Imagine what it would take to have to come to the realization that you are in fact everything that you’ve outwardly hated and virtue signalled against for the last decade. The mind will use every available tool to prevent this from happening. It will take something truly shocking and real to do this.
Good perspective. Instead of being a whiny bitch about lack of habbenings, be thankful that getting my red pill early means I will be prepared for what is coming. This who won't will be in a world of hurt.
For those of us awake and that have faith in the plan, this show is entertaining, even if sometimes painful to watch.
The ones that are the worst off aren't those still sleeping or those who are awakened, but those who know the tragedies and the corruption (the Law) but don't understand Q (the Gospel).
This Q = God shit is cringe as fuck. Q is not the Gospel. At best, it's a military operation with people who have Christian faith running it and mentioning their faith in the posts. Go read your Bible.
Who said Q = God? Those allusions were not meant to be taken literally. The Christian religion (though not exclusively that religion) uses specific methods of conveying information in each teaching. First is an expose on the Law, meant to teach what's wrong, to show us our sinful nature. Then comes the Gospel, to show us the path to our salvation. Any further association you feel was implied is on you.
Historically, they would consider this the 'overlapping' of the ages (old age and new age)
Were in the period that is represented by the vesica Pisces. the symbol disguised as a 'jesus fish' which is two intersecting circles (ages) and has the numerical mathematical number of 153 (which is why the Bible says they caught 153 fish, its all symbolism)
There is ALWAYS a transition between ages. A power shift doesnt happen over night.
Typically, they last about 70 years actually.
For example, the last transition of ages was Aries to Pisces. Jesus was born (not actually on, supposedly) on ZERO DAY, the time between BC/AD
He died roughly halfway through the transition of ages, and the age of Aries ENDED on 70ad. That was the end of the age of sacrifice (Aries the sacrifice, Jesus the LAST sacrifice, ushered in Pisces, made fishers of men. Pisces is the age of DECEPTION)
Between every age is a messianic figure. One who saves the people. A chosen one. We KNOW who that figure is. Who started the end of the age of pisces, and began the age of Aquarius?
JFK Sr and DJT. Not quite 70 years, but pretty close, especially if Trump gets 2 more term, that basically ends very close to 70 years.
JFK's grave is a Q? yes... but its also a vescica pisces. Continue the shapes around. Two intersecting circles. JFK is the 'tail' of the Q being drawn on the circle, the full circle was the old age, Jfk initiated the new age. He was cut off, or killed.
Trump is finalizing the destruction of the old age, aka the old guard.
We enter into Aquarius, or the water bearer. Watch the water. water = life giving spirit.
The occult symbolism is often lost on people. My contribution to the Great Miserable Work is to shed some light on this, demystify it a bit. Not great awakening material itself but a fantastic gate keeping tool - once you've passed over and the light is blinding it's good to have someone there to hand you your compass, your map, and distinguish it from the territory.
Nothing totally incorrect but I'd register it as scraping the surface.
The significance of the vesica pisces is 100 fold what's listed here but certainly includes what you've described.
It's the very beginning of the geometry of creation, where the one becomes the two. The extrapolation of which ultimately forms the toroidal field which is the basis for all manifestation in this dimension.
Along the way of course we form many other significant symbols, not least of which is the Tree of Life depicted in the Kabalah.
Didn't touch on the vagina, mother, matter, matrix, womb stuff, or like you said the toroidal stuff. Torus, taurus, womb, or how the heart generates a toroidal field, heart, hearth, earth, etc.
Infinity logo, or number 8 (same thing and meaning) is a cross section of the field. The zero point is the midst of the field. There is no time. Everything moves and is projected from zero point, emanates outwarda and time is the illusion from the perspecrive of the conscious entity in the midst.
Even all THAT is hardly scraping the surface... amarite? Lol.
Fun stuff. Helps to understand the Bible and other ancient writings.
Every religion has this stuff and it seems to have all come from one single belief and was distorted or hidden over the years.
The Bible is much more of an eastern style belief system than 99.9% of Christians even know.
I'm a fireman. I just had a discussion 2 days ago with a guy who I would consider "intelligent" that works in our medical division. We were discussing masks. I was trying to tell him about the latest CDC study showing masks were less than 2% effective. Even after showing him the article, he refused to believe the evidence. All he could do was quote Fauci and how many articles he's read from Fauci's office.
Our part of the plan is to shovel red pills to the masses. We're awake and yes it's frustrating as a mother fucker because there are still so many who are not and don't want to be waken up. The good thing is that they're not going to have a choice in the matter and they're going to be slapped awake. I fucking hate to say Biden had to win but he did in order to bring all the evil to the surface where we can kill it once and for all. Just keep pushing the red pills to the masses!!
Will take some thought and a concerted effort but I like where you're going with this. Problem right now we have no way to prove any of what's on the other side of this.
I think it is great and I'm a big fan of the rude awakening but it sucks major chunks for those of us that never needed to be woken up.........
Imagine what it would take to have to come to the realization that you are in fact everything that you’ve outwardly hated and virtue signalled against for the last decade. The mind will use every available tool to prevent this from happening. It will take something truly shocking and real to do this.
Good perspective. Instead of being a whiny bitch about lack of habbenings, be thankful that getting my red pill early means I will be prepared for what is coming. This who won't will be in a world of hurt.
For those of us awake and that have faith in the plan, this show is entertaining, even if sometimes painful to watch.
The ones that are the worst off aren't those still sleeping or those who are awakened, but those who know the tragedies and the corruption (the Law) but don't understand Q (the Gospel).
This Q = God shit is cringe as fuck. Q is not the Gospel. At best, it's a military operation with people who have Christian faith running it and mentioning their faith in the posts. Go read your Bible.
Who said Q = God? Those allusions were not meant to be taken literally. The Christian religion (though not exclusively that religion) uses specific methods of conveying information in each teaching. First is an expose on the Law, meant to teach what's wrong, to show us our sinful nature. Then comes the Gospel, to show us the path to our salvation. Any further association you feel was implied is on you.
It is said to appreciate beauty and all that is good you have to experience horrors of the abyss.
Love your country, love your family, and love your life. You are blessed to be on this earth.
“Today’s red pills are suppository and they are girthy m’frs that have spikes that stick out when inserted...”
Oh how I wish that were literally true, about the spikes and all that. Sigh... I'll just have to imagine it.
Ausies are based as fuck!!!
... with SPIKES no less... ouchie. That is going to sting a little...
Seems fitting for this thread
Historically, they would consider this the 'overlapping' of the ages (old age and new age)
Were in the period that is represented by the vesica Pisces. the symbol disguised as a 'jesus fish' which is two intersecting circles (ages) and has the numerical mathematical number of 153 (which is why the Bible says they caught 153 fish, its all symbolism)
There is ALWAYS a transition between ages. A power shift doesnt happen over night.
Typically, they last about 70 years actually.
For example, the last transition of ages was Aries to Pisces. Jesus was born (not actually on, supposedly) on ZERO DAY, the time between BC/AD
He died roughly halfway through the transition of ages, and the age of Aries ENDED on 70ad. That was the end of the age of sacrifice (Aries the sacrifice, Jesus the LAST sacrifice, ushered in Pisces, made fishers of men. Pisces is the age of DECEPTION)
Between every age is a messianic figure. One who saves the people. A chosen one. We KNOW who that figure is. Who started the end of the age of pisces, and began the age of Aquarius?
JFK Sr and DJT. Not quite 70 years, but pretty close, especially if Trump gets 2 more term, that basically ends very close to 70 years.
JFK's grave is a Q? yes... but its also a vescica pisces. Continue the shapes around. Two intersecting circles. JFK is the 'tail' of the Q being drawn on the circle, the full circle was the old age, Jfk initiated the new age. He was cut off, or killed.
Trump is finalizing the destruction of the old age, aka the old guard.
We enter into Aquarius, or the water bearer. Watch the water. water = life giving spirit.
The occult symbolism is often lost on people. My contribution to the Great Miserable Work is to shed some light on this, demystify it a bit. Not great awakening material itself but a fantastic gate keeping tool - once you've passed over and the light is blinding it's good to have someone there to hand you your compass, your map, and distinguish it from the territory.
Is anything i said at all accurate? Just Curious cause i basically figured out all this by myself after years of seeing with eyes wide open
Nothing totally incorrect but I'd register it as scraping the surface.
The significance of the vesica pisces is 100 fold what's listed here but certainly includes what you've described.
It's the very beginning of the geometry of creation, where the one becomes the two. The extrapolation of which ultimately forms the toroidal field which is the basis for all manifestation in this dimension.
Along the way of course we form many other significant symbols, not least of which is the Tree of Life depicted in the Kabalah.
And all the tree/tower/ladder/33/cadeuceus/serpent/staff/Magic Sword symbolism is interesting too. And that's everywhere.
I think Trump was sworn in as GEOTUS on Jacobs Pillow... which is very linked.
Correct, i only scraped on the VP.
Didn't touch on the vagina, mother, matter, matrix, womb stuff, or like you said the toroidal stuff. Torus, taurus, womb, or how the heart generates a toroidal field, heart, hearth, earth, etc.
Infinity logo, or number 8 (same thing and meaning) is a cross section of the field. The zero point is the midst of the field. There is no time. Everything moves and is projected from zero point, emanates outwarda and time is the illusion from the perspecrive of the conscious entity in the midst.
Even all THAT is hardly scraping the surface... amarite? Lol.
Fun stuff. Helps to understand the Bible and other ancient writings.
Every religion has this stuff and it seems to have all come from one single belief and was distorted or hidden over the years.
The Bible is much more of an eastern style belief system than 99.9% of Christians even know.
My brother is starting to notice it too. Thank fucking God
I'm a fireman. I just had a discussion 2 days ago with a guy who I would consider "intelligent" that works in our medical division. We were discussing masks. I was trying to tell him about the latest CDC study showing masks were less than 2% effective. Even after showing him the article, he refused to believe the evidence. All he could do was quote Fauci and how many articles he's read from Fauci's office.
This is going to hurt the dainty lambs.....
All you have to do for evil to expose itself is stand up for your basic human rights
Our part of the plan is to shovel red pills to the masses. We're awake and yes it's frustrating as a mother fucker because there are still so many who are not and don't want to be waken up. The good thing is that they're not going to have a choice in the matter and they're going to be slapped awake. I fucking hate to say Biden had to win but he did in order to bring all the evil to the surface where we can kill it once and for all. Just keep pushing the red pills to the masses!!
I agree, people are too addicted to things like phones that hack your brain (attention) fren
next up we will all be stuck in a holosimululation deck
focus on the digital (well) being:
We are nothing without hope.
Will take some thought and a concerted effort but I like where you're going with this. Problem right now we have no way to prove any of what's on the other side of this.