During Obama, there are videos of Eric Holder saying it was necessary to 'brainwash' people in order to remove guns from society (like it was the righteous thing to do.) He also alluded to making sure there was immense coverage of mass shootings.. and said the public needed a reminder every 6 weeks or so..
Under Obama's entire tenure, it seemed like we had mass shootings about every 6 weeks or so.. some of them difficult to even believe (like Sandy Hook).. and they have mostly disappeared under Trump. Amazing.
I'll know Biden is really in power once those mass shootings every six weeks start back up..
I think we have been having those “scare” events. The snowplow people was part of the false flag I guarantee you and from what I hear it was posted to Facebook just streaming. Sounds way to convenient to me.
Some have called this the line in the sand. 1918 Russia Stalin confiscated fire arms 1938 Germany Hitler bans Jews from owning fire arms and working in the fire arms industry 1959 Cuba Castro used gun registration to confiscate fire arms. If this passes the best that can hqppen is some States will refuse to be complicit in this ending. And the great migration will begin for those who don't want to die alone.
In Australia, we lost our gun rights by means of a false flag shooting at Port Arthur in 1998. In 2019, we lost our rights to refuse a vaccination or any other medical procedure the state deems necessary 'for the greater good', so we have no rights over our bodies. NZ had their mosque false flag and lost their guns in 2019.
As expected, the Biden administration is taking the first steps towards communism: removal of free speech and removal of your right to defend yourself against a communist government. They don't need a false flag to do it, they can simply make it law then increase it every year, and anyone who defies it can be called a terrorist and hunted down by the military.
Well ammo is sold out everywhere and only ammo marked up 4-6x is available to buy right now. This is why they want to "drone strike" people. Because they know it would be marching to their own deaths to do what they want in an honorable fashion. Again, I'm just chilling at home. Want to do something stupid? Show up, I live around a few million crazy SOBs so yeah. Bombing us totes makes more sense if you're trying to do something stupid.
Did anyone see Crowder today talk about this, and AOC? I almost spit out my coffee, several times!
Some kind of mass shooting may happen soon to justify the new gun laws
I think it will be several coordinated events.
During Obama, there are videos of Eric Holder saying it was necessary to 'brainwash' people in order to remove guns from society (like it was the righteous thing to do.) He also alluded to making sure there was immense coverage of mass shootings.. and said the public needed a reminder every 6 weeks or so..
Under Obama's entire tenure, it seemed like we had mass shootings about every 6 weeks or so.. some of them difficult to even believe (like Sandy Hook).. and they have mostly disappeared under Trump. Amazing.
I'll know Biden is really in power once those mass shootings every six weeks start back up..
Any minute now, they just have to get the kids back in school first and see if David Hogg is available
Reclaiming my time......
Reclaiming my time.....
They'll probably stage some kind of mass mis-gendering and have antifa be the ones to come and round up our guns. Just because fuck The People.
How to tell if a bill is shit: The bill doesn't address at illegal guns in gun free zones like Chicago.
I think we have been having those “scare” events. The snowplow people was part of the false flag I guarantee you and from what I hear it was posted to Facebook just streaming. Sounds way to convenient to me.
Some have called this the line in the sand. 1918 Russia Stalin confiscated fire arms 1938 Germany Hitler bans Jews from owning fire arms and working in the fire arms industry 1959 Cuba Castro used gun registration to confiscate fire arms. If this passes the best that can hqppen is some States will refuse to be complicit in this ending. And the great migration will begin for those who don't want to die alone.
In Australia, we lost our gun rights by means of a false flag shooting at Port Arthur in 1998. In 2019, we lost our rights to refuse a vaccination or any other medical procedure the state deems necessary 'for the greater good', so we have no rights over our bodies. NZ had their mosque false flag and lost their guns in 2019.
As expected, the Biden administration is taking the first steps towards communism: removal of free speech and removal of your right to defend yourself against a communist government. They don't need a false flag to do it, they can simply make it law then increase it every year, and anyone who defies it can be called a terrorist and hunted down by the military.
Well ammo is sold out everywhere and only ammo marked up 4-6x is available to buy right now. This is why they want to "drone strike" people. Because they know it would be marching to their own deaths to do what they want in an honorable fashion. Again, I'm just chilling at home. Want to do something stupid? Show up, I live around a few million crazy SOBs so yeah. Bombing us totes makes more sense if you're trying to do something stupid.
Q did mention a scare event...
Q did mention a scare event...
They do not need a false flag.
They have the Senate, House, and White House.
They no longer need the voters, that has already been proven, but they will codify that with H.R.1.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.