Another False Flag. 3rd shooting in 3 days that I know of.
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They want your guns America. Don't let them take them.
Seems like [they]'re setting up the narratives to take our guns, clamp down on EVERYONE for violent crime and "hate speech," and possibly try to start a race war.
It wont be a race war, it'll be the people vs the government
Houston has been trying to compete for the thug-life awards too, lately.
These ain't false flags tho, just thug life and the usual joggers out jogging, double damned corrupt government releases prisoners from jails and then they wonder why shiite habbens.
They stay in the city tho, if they come out here acting like that they'll get shot.
What else is new. This is your standard Saturday news coming out of NOLA
I knew we'd start seeing these FF's as soon as the House started talking about a new gun control bill. It was SOP before Trump got elected and it's back to being SOP again.
Chicago has deadlier shootings each weekend but they never make the news.
Problem is that people have lost their jobs due to this scamdemic and are becoming depressed and suicidal. People are stopping to care about anything, this PLANdemic is working just like THEY wanted it to.
NOLA is pretty bad, but the area where this shooting occurred is NOT dangerous. Seems odd that this dude walked in carrying a loaded gun and got angry that an employee advised him of the rules there, that's not just angry-at-life, that's looking for trouble. This reeks of false flag, pedes.
They are gearing up to put kids back in school. I have a feeking that is when the next mass shooting will take place. They will blame trumps lockdowns/handling of covid in order to push an impeachment 3.0 and gun removal. I hope i am wrong and they leave the kids alone, but the best tool they have are gun free school zones.