Dear Lord, we know you can do miracles, and Rush needs one. Put him into full remission right now and let him fight this battle here on Earth along side us Patriots, Your Remnant, your Army, the Army of God. Thank you!
For you namesake Lord, so those who curse your name can see the power in it. We ask this so that you may be glorified, please heal Rush’s body that the world will see a true miracle and know that you are God.
I pray every night for Rush, and others, dealing with cancer and other life ending diseases. I ask God for healing or remission. I know it's all in his hands, but I feel prayer may at least lift their suffering...even if it's just a little.
Oh Bo you are such a great friend. I pray for Rush every day!! He is truly one in a million. God is great and faithful we are all praying for remission!!!
Prayer for all:
God please work your Super natural Grace and Favor on our fearless warrior Rush Limbaugh! He is in the struggle of his life and we desperately need Your intervention!! You alone God are the magnificent One who can heal and help. Please give him your favor !! We all love YOU!!! Thank you God for hearing us!!
Regardless of your views and anti smoking crusade, Rush is a National Treasure and conservative icon. So your shitty remarks towards Rush are not welcome. Im sure there's plenty of shit in your glass house we could criticize you for.
We all have vices and challenges. We work to better ourselves and sometimes need to lean on others to do just that. Please consider what Rush has done for this country and possibly you directly by bettering our society.
God Bless Rush and may he strengthen your empathy in the future.
You weren’t asked to share your “feelings”, you were asked to offer up prayers. Since you choose not to pray, please “feel” free to take your cold-ass, hardened heart and leave.
He was not smoking in the usual sense of the word. He was puffing on a cigar once in a while. He wasn't chain-smoking Luckies and sucking all the smoke into his lungs all day long. There's a big difference.
Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. Not everyone who gets lung cancer is a smoker or has a smoker in their home.
My grandfather smoked. He lived to 91 and never had any kind of lung problem. He was mowing his own grass with a regular lawnmower until he was 89.
I never choked on smoke when someone in the room was smoking. You are just way too sensitive and too much of a busybody.
I have never smoked, but I don't let it bother me. If it weren't for tobacco, I wouldn't be here, as both my parents worked on tobacco farms. And for small farmers, tobacco was the only real cash crop. Nothing else could bring in that amount of money per acre. My family didn't own property and couldn't get but a small amount of land to farm.
Most people that I've seen smoke cigars just puff on them without sucking it down their lungs like cigarette smokers do. They mainly enjoy the taste in their mouths.
I've never had my eyes "sting" from second-hand smoke. And I was alive back when almost everyone was smoking. Back when there were ashtrays in grocery stores, restaurants, and everywhere else for smokers. There was a designated smoking area at high schools. The only place in the country you couldn't smoke was near gas pumps.
Most of my state would not have survived the depression without the cash crop of tobacco. There was no other way. There were no other jobs.
I've never seen any sugar free gum that tastes like cigars. "Sugar free" tells me right there that you're some kind of zealot.
There is just as much of a legitimate purpose for puffing on a cigar as there is in eating food that tastes good. Cigar smokers don't inhale the smoke. George Burns practically chain-smoked cigars his entire life, and he lived to be 100. Some people get cancer, and some don't, whether they smoked or not. I don't smoke just because I personally don't want to, but I will never stop anyone else.
Dear Lord, we know you can do miracles, and Rush needs one. Put him into full remission right now and let him fight this battle here on Earth along side us Patriots, Your Remnant, your Army, the Army of God. Thank you! AMEN.
In Jesus's name. Amen
Love the man! Amen!
For you namesake Lord, so those who curse your name can see the power in it. We ask this so that you may be glorified, please heal Rush’s body that the world will see a true miracle and know that you are God.
Boom! God hears you Patriot! Great prayer!
Rush will live to see this through.
I feel this too.
And do the Trump Shuffle with all of us Patriots!
Pray for remission! It will happen ?
A good sign would be if he is IN remission, meaning the cancer is shrinking or going away.
Is a good thing to pray for.
Prayers for remission! ?
I hope he's trying some therapy in addition to standard chemotherapy. Like maybe HCQ or the dog wormer everyone talks about curing cancer.
Fenbendozole fyi.
I pray every night for Rush, and others, dealing with cancer and other life ending diseases. I ask God for healing or remission. I know it's all in his hands, but I feel prayer may at least lift their suffering...even if it's just a little.
Oh Bo you are such a great friend. I pray for Rush every day!! He is truly one in a million. God is great and faithful we are all praying for remission!!!
Prayer for all: God please work your Super natural Grace and Favor on our fearless warrior Rush Limbaugh! He is in the struggle of his life and we desperately need Your intervention!! You alone God are the magnificent One who can heal and help. Please give him your favor !! We all love YOU!!! Thank you God for hearing us!!
With cancer, I always pray for remission or a swift and merciful death.
I understand how you feel but also some food for thought, 52% of those who get Lung Cancer never smoked a cigarette in their lives.
Second hand smoke is a thing.
Fuck off outta here asshole. Go watch pmsnbc and rachell madcow. More aligned with your views
Regardless of your views and anti smoking crusade, Rush is a National Treasure and conservative icon. So your shitty remarks towards Rush are not welcome. Im sure there's plenty of shit in your glass house we could criticize you for.
Then quit commenting.
That was weak.
We all have vices and challenges. We work to better ourselves and sometimes need to lean on others to do just that. Please consider what Rush has done for this country and possibly you directly by bettering our society.
God Bless Rush and may he strengthen your empathy in the future.
Username checks out.
You weren’t asked to share your “feelings”, you were asked to offer up prayers. Since you choose not to pray, please “feel” free to take your cold-ass, hardened heart and leave.
He was not smoking in the usual sense of the word. He was puffing on a cigar once in a while. He wasn't chain-smoking Luckies and sucking all the smoke into his lungs all day long. There's a big difference.
Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. Not everyone who gets lung cancer is a smoker or has a smoker in their home.
My grandfather smoked. He lived to 91 and never had any kind of lung problem. He was mowing his own grass with a regular lawnmower until he was 89.
I never choked on smoke when someone in the room was smoking. You are just way too sensitive and too much of a busybody.
I have never smoked, but I don't let it bother me. If it weren't for tobacco, I wouldn't be here, as both my parents worked on tobacco farms. And for small farmers, tobacco was the only real cash crop. Nothing else could bring in that amount of money per acre. My family didn't own property and couldn't get but a small amount of land to farm.
Most people that I've seen smoke cigars just puff on them without sucking it down their lungs like cigarette smokers do. They mainly enjoy the taste in their mouths.
I've never had my eyes "sting" from second-hand smoke. And I was alive back when almost everyone was smoking. Back when there were ashtrays in grocery stores, restaurants, and everywhere else for smokers. There was a designated smoking area at high schools. The only place in the country you couldn't smoke was near gas pumps.
Most of my state would not have survived the depression without the cash crop of tobacco. There was no other way. There were no other jobs.
I've never seen any sugar free gum that tastes like cigars. "Sugar free" tells me right there that you're some kind of zealot.
There is just as much of a legitimate purpose for puffing on a cigar as there is in eating food that tastes good. Cigar smokers don't inhale the smoke. George Burns practically chain-smoked cigars his entire life, and he lived to be 100. Some people get cancer, and some don't, whether they smoked or not. I don't smoke just because I personally don't want to, but I will never stop anyone else.