There's something very strange about that video. Since when does she do promos for clothing designers--50 of them, to be exact. First thing I thought of was the 50 states. Then she stresses certain words. One word was "launched." She talks about displacement and return, etc. Then I went to look for military acronyms. Here are a few, and some could be relevant.
CIC-Commander in Chief
CIC: Combat Information Center
CIC: Change in Control
CIC: Counterintelligence Center
CIC: Counterintelligence Corp.
CIC: Criminal Investigation Command
Yeah, I'm not buying that as a normal promo.
Why the Fock is this gazillionaire, with other peoples and countries dollars asking people out of work due to government shutdowns to DONATE to seamstresses for? Hey Hillary, open that checkbook of yours and give them a million $ or so. You certainly are saving it for plastic surgery!!
Signaling throughout.
Now to who and what exactly.
But they are needing funds.
The corporation is bankrupt. Their 5 star piggyback defaulted to the Republic as sole beneficiary of the defunct corporation
She looks like she was drunk and someone gave her andrenchrome bolster.
So whenever I see someone with hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars begging for donations for some cause, I can't help but wonder why they don't just give them the fucking money they need if the cause is so god damn important to them. Anything over 2 million dollars or so is way more than any person needs in this life. And if you have a billion dollars, you are a millionaire a thousand fucking times over. Not like throwing a few hundred thousand to said cause is going to even affect you.
Anybody figure out what books are behind her? The white one with the red branches could be a weird one. Also, the wooden sculpture to the left of the lamp looks pretty weird.
Have no idea why she is hyping seamstresses but she could use a few “seamstresses” to tighten up that sad, drooping, old lady face of hers! I know Billy Boy was a pervert hanging out with Epstein but I think he could have had a different hobby so he would not have to be home having to be around that sad sack of shit!
Can’t even listen to the evil ... wherever she is. She is the whole reason I voted for Trump in the first place. I have hated her since the early 90s when Bill ran the first time. I honestly think she is why I have become misogynistic. Can even look at her without hate in my heart. Will be so glad to see her swing!
Question is, was she coerced into making this video? Is there something in here we should be looking for?? This video was posted yesterday and has, at last count, less than 60 hits.
A lot of political content has stunningly low view counts I've noticed. They put tons of times and effort in and make this high quality stuff that gets 300 views total.
The books reminded me of a photo in the Q-drops, #4789 to be exact. I went back to check, but none of the books in the drop looked like that red and white one to the right of HRC that seems so intriguing. I tried to find it online, but I had no success.
Is it just me, or is her necklace made out of safety pins and seed beads?
Whoever said it was a deep fake, I think perhaps is correct. Watch her neck as she speaks. It has strange shadows or pixilation going on there. Video experts, what say ye?
I believe they caused -- literally, through weather engineering -- the disasters in Haiti so they could swoop down and steal tons of black children for their rituals.
Children they thought no one would miss.
Then to top if off, as you mentioned, they stole all the donations sent to help those people.
There's something very strange about that video. Since when does she do promos for clothing designers--50 of them, to be exact. First thing I thought of was the 50 states. Then she stresses certain words. One word was "launched." She talks about displacement and return, etc. Then I went to look for military acronyms. Here are a few, and some could be relevant. CIC-Commander in Chief CIC: Combat Information Center CIC: Change in Control CIC: Counterintelligence Center CIC: Counterintelligence Corp. CIC: Criminal Investigation Command Yeah, I'm not buying that as a normal promo.
Me neither. Very strange and out of place. Maybe its a warning somehow...
WTF was that all about? Seems a bit random.
Another fake company asking for donations?
She should ask for donations for rope makers, she'd get a lot more!
I get a sick spiritual feeling while trying to watch. Can't do it.
Same. Like watching a banshee.
She's dead. The actor who is about 8" shorter.
That looks to have been filmed in late December.
I feel evil just for looking at that witch.
Why the Fock is this gazillionaire, with other peoples and countries dollars asking people out of work due to government shutdowns to DONATE to seamstresses for? Hey Hillary, open that checkbook of yours and give them a million $ or so. You certainly are saving it for plastic surgery!!
Theres where they're getting funding from
Signaling throughout. Now to who and what exactly. But they are needing funds. The corporation is bankrupt. Their 5 star piggyback defaulted to the Republic as sole beneficiary of the defunct corporation She looks like she was drunk and someone gave her andrenchrome bolster.
So whenever I see someone with hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars begging for donations for some cause, I can't help but wonder why they don't just give them the fucking money they need if the cause is so god damn important to them. Anything over 2 million dollars or so is way more than any person needs in this life. And if you have a billion dollars, you are a millionaire a thousand fucking times over. Not like throwing a few hundred thousand to said cause is going to even affect you.
That’s not Hillary
It sounds cgi, but hey that’s how she sounds in life. Fake. Programmed. Scripted. Just total cunt
I think it's a deep fake
God she’s gross
I wonder if it is a secret message to their leaders or followers? Hard to watch, whatever it was ?
Anybody figure out what books are behind her? The white one with the red branches could be a weird one. Also, the wooden sculpture to the left of the lamp looks pretty weird.
Thank you Patriot.
She is an evil troll...can't wait until she is warming a cot in Gitmo
Where’s her mask! In fact a mask paper bag over her head and no lights would make this barely tolerable. Oh, and volume turned down.
Zoom in on her mouth when she is speaking.... Watch it! Completely CGI
Killary can’t wait for that walnut sauce. ?
I almost threw up watching....I was brushing my teeth and hit the uvula...but still, it was close
Have no idea why she is hyping seamstresses but she could use a few “seamstresses” to tighten up that sad, drooping, old lady face of hers! I know Billy Boy was a pervert hanging out with Epstein but I think he could have had a different hobby so he would not have to be home having to be around that sad sack of shit!
some connection to costume hire industry
she is probably invested (taking bribes) from the outfits (pun intended)
That are staging the pretend inauguration and biden "Oval Office" movie clips
there was some talk that the militaryi n attendance are actors in costume.
this looks like a body double, or CGI
kankles has not looked healthy for some time.
LOL! Love your take on this.
Can’t even listen to the evil ... wherever she is. She is the whole reason I voted for Trump in the first place. I have hated her since the early 90s when Bill ran the first time. I honestly think she is why I have become misogynistic. Can even look at her without hate in my heart. Will be so glad to see her swing!
Question is, was she coerced into making this video? Is there something in here we should be looking for?? This video was posted yesterday and has, at last count, less than 60 hits.
A lot of political content has stunningly low view counts I've noticed. They put tons of times and effort in and make this high quality stuff that gets 300 views total.
Nobody else want to hear or see her either!
I can’t stand her voice i can’t get through it
seems like a strange way for a rich person to have books stacked like that with art on
The books reminded me of a photo in the Q-drops, #4789 to be exact. I went back to check, but none of the books in the drop looked like that red and white one to the right of HRC that seems so intriguing. I tried to find it online, but I had no success.
very weird
Is it just me, or is her necklace made out of safety pins and seed beads?
Whoever said it was a deep fake, I think perhaps is correct. Watch her neck as she speaks. It has strange shadows or pixilation going on there. Video experts, what say ye?
Definitely do not look like the same eyes at the Biden inauguration?
Inauguration Hillary was a body double. She was at least 6 inches shorter than the real Hillary.
Andechrome anyone?
She looks like she has aged twenty years in 4!!! Holy crap!
besides the casual evil, nothing. She's reading
Animatronic Hillary. Newest thing at Chuck E Cheese.
LOL! This was good. Hahah
LOL! Too funny!
Unpopular belief:
I believe they caused -- literally, through weather engineering -- the disasters in Haiti so they could swoop down and steal tons of black children for their rituals.
Children they thought no one would miss.
Then to top if off, as you mentioned, they stole all the donations sent to help those people.
So many crimes against humanity.
Yeah, but Chelsea had a really nice wedding?