It's fairly obvious now that by early March Trump will be back in office (If he ever actually left anyway...which I doubt), but it's fairly obvious Pence cannot be VP. So, who does Trump pick now that Pence has shown himself to be a backstabbing Judas?
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Not a scintilla of doubt!
I think Pompeo has earned it.
Off Topic. Do you think as many people betrayed Trump as we were lead to believe? I think maybe they played their role, and cover stories were thrown out to make Trump seem disorganized and not it control.
Pompeo or bust.
Pompeo if Pence is really a traitor.
Pence if he did what he was supposed to do and is playing triple agent. Refusing to 25th Amendment Trump is the only reason I believe he may have been more of a Snape than a Wormtail.
The fly doesn't lie.
More than happy to be proven wrong though.
Pompeo or Flynn
I was going to suggest the same.I think it will be MP thought because I don't think Flynn wants to deal with the "politics." BUT I do want Flynn to have some role in Admin 2.0.
POMPEO hands down
I really love him as SOS though!
I suspect that MP is part of team Q.
He is definitely part of Team Q and this has been demonstrated with multiple Q proofs and one very recent George News proof.
Pence !
Mike Pompeo
"Out there", idea I know. How about Candace Owens? She's young still and needs to temper (just a little bit) but wouldn't it be great to see the left's head blow off again? Seriously Pompeo, Flynn, or Desantis are my top picks. Getz is next along with perhaps Trey.
What about Mike Lindell the pillow guy?
Commerce Secretary perhaps ?
Pompeo, probably
If Pence really is a traitor then it'll be either Flynn or Pompeo
It's just going to be King Trump, so i don't think a VP will be needed...
...Ron or Mike - can't lose either way
What makes you think he wants to be president? He has more power now.... Congress has fought him all the way even when the Republicans were in power. He can tell people the truth and I guarantee you he has the proof. Just like the 300 possible witnesses on the sidelines.
Flynn and Trump know all the secrets and both could tell All as both are private citizens!
I think He’s still President. How else would he be able to control the military?
But I do agree, if he fixed the system he wouldn’t need to be President anymore. On the other hand, I believe he will need to be directly in that seat to guide us through the next 4 years. The DS needs more killing blows and we don’t them immediately trying to flip the new POTUS.
What do you mean it's "Faily Obvious"
What proof are you looking at?
ROFL...if you can't see the proof, then it's obvious you have not been paying attention to the literature.
I have seen a lot of things. But it doesn't mean he will be back in!
Ok...keep your head in the sand, that's fine. It's still somewhat of a free country.
I like your hope. But there is no clear evidence that Trump is coming back in.
Yes. I HOPE for him to come back. But that's not enough.
Again, it is obvious you have not been paying attention to the literature.
Give me an example that is not a Q post.
Mike Flynn or Mike Pompeo, either would be fantastic imo.
Pompeo or Flynn.
He ran with pence on the ticket, probably will have to stick with him
Pence has proved himself to be a traitor...Trump is NOT. Why would Trump ally himself with a fucking traitor?
If somehow election fraud was proven and it is overturned the tickets were Trump Pence vs Biden Harris. He can't just willy nilly kick Pence to the curb and pick whoever the hell he wants
He can put Pence on trial for treason, and when he is convicted, that will allow GEOTUS to hand pick another VP. It says in the constitution that if the VP passes away, is incarcerated, or is not fit for the job, the President can replace said VP. When Pence is convicted of treason, all 3 of those boxes may be checked off, although I doubt he'd get the death penalty, but he will be incarcerated and in doing so will be proven not fit for the job.
I dont think it works like that, but we all know you researched that, right?
It's quite obvious you haven't researched anything.
what is the constitutional method for replacing a VP?
Ron DeSantis is the next Trump. He needs to continue to stand his ground in Florida because that is his training to take on the enemy when he becomes President and it also affords the country to see how he kept Florida Great while the rest of the states, except SD, fell to the enemy.
We still need him here in Florida for now.
Wouldn’t that be amazing??!