He did steal the election, but all this body double stuff is kinda nuts.
Let’s not throw the word “proof” around so carelessly. Kinda tired of all the posts that end up just being mild evidence at best.
His right ear is attached and his left isn't. His head isn't even....
For some reason, this is a part of cosmetic surgery for a face lift. I don't know why, but you can see it in the advertisements for the procedure. They attach the earlobe as part of the facelift for some unknown reason... makes people look younger maybe? I have seen some old people with earlobes hanging down like a Buddha, so I guess I can understand why they do it.
Our earlobes grow over our entire lifetimes and some people are self confident about them.
When people get facelifts these days, the earlobes are often done for that very reason.
Uh, the bottom attached photo looks like could be Walter from Jeff Dunham. Hahaha. Anyway, but to regularly scheduled programming
Thanks. That clarifies thongs.
I saw this argued out on another site and the claim was he had a facelift that created the ear lobe change. To me it looks totally different but the eyes and eyebrows appear the same. No real opinion either way, but that's what was conveyed and I didn't really dig into it.
Maybe it was all the adrenochrome he was sniffing? I hear that shit does crazy things to your appearance.
Facelift explains the earlobes. Look at birthmarks amd wrinkle patterns. But I think its the same guy.
fake and gay, obvious facelift is obvious.
I always thought he looked different than the older videos and photos I’ve seen
The only thing I can think of is that as he got older the skin began drooping and pulled the earlobe skin down a bit giving it that appearance?
But even so, a lot of the previous footage of him just looks different. So I don’t know. There’s too much MALARKEY going on I feel like I have brain aids
Could be makeup to conceal a ear piece?
That's not an earlobe, that's his ear piece that's telling him what to say and do.
He definitely looks like Jeff Dunham's dummy Walter.
Yeah stop with the Biden double, Biden had work done.
A lot more liver spots too, haha!
Will the real joe biden please stand up.