NFL QB and wife see UFO
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Q says we are not alone; but are these MSM media reports legitimate, or are they precursors for a bigger false flag scare event?
Any sources on the "extra terrestrials" section of the popular Q-Map would be appreciated.
Q implied interplanetary travel was impossible.
I don't recall Q saying 'we're not alone'.
I found it - Q Drop 2222 - someone asks "are we alone", Q responds "No. Highest Classification. Consider the vastness of space."
I'd appreciate any other Q drops or sources related to the Extra-terrestrials section of the Q-Map. Thank you.
Yes, there are spiritual beings, angels and demons, and they are with us all the time.
Actually the alien agenda IS important. We know that the lower echelons of the "elite" (such as Killary) report to the higher (such as Rothschilds). They, in turn, report to the highest ranks (think Payseurs et al.) Now whom do you suppose they report to? And why was the Space Force officially brought into existence?
God intended man to remain perfect and so we would outgrow the Earth at some point and need to spread out elsewhere...Adam canceled that need.
Down votes for an accurate statement. Oh well I tried.
yes... 'but consider the vastness of space' has other implications, as well.
There are significant math problems associated with commuting between planetary systems.
Of course there is alien life, but it isn't and hasn't been to this planet. I am positive of that.
I have seen many UFO's in my lifetime, and the first time was when I was 19. Which was many years ago, but still a very vivid memory. I was living in Phx at the time of the Phx lights event in the 90's and know people that saw that and it was not what the narrative was claiming it was. But since moving to Northern NM I have had more encounters. I even saw a passenger jet completely disappear right before my eyes. I have no idea WTH happened there, nor do I know exactly what these crafts are that I've seen in the past. But I can tell you that they are silent and move like nothing that we the people are aware of our governments of the world possessing. So whatever they are, they do exist, and I am positive of that.
You never saw a craft from another planetary system.
Full stop.
Like I said, I dont know what they are or where they come from. They are UFO's, and I have seen many.
You are correct that there are significant math problems associated with traveling to other planets (With our current knowledge and capability). There could very easily be technology/knowledge that we know nothing about. There could be elements/resources on other planets that we can't even imagine that caused them to progress and evolve much differently than we did.
Distance is not a factor when you can bend space.
If you bend the fabric...the trip is actually quite short.
Still doesn’t prove if it “can” be bent...or if there is other life out there...or that that even want to find us.
We're getting away from the point, I think.
MSM is spreading disinformation about Aliens as a distraction. Baker Mayfield and his wife making this shit up out of thin air.
There is no story here other than pro sports athletes are OWNED just like the rest of the clowns in the circus.
Agree with you there, it is probably just an attention grab. You also made a very definitive statement that you are positive that alien life has never been to this planet which is what I was addressing. That is just not really something you could be that certain about
Yes. It is.
The UFO industry was created in the post WW2 for a variety of reasons.
ok well the popular Q map that lots of people reference here has a big section dedication to specific alien races; I am wondering where that comes from?
British hacker Gary McKinnon hacked the US military in 2002 and claims the US already had a giant space fleet at that time. Bush admin tried to press charges for "biggest military hack" ever but the UK protected him.
I dont understand how you can be so positive.
I don't give a fuck about aliens, buddy.
John Podesta, Tom Delong of Blink182 and the CIA were all working together on larping alien life.
That should say it all about this alien narrative being pushed in the MSM.
your logic is terrible, im reporting you as a troll
lol so what?
Look at my submission history.
STOP LARPING ALIEN LIFE as a distraction.
How did I figure it was going to be (awesome) Baker and his (mediocre-looking) wife before even opening this? Hahaha! Pretty cool story nonetheless.
Bro. I can’t stand her in those commercials. “Get me this get me that” “run back in the stadium I forgot something” grrrrr Baker Baker, bro. You can snag whomever, not just some IG rando.
Oh, I know it! He is hot and she is not.
AAAAND here we go...
FBIAnon warned about the cabal larping Aliens, when the end is near.