This was mikes post before suspension.
Comments (24)
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People like that shithead makes me lose my empathy for all of them, right down to the straight normies.
Yeah I don't care about lost causes like that jackass who will never wake up, hurry up already Q!
They're not people. It's easier when you remember that.
yes, history is full of positive examples of folks dehumanizing others. What can't you justify, if they are not people?
Saying this as a veteran (disclosure: saw only a little action before being injured and discharged). But it's part of the culture. All throughout history. It has helped win wars. Justify atrocities. To help soldiers "sleep" at night. Doesn't work that way though.
These are your fellow Americans. They may be lost, and blind, and annoying. But they are human beings. When you don't see them that way, you have no idea what you're capable of doing to another. No. fucking. idea.
Love Q but hate this all-too persistant theme. Just because someone bought into the left crap, doesn't mean THEY are your enemy.
He may not be American... I see a leaf in his name.
The hypocrisy of the Left never ceases to amaze me. They'll ignore active users of cocaine and leverage someone's past (that's been overcome) in an effort to denigrate them. It's taking a lot of effort on my part not to go on Twatter and give his shill a piece of my mind.
Honestly. Dude cleaned up his life and people are attacking him because he is a Patriot. Stupid asses.
I never knew that about Mike Lindell, I have more respect for him now.
Looks like his website is a precursor to run for Gov of MN. Hope he does! It is becoming a hell hole.
Can confirm.
I would of told him. You are lucky I gave up coke because otherwise I would rip a long line and then come whip your ass up and down the street.
That Eriksen pos just took the cheapest of cheap shots.
I haven't heard this Cocaine angle but I have heard a lot about this asshole / shill angle.
Mr. Lindell suffered major substance abuse issues but turned his life around and excelled. Lefties can't stand success.
Must have been that barely visible cross he's dangling. We know demons are agitated by the cross and fly at the holy name of Jesus. You can tell Mike wants to talk about Him.
Nowhere in the bible does it aay you cant do cocaine and overthrow "democracies".
So much compassion and concern from the degenerate left. You’d like they’d understand crack use...
Well it isn’t the second, and I am all out of cocaine so I guess it save the free world so fuck tards on Twater can continue to say moronic false dichotomies.
Common mistake. It really is a republican system but achieved by democratic process rather than appointees to rep/senate positions.
The problem with the term "democracy" is it has been hijacked by the Left to mean socialism.
It is a Democracy, if we go by the great patriot poet Ezra Pound's definition of the word, and that's unfortunately the problem. Hopefully it changes soon.