I continually hear the trope, "It's not that hard to wear a mask to protect others". "If you care about grandma, you'll wear a mask", etc.
This was fine March 2020, but we know better now.
Masks don't work. https://www.evergreenfamilymedicine.com/post/1-25-2021-masking-the-science
I always remind them that viruses that can kill grandma are not limited covid so if they aren't a hypocrite they will be wearing that mask for the rest of their lives. That's when they start swearing at me.
Yeah, screw you for being so logical....
Or tell them there is this wonderfully powerful thing called an IMMUNE SYSTEM.
They should nurture it some time...
Where's all the science educating us on how to strengthen our immune systems?
OR our health! What if the govt said, "Go to the gym, make your body strong" instead? Arguably we'd have a better nation.
No need, Big Pharma has a pill for that.
Yep, it’s f**king ridiculous, I admit I will take an Advil or 2 for a headache but that’s my limit on medication
The most unhealthy people I know go to the doctor constantly
and are on several meds.
Crazy right? , they most likely never needed the medication in the first place. I grew up in the uk and looking back ,my doctor (in the 60’s)was awesome. If my mom took me in because I was poorly , the doctor would scold her and say “stop feeding him that frozen rubbish, and give him fresh meat & vegetables, that’s what he needs!” . I have only ever had the polio vaccine, which was a sugar cube. We were sent round to other kids houses who had infectious diseases ,to gain immunity at an early age . Simple really
Ha, that's how my brother and I got Chicken Pox. We spent the weekend at my cousin's house.
Tufano and Dr. Berg have been teaching how to strengthen the immune system from day 1 of this "pandemic".
Masks lower immune system effectiveness. You're not supposed to breathe WASTE.
So does the test that breaks through the brain barrier:
So you're saying the CDC, WHO, MSM, ect. have been promoting these people's teachings on how to strengthen our immune systems?
That's not what I said at all.
I named two people I know of who talk about building up the immune system rather than wearing a mask or vaccinating.
You'll never find their message on mainstream anything because they don't work for Rofschild Banking System.
I was asking for clarification of your statement. My point was that the CDC, WHO, MSM are pushing masks instead of telling us how to strengthen our immune systems. I'm aware there are people all over the internet that show you how to strengthen our immune systems, but the CDC,WHO, MSM don't say a word about it.
Of course not. Rofschild won't allow it.
Or keep grandma quarantined. No need to mask the rest of us.
You me both, sorry Grandma...not sorry.
Masks are good if you are let's say, painting, or sanding or working with chemicals. I'll let my perfectly fine immune system work otherwise.
From everything I have read by scientists and docs NOT funded by big pharma or the DS, masks actually INCREASE transmission rates by capturing bacteria in a moist spot and then either forcing it out the side or breathing it back in. So masks increase the odds of getting sick for both the wearer and others.
And Fauxi himself wrote an article about how masks caused massive deaths from bacterial pneumonia during the Spanish Flu epidemic.
Sorry, but I don't think he did. This is the article in question and I can't find any mention of masks.. https://watermark.silverchair.com/198-7-962.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAp0wggKZBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKKMIIChgIBADCCAn8GCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMuREcF7AXh4o2sPbOAgEQgIICUGWwPyXrbSE6M_3LiiZvaUdsCTsg2NhszA9lzQp8RaqfE7y2KWE0K9a3miuyuZYxPQ5H86qrtKuOMRrv07IYvLzxNlAnjoeRCz4uj5sXiEMSwG9p7Sm5X794opfiqyfgOPX0k4PDAwy9m0yQUhaieILCFJBc_qV9izTjDwCHsAfN0FJl4RLrL--9kJY2K-mHkuxc3FTrv-sz3enGckPLA-KRGOfTzKOiUyYMwOh9uXwAodN5GlOrZYqJk9Qq9gx2IVwxG3XoXdOsVUrOiyg2JKdqpMplko_BfYftkeuiN3VUM6GFCgv7hiDK6yBD_vvC38a-traYsIz2iwj8V4rHZ7YjVrwWZfhKUwpqdXd5cYsrV5gJxpJo6KszvHvSWwZwb7lQ1_ZM2zkJ3xMQbXqZwEO1wCX7NHgGe2wvYrgmlIMA6Mogy2MOhdN6XVGZQS71LSJlN6RDQsLm-WMHJDTNfWnf0QxaF_ZGPTW6zH5BkB948kZdRYlaFZ_sqFiWTENXB3A8_c9n_2wq0L6pGfw85ByTAfpwTD5nLOIDF1qJpjmSgzSVRr0ZmFO_0ZftysV6QmaMBTl--XMTZBQnILnGEpdW6KvdILi74dV-_MA4ELMAtd_doQI_1OXABw8zBxyEUPxpsMK8o4zsNOfJYFB2tCnzW3KdrZrjjzHcmt4jh3rx1IgahUiyIEVulOizsAcgjw8ToRQPgjwfgCqx7Mwvd33aDN5I8yQiJYUW6a7LO_0XTec8-8JrRHmQsg9cs9rm8Z95aB00YU50WQpbd7k8GRQ
However, here is a list of other articles that might support the uselessness of masks..
I'm in real estate so I've had to play the game whenever I go into others' property, but about half think it is bs so we take the face diaper off after 30 seconds. It just sucks cause you never know who is going to freak out.
I just sold my house this week, FSBO; One showing, the interested buyer said, "I'm diabetic, would you mind wearing a mask?". I almost, said "Not in my own house."...
Yeah, fk that. It is your house! We are really dealing with a high level of stupid.
I'd just want to sell my house and get the fuck outta there.
Nail on the head. You hit it.
It's about fear and control and deceit.
Yup. The general lack of discernment and critical thinking is disappointing and horrifying.
Rather than quarantines for the sick, which was standard procedure, the narrative worked perfectly because it made non-compliers appear to be villains/murderers to the masses who drank the kool-aid without thinking about it.
The narrative also perpetuated victimhood, weakness and the belief that the ACTIONS OF SOMEONE ELSE (mask-wearers, BIG PHARMA, GOVERNMENT) ARE REQUIRED to "save" them from the (fabricated) threat -- just what the DS, NWO, globalists want the sheeple to believe, . . ., and DEMAND.
I will go with "scared as fuck" for $500.00....
Becuase they're obedient little bitches that believe their safety from a Flu-like virus is more important than freedom.
Freedom is more important. Far, far, far more important and I'm not wearing a mask as a means to re-enforce that point to low intelligence sheep.
"your health isn't my responsibility" and that's all I have to say to people like that
That's like asking someone else to carry a gun to protect my 2nd amendment rights. I take care of me, you take care of you.
I was not put on this planet to act in a way to appease the neurosis of others.
Don't want to catch the Chinese virus?
Then stay stay the fuck home
Shamed into submission.
“Oh you don’t like Obama? You’re racist.”
“Oh you won’t comply with a mask? You’re a disgusting human being that doesn’t care for life!”
The only reason I mask, my job requires it. I ware the thinest masks I can find and I write ”security blanket" on them
It wasn’t fine in March. I hope that everyone involved in this criminal lockdown is prosecuted for it.
You're only responsible for your own health (and dependants), not other people
That source you cited is literal AIDS.
I question anyone that looks to sources like this for credibility when their graphs are made in MSPaint & use the same color, which makes it impossible to actually differentiate data.