This thread is calling out doomers and/or for those who want to larp POTUS or General for awhile.
U guys know where I stand. Q+ and Q follower & supporter from day 1. Onboard with The Plan and Watching a Movie. No one will convince me otherwise so don't try. That's not what this thread is for.
Let's get some basics out of the way. I'll try to be brief, but u know how that goes.
Please explain to us YOUR version of " The Plan ". Don't tell us how the plan sucks. Tell us how YOU would do it. Obviously ur smart enough to know it sucks, so u must be be smart enough to know how to make it work without sucking.
If you're not a doomer and would just like to offer " Your Plan " this thread is for u too. Let's hear it. Perhaps someone else can have an epiphany or we can stumbling across something we overlooked thru discussion.
Here is where your " expertise " comes into play. YOUR plan has to take these FACTS into consideration.
70 % of all government is corrupt to the core. Traitors, sleeper cells, & snakes everywhere. A significant, but minority portion of the general populace think these snakes are honest and heros.
Mainstream Media is also corrupt to the core. Lies 24/7 to make u and ur efforts look bad and cover for the criminal's actions. Public opinion and optics have to be considered as it has effects on your plans.
A section of the people you're trying to save also believe everything the MSM says is fact. They have little to no critical thinking skills and even refuse accept facts as evidence.
The enemy is using every asset they have 24/7 to instill fear and division in those u are trying to save - i.e. MSM, Pedowood, Govs, and so called " Experts " in their respective fields.
Over half the population does not know or understand True History, Civics, the Constitution, Law, and their God given rights. 30% want to do nothing, but have the gov take care of them.
Elections are rigged in several different ways so it's near impossible to legally recruit support for your cause.
Justice System protects criminals instead of investigates and prosecutes them. They too are compromised therefore they are also actively working against u.
Securing people's livelihoods, food, water, ( means of survival ) have to be sustained at all times throughout your plan.
Big Tech constantly censors your message and your followers trying to spread it.
Also keep it mind your plan has to be done as quick as humanly possible to keep your 5% doomers and concernfags happy.
There are more factors to consider, but let's just keep it simple with the one's above.
Anxiously waiting to hear YOUR battle plan OR from people who want to offer some ideas, insight, or w.e.
Thanks for playing.
I'd consider myself being a 'critical thinker' but I get if people see me as a doomer. It's not that I think I'm smarter. Just that this plan ought to wrap up soon, before things get way worse. I'm praying for the tide to turn, but I'm tired of the slow drip. Nevertheless, I like this assessment of yours as it challenges the detractors like me. So I'll attempt to explain.
True. So how do you expect this plan to convince them regardless of the outcome? Better to just shove it in their faces like they shove their nonsense.
This is a really good point. And again makes me think that these people will take as much time to be convinced than a special needs student. So why stall this? Let's get it over with.
Then why are Trump and the patriots playing by the rules all the time? Just get these people locked up and take control. There won't be a fake news media to convince people that this is a dictator attempting a coup now that you took over all comms.
Then the military should have stepped in after Nov. 7th, when they tried to declare Biden the winner. Heck they should have stepped in long before 2020. They would have probably stepped in if Hillary had won in 2016. So why not just get it done now. But I do acknowledge that the concernfags and the MSM sheep will not be happy. But they won't be able to respond in the way they usually do since all the important people and institutions have been eliminated.
I hear ya. I've ran the " rip the band aid off and get it over with " scenario thru my head many times.
All I've seen is coddling of a section of adults my whole life and I'm sick of it too. Many of us have not had this luxury and had to grow up and face the responsibility of life straight out of school. Our feelings, fairness, etc. did not matter.
For those of us awake for a very long time it becomes easy to say " Finally. Let's do this right now already " as we've been waiting forever.
Then other times have extended patience because " waiting " is all we've ever known anyway. It will literally make u bipolar if u dwell on it too long.
I don't know time frames and obviously I too want it done asap, but I do believe a plan is in place due to all we've seen in the last 4 years. It's more than we've ever seen.
We were told we would understand in the end. I hope that is true as well.
You said that you were a Q supporter since day 1. I can't say the same. Falling for the media lies about Q, it took time (until 2020) for me to wake up. So I respect your opinion very much as you have been in the trenches this whole time and have been patient for this long. Thank you very much for your understanding!
Nah ur a doomer if ya dont just sit back "trust the plan" for years and years and years now. Lmao only jan 6th was the day we could stand up? Riiiiiiiiight
Didn't the military want to "coup" Obama but they decided instead to go about it the legal way - with a President they could trust. So after four years, Trump is ready to arrest whoever and the military wusses out at the last minute. Perhaps those military figures resigned over those four years and now the new leaders want to play safe. Face it, whenever a human is involved any plan will go slowly and change often.
Still, why Biden's strange gun salute?
If you look into evolutionary game theory like hawks and doves, there is no time table. It's a war of attrition.
I agree with the facts you have laid out.
What I disagree with are all the thoughts of what the Plan is.
I am not waiting for mass incarations, I am not waiting for the cavalry to arrive, and I am not waiting for a global red pill moment that will swing the tide.
I believe in the slow red pilling of individuals, and the slow butterfly effect that will have, up to a point.
Considering the facts you and I agree on, there are two answers:
This requires "normal" people to brace up and get involved. 10 to 15 years ago all this crap was getting more noticeable and we did nothing. The perception that "it can't happen here" has to change.
In my opinion, the Founders designed not only the Federal government but the relationship between it and the states precisely for this purpose. It has been slowly eroded over the last 150 years because people, and the politicians they elect, have forgotten or never learned about these things.
In the end, I am a son of God, and His first. If this country must disintegrate, it will be a true shame, and horror will follow, but so be it. I will not lose sleep about it.
Regarding Q, and the work done by the good autists here, it is a product of confirmation bias. People are looking at things now that have always been but no one bothered to pay attention to. So, some things that are coincidences, or weird, are in fact not.
I won't deny the Q narrative, such as it is, and I believe Q is someone with inside information. But if we had the information people think Q is telling them we have (he has not been as specific as some act), then it would be known and acted upon.
All that being said, if things do play out like some here believe I won't be surprised. But I won't be surprised if Biden serves a full term, either.
Ultimately, I think some Q folks are far too certain based on dubitable data.
There is always a plan. People set goals and they make plans to reach those goals. I want the plan to take out the bad guys, serve up real justice to the lying Democrats, keep Trump going in office and punish all Pedophiles! What I want to be a part of the plan makes sense to me however the real plan may actually be different. Too many unknowns, many crooks, and a bunch of weak kneed GOP ....but I am hopeful!
I don't think the doomers and critical thinkers want to tell you what their plan would be.
not out of selfishness or anything, they're simply saying there is no plan
Exactly. That's one of the reason I put this up. They can come here and edumacate us all or STFU with the sky is falling nonsense. As far as those that think there is no plan wouldn't their time be best spent prepping their bunkers instead of trying to convince believers there is no plan ? Makes no sense.
I don't think they need to STFU.
If we're going to allow people to wildly speculate about real stretches like the white house being fake and biden not being president (as his EOs hit the official federal register) we should allow people who believe that that kind of thinking makes us look stupid and could serve to push away new intelligent minds that have yet to find us.
STFU was mainly directed at doomers. Legit concerns I think most can understand. However if " concerns " are all someone ever posts, at what point do u cross the line into dooming ?
Also alot of people's " wild speculations " have also panned out over time. So what may seem crazy now, actually isn't too far fetched when u look at the big picture of the last 4 years.
A lot of the wild speculations that have panned out had far better supporting evidence than these attempts to grasp at the idea of a studio white house, or two americas. It's only succeeding in making us look crazy and driving away potentially new critical thinkers.
These kind of posts are not Q research and belong on
no, the critical thinkers KNOW there is a plan.
Q says to 'think logically'...
ok ?
A good thread must have humor. I was totally with u and then at the last minute " Oops. WW3. My bad. Glad I'm not in charge ". I'd be lying if I did not say I hadn't done that 100 times in my battle plans too. That was funny tho. Thanks.
Don’t think I’m a doomer but I do think a little differently than most of y’all. Here’s my two cents
What’s about to happen in this world has little to do w our governments. It all has to do w the Great Wave that is coming from the center of our galaxy. The great cross. The Kali Yuga. Revelations etc... The Human species is about to enter into the next Age. It’s all pre-organized to be this way. As natural events occur on the surface of our earth w more frequency (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts), the tensions of man increase at the same intensity. Meanwhile, the heavenly bodies have aligned again after 13,000 years and the natural consequence of this is felt physically in our world.
It’s all coming together. This isn’t about Trump or the United States of America. Yes, Trump is involved and America is the greatest country to ever reside in Earth, but this is bigger than all of that. Bigger than governments. Bigger than man
Nothing can stop what is coming It will be Biblical The Great Awakening
Deep stuff. Care to expand/speculate on how that translates into real world changes for us? I too believe paradigms are shifting, but have a hard time on what to expect besides Ending Child Trafficking, Pedos, & Freedom from Our Terrorist Govs. Some ideas on " Bigger Than You Can Imagine " - Q ?
The Great Awakening is about a global shift in consciousness and learning about our true nature as divine sparks of the Divine Creator. We are finally learning the truth of who we really are, and discovering our connection to God.
It's all about energy (as Tesla figured out) and keeping in the high frequency emotions of love, mercy, gratitude, compassion, etc. This is important because the evil forces literally feed off dark energy. Low vibration emotions like anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, greed, etc.
This is the reason the DS has been so frantic to keep us in the lower vibrations of fear, hatred, greed, etc. Trying to prevent the global shift into a higher consciousness. But we are already at the tipping point and they have lost.
That is why I try to remind everyone to let go of the fear and anger, and focus instead on the hope and great awakening happening across the world.
All of my thinking has come from the last 5-8 years I have done reading a bunch of different types of theological prophesies, ancient origin stories, the astronomical cycles of our solar system/galaxy, and also alien and demon mythology.
I can’t point you to one source. But the most recent thing I’ve been reading is called The Cassiopeia Transcripts. I take everything I read w a grain of salt tho
Basically, my opinion is that what’s coming isn’t planned by humans. It is cosmic and a reoccurring shift in paradigm that happens every 13,000 years. Our solar system has formed the right angle (the great cross) w the center of galaxy and because of this, natural phenomenon occurs on all levels of existence. It’s spiritual.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen or even if what I’m thinking is correct, but I believe in my heart that what’s coming (like Q says), cannot he stopped by man. Bigger than we can imagine. It’s BIBLICAL
Hope that helps??? Lol
I don't know what my whole plan would be, but I would have shut down the whole Mainstream Media by now. By now, I mean between 2020 election and today. I am sure we all know how harmful the MSM is and how badly it manipulates public opinion. It would be the first or one of the first things I would have taken out if I were at the helm.
I am 100% confident Trump will be back. To answer your thread differently, I'd say that if there was no plan, things wouldn't be as they are: Biden would be governing as a President, the liars wouldn't be exposed that much, and it would be different altogether. I can't wait to see what will happen once the sham impeachment is over.
Excellent thread.
One of the major problems is that media is allowed to lie and put out propaganda. One of the first things Trump should of done is to get congress to pass a law that news media and tech companies can easily be sued UNLESS they correct lies in the same format (prime time, front page ect). Trump lost the first impeachment (in the public arena) because all the media did is move on to the next attack. They should of had to for weeks to correct the misinformation they put out on that alone. For example how many times did the media use the "Fine people on both sides hoax" out of context. The Pee Dossier was never walked back. How many times did they claim Trump is a racist without proof. The list goes on and there was no accountability. Right now I believe the "plan" is basically a big disinformation ploy and there was a lot of things happening in the background with the enemy not knowing what is true. That is great but this NEEDS to become a movement to take back America and even though Trump beautifully set the groundwork they could have had more call to actions. Patriots are not pissed and looking for change but are not in positions to make that change happen. For example more patriots need to be involved in the local politics in becoming local reps. Allies to the movement should have been found (like Dr. Shiva maybe i dont know) so that after the movement went silent the people could have someone to look to so they would not be totally depressed when it didnt happen when they thought it would.
Barry made propaganda legal.
Do u ever wonder why Trump never mentioned or attempted to reverse this ? Is impossible he is using in a good way to reeeducate and red pill people ?
I 100% agree people need to get involved at the ground level. And I think we are all disgusted at the way media can commit Crimes Against Humanity against the citizenry w/impunity. S
They are seriously a deadly problem because with their lies we would be so much further along right now. Forget the past for a moment and just look at what they done in the last 4 years alone with Trump and chivi. They are the true enemy of humanity.
I also agree with on the fact Patriots are pissed and want change but are not in positions to do so. How are we supposed to get involved when it's a club and elections are rigged ? It's frustrating. Boxed in and handcuffed. It's like all we can do is move to a red state and hope the Gov has the balls to do the right thing.
I figured we'd all just sit back for the rest of our lives "waitin for the plan" lol
The plan is rock solid but remember, there is no such a thing as a perfectly laid plan. There will always be unknowns and surprises. I will not consider the theory that Q has knowledge of the future and/or have some method of time travel. If Q is military then keep in mind that there are generals that are insanely good at strategic planning.
I agree at least 70% or more of all government is corrupt. I believe the vast majority of people are good and honest but things like the MSM can brainwash them and make them do bad things. I do not believe we should just let things be and not hold these idiots accountable. These idiots as in antifa, blm, any and all rioters and those projecting hate with the strong potential of inciting violence.
We should not just be nice and let these pieces of shit go unpunished. We obey laws and so will they or they can rot in prison. Honestly, some of them should be executed for treason especially those flag burners but that part is just my opinion.
Elections are corrupt, courts are corrupt, it's all about money and power. Q has been working on this in the background. Remember, Q is supposed to be military and military does not give two fucks about getting rich. Military cares about this country, first and foremost. Military is least likely to be bribed or bought.
Big tech are supposed to be allowed to censor people, including President Trump because it has to be shown. It was shown how all big tech colluded to silence anyone with differing opinions from what they wanted.
I am not military and I am not foolish or arrogant enough to believe I am smarter than those behind Q. I trust that those behind Q will come through for us. I do not have the kind of patience needed for this type of operation but obviously those behind Q does.
The one thing I will say though is that Q can't let this drag out much longer because some damage will not be able to be repaired. Some divisions will never heal and some may run out of patience and take up arms and start a big mess for us to have to deal with.
I enjoy talking about these things and am thankful there's a place to talk with like minded people.
Great well thought out Post. I don't see how most can't be on board with most of that, especially your last line.
Truth is already a lonely road, so imagine if we had no place to help one another through the darkness. So yeah , definitely appreciate u guys and this place.
No matter what happens, this has brought together potentially millions of people. No matter how long it takes, we will have the freedom that we deserve.
Well I am not a doomer and I quite hoped there would be some action like was suggested by Q (if Q isn't kind of psyop/larp) but:
Guns and ammo hidden, communication stuff,medicals and so on absolutely necessary before shit will explode.Hideouts/safe flats or hideouts. Waiting could be your doom. Guns and ammo shall be hidden in safe places NOW,already,even if civil war will not happen,even if military will save you. It won't hurt,it could save you in long term perspective
3.If they will try to avoid civil war but continue building dictatorship - don't be a good citizen.Disobey.Sabotage everything serving them if you can do this without consequence. Bigger mistakes they do,more problem they are blamed - it is better. It will cost much and take years,people will suffer - but nothing can be done.
4.The thing is military coup and cutting commies and other demoncrap party supporters off in "autonomous zones" governed by them would be best option under condition demoncrap supporters and especially "leaders" will be kept disarmed. Move there mainstream media and them, put armed guards some walls and enjoy looking like they or their children will be running from this hell sooner or later. That shall be most efficient kind of re-educating them. - problem is there will be any military coup or not.
Of course compromising the enemy would be most efficient way of winning this war to avoid isolating in such gettos other people than most hardcore supporters of traitors so we are in Q plan which looks the best. Uncovering it not even requires military at first steps. The problem is Q supporters redpilling people are not enough for now and for now we not see military even begining to act. Will we see it ? Who knows.
Wow, is this how bad it is now? Winnie’s spies are so lame they send 50 cent army shills out to figure out wtf is going on?
DIRECT MILITARY I think there's a strong argument for immediate action. The problem is so many people believe that would be a military coup. You could offset this by fixing media and helping re-educate people. The primary downsides are:
INDIRECT MILITARY In this version of events, they would rebuild the citizens power. That means local and state governments reclaiming their power. It means an informed, engaged base. This is going to take time and be very painful, but that's the only way to shake us out of our apathy. In this scenario, it's very possible many will die depending on how long they let it play. People are dying from vaccines, just wait for them to roll out more dumb Shit. These deaths are voluntary suicides that cull the weak and dumb. Hard facts there... Imagine this extending to FEMA camps, where the naive will go voluntarily. Only the prepared and industrious will be able to protect their families and loved ones.
Why would they do it this way? It seems needlessly harsh and cruel. But who knows, why have they done any of the things so far, all of it seems pointless tbh...
NO MILITARY It's all a psyop. This almost certainly can't be a LARP. I build businesses, the level of complexity present in Q posts requires serious coordination and planning. No way that's a random keyboard warrior. And the idea that Trump has been playing the long con since his 30s and that Melania is on board seems even crazier than what's currently happening. I totally believe the upper military could be crooked - everyone else seems to be. So possibly Trump simply can't get around them or is having to work with lower levels, who knows. I feel like this no action scenario is the most obvious and also the least likely. Great warfare tactic.
CIVIL WAR This could go very badly. It's highly likely the interior states will secede of this goes on much longer. Nobody is worried about fighting liberals, that would be easy. The real concern is coastal security. The libs could easily land Chinese and UN forces, and that would be able to overpower the interior in time. The best scenario here is the INDIRECT MILITARY option that prevents foreign interference while allowing or states to resolve this internally and legally over the next several years.
CULTURE WAR Ultimately I believe this is a giant culture war. And by culture, I mean spiritual. How do you beat brainwashing? How do you beat soldiers coming to your town?
Overwhelming force is the quality of our lives and our communities. It isn't happening somewhere "out there" at the state or federal level. It's happening in our home, our church, our local grocery store. It's rebuilding the fabric of our country one conversation at a time. It's helping our neighbor bring out the trash or making a meal for the single mother.
We can solve all the real problems by getting off the couch, sacrificing our savings account, and loving our neighbor.
I believe this is the real goal behind Q and what we are slowly starting to identify.
We've been woken up to the point where we are in spiritual pain at what's happening. This will force us to act. There are only two ways to behave:
We are soldiers for sure. It's time to leave the digital world and enter the physical world with truth, peace, and love. They can't fight 100 million patriots who live their neighbor as themselves.
This is the only way forward unless Trump/Q does something. But they aren't revealing their plan, so this is really the only way forward for us on an individual level.
Great stuff Swedy. Was a good read. Thanks for taking the time to think it thru and put it down. Very good points and I like the way it was presented. Definitely gonna reread this whole thread a few times.