One of the best evidences of Killary's body double was in 2016 after her collapse. Compare video of HRC before her being dragged into the SUV, with the video of the women leaving Chelsea's NY apartment 3 hours later. Taken the same day, showing two very different people (including anomolies in the pantsuit outfit). Disparities observable from same day video is much stronger and more convincing evidence than diff pics taken in diff conditions years apart, as mentioned above.
where's evidence? she is wearing flats it appears. not sure what she normally wears or how she normally stacks up to Bill
she's had plastic surgery, or so we've been led to believe
if some solid height evidence to suggest it can't be the same person that'll be interesting, but for now I've only seen people state the inauguration Hillary was too short
thanks. maybe im missing something, but still not seeing difference in height proof. any side by sides you provided don't show us what does she's wearing. inauguration Hillary doesn't look that much different to me height wise especially if we consider she's wearing flats
don't get me wrong, i hope she's at Gitmo or already paid the price for her crimes but just wouldn't bring this up to a normie or even a newly red pilled person for fear of losing them with a difficult to substantiate theory. further investigation into the differing ear could be fruitful
I agree the evidence isn't 100% conclusive, but it does suggests that there may be more going on here. The body double does look a lot like HRC and is shorter than HRC. With a mask on, about the only tell is the height. HRC also doesn't seem like the type that would be big on high heels -- too feminine for her, methinks.
After all is said and done, though, there are arguably better places to start with normies than this.
This isn't convincing for me. The actually look like the same person, but with a very different hair style, lighting, bit more age, etc.
I've never been one for the body double theory, however, there IS that one video with Laura Loomer, who ratted out the kamala double at a so called campaign event. She was wearing a mask, but when you looked at her eyes, it was very apparent it wasn't kamala. I have not looked into the circumstances of that video very deeply, so I'm not even certain it was someone actually posing as her, but that appears to be the case, fake SS and all.
Yep. You'd need high quality side by sides with similar facial expressions/camera angles/lighting. How many times have we seen a bad picture of ourselves and thought sheesh I don't look that bad do I?
The problem I find with doubles is: what’s the use of not having the real person if the fake one - the actor - is going to do as bad a job, and push the same nefarious agenda? In other words, what’s the use of the pretend one is going to act exactly as the real one? If someone could answer me, I’d be most grateful.
Back in the fall? of 2020 Winter? I watched a video of Bill and Killary's Cockroaches. It was in their home, Bill looked very shocked and scared with his mouth open so then the camera zoomed in on Killary and she is even nervous. Does anyone know where I can find this video again? Thank's for your time.
Funny how in the 3rd video, they descend the stairs out of step, no left-right-left... characteristic of their relationship.
But how do we know those are US Marshals with them? I can't get a good look at the badge.
The female in the white shirt who is walking ahead of HRC as she waddles down the stairs has a badge on her belt buckle. It's visible when she turns around to look at HRC. Idk if it's a Marshal badge or not.
It’s like two completely different people.
Low-resolution photos, different color-tinting, different profile angle, differently lighting angle.
One of the best evidences of Killary's body double was in 2016 after her collapse. Compare video of HRC before her being dragged into the SUV, with the video of the women leaving Chelsea's NY apartment 3 hours later. Taken the same day, showing two very different people (including anomolies in the pantsuit outfit). Disparities observable from same day video is much stronger and more convincing evidence than diff pics taken in diff conditions years apart, as mentioned above.
Agreed. Also add different cosmetic surgery progression.
Oh that’s super creepy dude lol
And you’re probably right.
The person in the bottom photo is too short to be HRC. Note that she is staying a couple of steps above BC in order to appear taller.
where's evidence? she is wearing flats it appears. not sure what she normally wears or how she normally stacks up to Bill
she's had plastic surgery, or so we've been led to believe
if some solid height evidence to suggest it can't be the same person that'll be interesting, but for now I've only seen people state the inauguration Hillary was too short
thanks. maybe im missing something, but still not seeing difference in height proof. any side by sides you provided don't show us what does she's wearing. inauguration Hillary doesn't look that much different to me height wise especially if we consider she's wearing flats
don't get me wrong, i hope she's at Gitmo or already paid the price for her crimes but just wouldn't bring this up to a normie or even a newly red pilled person for fear of losing them with a difficult to substantiate theory. further investigation into the differing ear could be fruitful
I agree the evidence isn't 100% conclusive, but it does suggests that there may be more going on here. The body double does look a lot like HRC and is shorter than HRC. With a mask on, about the only tell is the height. HRC also doesn't seem like the type that would be big on high heels -- too feminine for her, methinks.
After all is said and done, though, there are arguably better places to start with normies than this.
She makes my stomach churn like I ate bad taco bell u/#Vomit
That implies there is good Taco Bell...
This isn't convincing for me. The actually look like the same person, but with a very different hair style, lighting, bit more age, etc.
I've never been one for the body double theory, however, there IS that one video with Laura Loomer, who ratted out the kamala double at a so called campaign event. She was wearing a mask, but when you looked at her eyes, it was very apparent it wasn't kamala. I have not looked into the circumstances of that video very deeply, so I'm not even certain it was someone actually posing as her, but that appears to be the case, fake SS and all.
Yeah she looks the same to me. Lightning and angles play a huge part in this.
From those two screenshots it sure looks like it.
But I looked up some videos on Yewtube and the folds in her ugly face seem to match.
I tried comparing the voices, but the difference in audio quality puts me off.
If anyone has access to forensic voice analysis software that would probably be the easiest way to confirm or reject this hypothesis though.
Teeth and nose are regularly being operated on with these shitbags though, so those aren't conclusive for me when other facial features still match.
Yep. You'd need high quality side by sides with similar facial expressions/camera angles/lighting. How many times have we seen a bad picture of ourselves and thought sheesh I don't look that bad do I?
The problem I find with doubles is: what’s the use of not having the real person if the fake one - the actor - is going to do as bad a job, and push the same nefarious agenda? In other words, what’s the use of the pretend one is going to act exactly as the real one? If someone could answer me, I’d be most grateful.
Back in the fall? of 2020 Winter? I watched a video of Bill and Killary's Cockroaches. It was in their home, Bill looked very shocked and scared with his mouth open so then the camera zoomed in on Killary and she is even nervous. Does anyone know where I can find this video again? Thank's for your time.
lol.. the hillery in the 3rd video is about 70 lbs heavier then the real hillery! shorter, too... maybe gravity is compressing her/it!
Funny how in the 3rd video, they descend the stairs out of step, no left-right-left... characteristic of their relationship. But how do we know those are US Marshals with them? I can't get a good look at the badge.
The real proof white hats know it all is the four US MARSHALS with her. No matter who she is.
What makes you think they're US MARSHALS?
The female in the white shirt who is walking ahead of HRC as she waddles down the stairs has a badge on her belt buckle. It's visible when she turns around to look at HRC. Idk if it's a Marshal badge or not.
One on the right looks like she had teeth whitened, there’s different lighting, and a couple more lbs.
I won’t comment on the video thumbnail but that’s the same nose and same evil woman in both of the top pictures.