Pope: The New World Order will save us.
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God needs to get rid of the entire satanic catholic "church". Everything about it is anti-Christ, fake, phony and false.
To quote The Who from “ won’t get fooled again”
Meet the NEW boss, Same as the OLD boss.
Is there any doubt this guy is a satan worshiping POS?
At least he finally says it
Isn't that the truth? Th
The Pope calls for a New World Order. Who are the Conspiracy Theorists now? We're nothing compared with you actual Conspiracy Practitioners experts. I remember back in january 2004 Pope John Paul II also called for this NWO.. I think this time they get closer to it
Unfortunately there's no church-based mechanism to get rid of him. Note in all of his New World Order nonsense there's no mention of "God." You'd think the Pope would know something about that.
New World Order = Great Reset. The Pope proving prophecy will be correct and he is indeed the last Pope. There is definitely a need for a Biblical cleansing of he and all the evil.
He is right when he says nothing will be the same. He just got "the new world order part wrong". His day and all the criminal catholic priests day will come very soon.
this bitch...
That jackass can't run a church and he wants to try to run the world
Boy, I would love to watch him trying to explain his actions to St Peter trying to get thru the pearly gates and his sob story to God why he did what he did all thru his life.
This is sickening. The church was never meant to get involved in Caesar's battles. It was and is meant to save souls.