I'm from a blue state originally but once the covid crap started I started traveling and have kept doing so in order to see more red states and get a feel for them and I've moved temporarily to one but the thing I noticed was that many red states were pretty onboard with the mask stuff and everything and I think some still are. The level of disappointment I had when I first realized that the average person in a red state wasn't as awake as I thought they would be was immense. Also I have conservative family who bought into the covid stuff for a while and even kind of still do. I can't help but wonder if people are even more brainwashed than they realized and that's why we are where we are where the plan is still hopefully being carried out but didn't come to it's conclusion when we thought it would.
Comments (16)
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Fearmongering over health works very well
We have done our job ...consider Qdrop 4861from 10/14/2020 ...we are still over the target...as you can see all assets are being deployed...you don't do many of things the cabal are doing if they are the 'winners' they are still whining actually and deathly afraid of the truth, Trump and the American people. Maybe some of your disappoint has more to do with your personal expectations and impatience? If timing is everything then realize that whoever acts the time and day of operation belong to them, it is our destiny to be in the back of bus until such time and be comfy about it and ready to help people understand. As for those redstates and masks the same IMF and WHO funds that tried to pay the President of Belarus to shutdown (he refused) also made the same offers here in the USA.Corp I expect those Gov's and Mayor's who touched the filthy money will be caught up eventually. Chin up if they had really won and were really in power we'd be reading about people being rounded up or listening to the knock on our own doors. As it is Politicans are getting arrested or retiring still, CEO's stepping away, and some in Hollywood seem to be dying before their time. Peace. We got'em now.........honest.
plain maga folks believe in covid, just that its not as bad as msm says
anons dont believe that shit for a second (for the most part)
Yea I thought about this earlier today, I said to my father I think people are really going to wake up when covid is completely gone within 6 months I think it will be sooner, covid has already dropped like a rock already with the new testing they are doing. The mistake the left made was they went after everybody's businesses left and right, and when these people see the covid disappear this fast, just like trump said! it will hit them hard and they will start to dig themselves.
It's not that at all. Some people projected their expectations and their timeline onto something they didn't design or implement or set in motion, and frankly, got hurt/mad over it.
We didn't write the script. We have no control over how it plays out, no matter how hard we wish for x, y, or z to happen.
Watch. The. Movie. At very least, quit dooming all over this space. Do that somewhere else.
I’d say the spread of awakenedness is traveling faster than the spread of covid.
NO, not at all. The Great Awakening was the election. It was an overwhelming landslide in favor of Trump. A Record Breaking/Setting Red Wave. The country hasn't been able to see the truth of this matter because of the lawlessness and corruption.
Now, we're in the stage where some of the last remaining normies are waking up. Then another small percentage will wake up when the decalss happens -- that is to say when everything is exposed to the entire world without the FAKE news spinning lies and propaganda and excuses.
It's a process and it has gone as predicted without specific dates.
Like any plan, I think it is fluid. Meaning, you have an idea of what you want to do, but when you proceed, things happen. So you adjust. Moves and countermoves.
As for the covid stuff, I do believe it's real, but also overblown with lots of misinfo / disinfo. Spoke to a woman I know and trust and she has personally known a few people who have gotten it, one who even died. It's real.
No, but she's been a nurse for decades and was very based about the whole thing, believing it to be just another virus and that the media had scared people to death over it. Now, months later, she has had friends who have had it and she has changed her attitude. She still believes there is a lot of hype surrounding it, but she knows it's real and that the AFTER effects can be devastating.
I'm of the opinion that Q is a quantum computer that saw the future. I don't think there'd be any way a bunch of dudes without that ability could pull off bringing down the cabal. It's too big. It's too entrenched. We would need a quantum AI to play out all possible scenarios and determine which dominos needed to be pushed to eventually bring it all down. I can't imagine it working any other way.
Apart Quantum / AI / Looking Glass, if you go back to the roots of the kabbalah of thousand years, you have to look it as a war between powers far bigger then we can imagine, good vs evil, "it's going to be biblical" for a reason
Don't know how much you are on the topic, but I'd suggest you to have a look at the spiritual side, look on Astral Travel, Projections, and so on, those are basically the natural equivalent (tbh, endlessly powerful) of a quantum / Looking Glass
What the FUCK OP? 8 day old account? Cointelpro much??? GTFO.
Why? Was there a date set or something that said anybody who joined after a given date is a phoney?