From what I understand roberts must be the one to preside over impeachment a sitting president but because he's not in office technically they're just using a rando
Are we Antifa now, tearing down any symbol of authority? Remember he was one of only two to stand up to Roberts re: Texas. Thomas will help Trump immensely in the coming years.
In case if you're wondering why you're being downvoted, we know he did his part. It's because they are wondering where he was on the 20th, seeing how he didn't show up at Bidet's fake inauguration.
In Mar-a-Lago, swearing in Trump.
Bet he got a taco bowl too.
Kinda corny but this theme reminds me of 'castle' move- move the king to a safer location and the castle(?) beside him...
Where is he now?
He is rather distinguished looking. He looks like a man that doesn't put up with any shit either.
Justice Thomas has been my favorite other than Justice Scalia.
Couldn’t imagine being his kid after misbehaving ?
A serious question, seeing as the Liberal Roberts refuses to oversee the second fake impeachment, why isn't judge Thomas the next logical choice?
There maybe a good reason but I'm from you know ?
From what I understand roberts must be the one to preside over impeachment a sitting president but because he's not in office technically they're just using a rando
Thank you ?
Even if, and I mean IF Biden had won legitimately he wouldn’t have been there since Biden tried to take him down years ago. Can’t say I blame him.
Stayed home disgusted
And where is he now?
He is probably hanging out with Trump.
The crazy lefties were trying to get him because his wife tweeted support for the rally on 1/6.
Swearing Trump in in secret./s
I wish, haha.
Somewhere classy.
Are we Antifa now, tearing down any symbol of authority? Remember he was one of only two to stand up to Roberts re: Texas. Thomas will help Trump immensely in the coming years.
In case if you're wondering why you're being downvoted, we know he did his part. It's because they are wondering where he was on the 20th, seeing how he didn't show up at Bidet's fake inauguration.
I have no info on his whereabouts but if he passed on the inauguration that is a big thumbs up in my book
I believe Alito didn't show up either. Both voted to hear the case, while the rest of the SCOTUS traitors voted no.
Pedos get deported and blocked.
He may have meant as a judge...
because all judges look the same!?
gtfo pedo.
apparently we are racist and privileged, but also incredibly inept
unless you’re an Uncle Tom. then you’re a black white supremacist.
don’t ask me to understand it. i just see it.
I saw that Chappelle Show episode!
Clayton Bigsby ?
LOL "Colin Powell..... Conalingus Rice....