That's exactly what happened. The chans push out people who can't keep up with them, we don't have that luxury here since we're trying to bring everyone along.
Soon is never soon enough.
I do think the other segment who are not following like we are, those who prob even voted differently are beginning to understanding how corrupt the system is. It is rigged. The normal person is not supposed to come out on top, let alone challenge those in power.
If we can hold the line, truth will prevail.
If we do not give into fear, hope will spread.
If we can love thy neighbor even when the earthly powers pull us apart and try to divide us.
I was planehounding earlier and I saw this bizarre flight pattern.
Why would it fly exactly like that? Look at the point at the bottom, that’s pretty intricate flying.
Furthermore, it’s not just a random plane flying. That’s a U.S. government c-32 which is used for high ranking officials within the government.
To me, it looks like what the reddit wallstreetbets “diamond hands” logo looks like.
Coincidentally they are meeting with Congress tomorrow regarding Robinhood preventing trading of AMC and GME stocks.
Epic trolling??
I was watching that this morning too. It's one of the presidential birds. In fact, I took a screen shot of it as well because of the flight path. I figured someone would have some ideas about it. There was a whole lot of activity up this morning - it looked like everything but the kitchen sink was up there in the way of surveillance and intelligence gathering - both coasts were busy.
Thank you!! Geeze! It’s like you have to spell out every single thing...
Right there with you. You are spot on. Cut the money. Empower WE the people.
I actually miss being called a conspiracy nut, though I really like the sound of anon.
That's exactly what happened. The chans push out people who can't keep up with them, we don't have that luxury here since we're trying to bring everyone along.
Say it with me now. HODL THE LIGN
not sure but on the 19th scotus looks at trump's case against biden
Wallstreetbets and the reddit group who’s stock investing tanked the hedgefunders and shorters.
DDP ? Diamond Dallas Page ? The Diamond Cutter ?
Wallatreetbets and Congress.
Paul, from The Diamond Center
Oh my .... hahahahahaha
bury me with my GME
Me too + AMC
They have falsified the numbers. There are still shorting it. Not sure if it will ever come out...Janet Y Is in on it. FEC is corrupt.
This is all linked to Q.
This is meant to wake people up.
Soon is never soon enough. I do think the other segment who are not following like we are, those who prob even voted differently are beginning to understanding how corrupt the system is. It is rigged. The normal person is not supposed to come out on top, let alone challenge those in power.
If we can hold the line, truth will prevail. If we do not give into fear, hope will spread. If we can love thy neighbor even when the earthly powers pull us apart and try to divide us.
TRUTH, HOPE and LOVE wins.
AMC, NOK and SLV to the helium3!!!!
I'm so fuQin we tar did. Make em say ughhhh nA na na na. Put the chips in the DIPS!
I’m in for 11@$68
Toooo the moooon
I was planehounding earlier and I saw this bizarre flight pattern. Why would it fly exactly like that? Look at the point at the bottom, that’s pretty intricate flying. Furthermore, it’s not just a random plane flying. That’s a U.S. government c-32 which is used for high ranking officials within the government. To me, it looks like what the reddit wallstreetbets “diamond hands” logo looks like. Coincidentally they are meeting with Congress tomorrow regarding Robinhood preventing trading of AMC and GME stocks. Epic trolling??
I was watching that this morning too. It's one of the presidential birds. In fact, I took a screen shot of it as well because of the flight path. I figured someone would have some ideas about it. There was a whole lot of activity up this morning - it looked like everything but the kitchen sink was up there in the way of surveillance and intelligence gathering - both coasts were busy.
Lots of movement today. A couple of high flyers too
Yeah, saw a couple of U2s over CA and a Q4 near DC. Even Nightwatch was up. Busy day indeed.
One U2 went south along the MX-TX border. Q4, P8, Hawkeyes searching...for something in the water.
Diamond logo
Well, we know then your ass is invited.
Alex Jones will eat your ass.
Must have struck a dick in your butt.
You are the one asking for a dick in your butt. Good luck though!
Fair...I seriously thought it was a bot
China bot^
Such a tough guy who likes getting bent. : )
Sounds like you have a graveyard for dead cocks behind you.