"Per the terms of the agreement, we can’t comment further on a personnel matter."
So in essence we will create terms that we can't talk about and then refer to those terms when asked about it. The taxpayers are paying for the cover up.
"Per the terms of the agreement, we can’t comment further on a personnel matter."
So in essence we will create terms that we can't talk about and then refer to those terms when asked about it. The taxpayers are paying for the cover up.
We know what she did. Add another rope to the gallows for her.
(For the LEGAL military executions after being arrested, tried, and convicted legally)
The Michigan legislature has opened investigations into the mass murder of the elderly by HalfWhit. And Charlie Leduff, a legendary investigative journalist here in Michigan, and the Mackinac Council have filed a lawsuit against her.
Her turn is coming. Im hoping for a lottery to choose the person who gets to pull the lever on the gallows.
This bitch is pure evil. She even conspired to get Nassar off the hook while Ingham County Prosecutor.
cant wait
Holy shit!
That's SO bad.
How can even THIS not be investigated?
Such BS.
Civilian Law & Order failed. Military is now required.
These people need to hang.
Don't worry, Whitmer will get her very own Nuremberg style trial.
Nda is useless
These cunts work for We The People.
NDA don’t mean shit at a tribunal just saying
After Cuomo, hopefully she's next.
She looks more evil than Hillary, and that's hard to do!