If that is actually from the real Vincent Fusca's Twitter, then he is using it to make the point that he does NOT look like an older JFK Jr. VF looks nothing like that - even if Jr is alive, he's not Fusca.
Fusca IS a patriot who shows up in interesting places, though. With weird messages written on signs and stuff like that. I understand the draw to go down this rabbit hole.
I'm all for the possibility that JFK Jr is alive. But he isn't Fusca. I know people who have met Vincent Fusca and apparently he is like a foot shorter than JFK Jr.
That being said, Fusca is a unique patriot who pops up in interesting places. I think he is likely just hardcore MAGA and puts in a lot of legwork, but at the same time I would not be surprised to find out he's some kind of agent or something. Who knows, but he is a patriot either way.
I dont think it has just look around. Does things appear normal in DC? Why is NG still there? Why isn't Mr potato flying in AF1 (I know only AF1 when POTUS is on it but don't know what else to call it)? There are so many unanswered questions that it seems something is going on. I do think its about complete though. All the pedo rings being busted, people stepping down from powerful positions, Myanmar and i don't understand why capital police are committing suicide ? and cheif of capital police letter after he was forced to resign all seem suspicious to me. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/05/politics/steven-sund-letter-capitol-police/index.html
What are you suggesting? That's just a computer aged JFK Jr. It's not Fusca.
Well I fell for it completely now i fell like a potato
?? but i don't want all them spuds
Lol. :D Sorry, fren.
Nothing to be sorry about ? its all good fren
All good. Almost everyone likes potatoes anyway, except for a POTUS of course.
It was fusca's twitter page so I was fooled i knew watching the hearing would make me stupid
If that is actually from the real Vincent Fusca's Twitter, then he is using it to make the point that he does NOT look like an older JFK Jr. VF looks nothing like that - even if Jr is alive, he's not Fusca.
Fusca IS a patriot who shows up in interesting places, though. With weird messages written on signs and stuff like that. I understand the draw to go down this rabbit hole.
Have you seen this yet https://rumble.com/vanaud-is-jfk-jr-still-alive-in-search-of-vincent-fusca-a-short-documentary.html
I'm all for the possibility that JFK Jr is alive. But he isn't Fusca. I know people who have met Vincent Fusca and apparently he is like a foot shorter than JFK Jr.
That being said, Fusca is a unique patriot who pops up in interesting places. I think he is likely just hardcore MAGA and puts in a lot of legwork, but at the same time I would not be surprised to find out he's some kind of agent or something. Who knows, but he is a patriot either way.
I'm so confused i need a drink lol JFK secret society hmm
Nope not til braincells regenerate I'm obviously lacking a few Who am I kidding thanks for the link?
Where there is ? there is ?
Fusca isn't half as good looking as John would be.
Agree but isn't that the point of a disguise?
When you post links, dont post them in title! Post them in the link field instead, so we can click it
Sorry I'm obviously having a bad time lol https://twitter.com/VincentFusca6/status/1360292557440249857?s=19
Yes i do thank you
So are you
I dont think it has just look around. Does things appear normal in DC? Why is NG still there? Why isn't Mr potato flying in AF1 (I know only AF1 when POTUS is on it but don't know what else to call it)? There are so many unanswered questions that it seems something is going on. I do think its about complete though. All the pedo rings being busted, people stepping down from powerful positions, Myanmar and i don't understand why capital police are committing suicide ? and cheif of capital police letter after he was forced to resign all seem suspicious to me. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/05/politics/steven-sund-letter-capitol-police/index.html
Bite me! I made a mistake mr perfection but im no sheep
Just like a soyboy hiding behind a keyboard Now stop picking on me or I'm going to my closet
Isn't past your bedtime? Lol