He said" I'd like to lose everything and then I would see who was loyal and who was not" I am paraphrasing but he existentially meant that if he had no money or power who would stick by him and be a friend.
Thanks for sharing this. Texan here. I really enjoyed the "lion Ted redemption arc", but glad to see my overall mistrust was proven right. He is a traitor to both Americans and Texans alike.
It was a blessing in disguise that SCOTUS didn't take the Texas case as if they had Ted (who quickly volunteered to present it) would have sabotaged it and by losing in SCOTUS it would've screwed ANY other legal challenges into Proven election fraud. Ted would've turned on Trump anyway saying the case for election fraud just isn't strong enough-Joe Really Did win and it's time the GOP moves Past Trump.
No matter what legal option Trump were to employ there were DS agents embedded into the Trump inner circle to sabotage them.
Yeah the "never was proved in a court" argument infuriates me every time it's used by someone trying to play down the election fraud claims. In fact, the fraud was so obvious that anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant or lying.
so by ted cruz standard, someone claims they were raped, yet cannot prove evidence, there fore that is reckless and irtresponsible because you have to prove it in court first. ok, got it. fuck cruz
The courts wouldn't even hear the cases ya fuck dickhead.
I'd upvote this a thousand times if I could. He's as bad as Romney, blowing whichever way the wind blows.
Trump said it best. You find out who is loyal and you’ll be surprised who isn’t
He said" I'd like to lose everything and then I would see who was loyal and who was not" I am paraphrasing but he existentially meant that if he had no money or power who would stick by him and be a friend.
Well we are finding out, aren't we?
Very few of those scumbags.
Yep that’s the quote I’m referring to. In his interview or whatever
He’s under investigation by the ethics committee. I think he’s buckling under the pressure.
Disgrace to Texans
It took this to make you never vote Republican again ?♂️
Yep, that's my take. I'm done with the pubes. Including Cruz. Fucking turncoat.
From lyin' Ted to lion Ted back to lyin' Ted.
Thanks for sharing this. Texan here. I really enjoyed the "lion Ted redemption arc", but glad to see my overall mistrust was proven right. He is a traitor to both Americans and Texans alike.
What makes a great movie? Great actors.
Like Brennan saying there were insurgents in Congress and Senate and he is going after them?
In other words, he left the door open for DJT to present that evidence at his trial to debunk the impeachment charges.
Be careful with this one. Thinking it's been taken out of context
Someone post this asshole phone number. Edit: (202) 224-5922
His site...
Ted Cruz: "I'm totally gonna argue TX's election fraud suit before SCOTUS!"
SCOTUS: "We're not taking the case"
Ted Cruz: "Phew good cause it was bullshit"
i wish it were anyone but Ted. i thought he was one of the few remaining honest congressmen.
It was a blessing in disguise that SCOTUS didn't take the Texas case as if they had Ted (who quickly volunteered to present it) would have sabotaged it and by losing in SCOTUS it would've screwed ANY other legal challenges into Proven election fraud. Ted would've turned on Trump anyway saying the case for election fraud just isn't strong enough-Joe Really Did win and it's time the GOP moves Past Trump. No matter what legal option Trump were to employ there were DS agents embedded into the Trump inner circle to sabotage them.
Yeah the "never was proved in a court" argument infuriates me every time it's used by someone trying to play down the election fraud claims. In fact, the fraud was so obvious that anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant or lying.
POTUS is definitely finding out who is loyal to him right now and his inner circle is getting smaller and smaller.
Uuuuuuuuh wtf
so by ted cruz standard, someone claims they were raped, yet cannot prove evidence, there fore that is reckless and irtresponsible because you have to prove it in court first. ok, got it. fuck cruz
When Ted Cruz volunteered to argue before the Supreme Court, I bought in on him for the first time.
My mistake.
The state of America is because we (presumably?) elected politicians and criminals instead of leaders.
Politicians are cowards by nature. Criminals aren't cowards per se but are scumbags.
Cruz is a coward traitor shitcunt
Ted Cruz is a faggot.
Burn in Hell, Ted
Remind me never to get on your bad side ?????
Yeah, I was kind of emotional last night. When I saw this, I just got kind of enraged. I'm really not that cold hahaa
he was never on Trump's side. everyone knew what would happen on jan 6th his supposed support for Trump was hollow.
It's really hard to prove something in court when the courts refuse to even hear the case.
I knew it
hopefully hes setting up for when the courts do actually side with truth? They still gonna prove the fraud right?