Dumbass could have shut his mouth and come out of this with a positive image thanks to his bashing of Disney star wars. Is there no actor I can safely enjoy anymore? I'm so sick of this.
Samwise was a rich billionaire playboy with a smoking hot wife (and daughters) and several accomplished sons, leading the greatest country in world history?
“Gandalf”, aka Ian McKellen, is a flaming homo. He loves him some young man. Read Sean Astins’ book when he talks about working on LOTR. Ian treated him like shit because he was straight, had a wife and a kid. But the other cast members, who were single, young men (the main hobbits and the elves, specifically Orlando Bloom), he was ALL about hooking up with those young guys....
Yeah, pretty sure Kurt Russell has to watch EVERY word that comes out of his mouth, but he's on our side. Love how much shit he gives people about gun control in past interviews.
Dumbass could have shut his mouth and come out of this with a positive image thanks to his bashing of Disney star wars. Is there no actor I can safely enjoy anymore? I'm so sick of this.
He has been like this for a while. It is funny because Disney absolute shat on his character.
Christopher Lee can't respond because he's dead. Voted Biden probably, not his choice.
Sean Aston has TDS but I haven't heard anything from Elijah Wood but he's said things in the past that he's seen that Hollywood is full of pedos
Samwise was a rich billionaire playboy with a smoking hot wife (and daughters) and several accomplished sons, leading the greatest country in world history?
“Gandalf”, aka Ian McKellen, is a flaming homo. He loves him some young man. Read Sean Astins’ book when he talks about working on LOTR. Ian treated him like shit because he was straight, had a wife and a kid. But the other cast members, who were single, young men (the main hobbits and the elves, specifically Orlando Bloom), he was ALL about hooking up with those young guys....
Matthew McConaughey, Denzel Washington, Gina Carano.
Jon Voight?
Yeah, pretty sure Kurt Russell has to watch EVERY word that comes out of his mouth, but he's on our side. Love how much shit he gives people about gun control in past interviews.
No. No there isn’t.
Well, you could start with Kurt Russel or Jon Voight, maybe throw in a Bruce Willis or Sly Stallone for good measure ?