Am I the only one seeing where this is going?, China is making itself victim and now they are pushing this garbage to ultimatelly make chinese people a protected class on the US.
Now you will be unable to say anything against Asians and later you will not be able to criticize the CCP.
No one is seeing this but me, really?
Luckily I think the Asians are on our side for the most part too. Met a lot of Asains that cared more about MAGA and election integrity then most republicans. Chinese who still have some links and connections seem to understand and hate the CCP more than almost anybody. I can't wait for them trying to frame Donald Trump as somehow having anti-asain and Chinese rhetoric... LOL nothing even close. Like I hope idiots understand when we call out China and CCP this obviously does not equal asian people.
I'm American-Chinese. Went to the Stop the Steal rallies in my state. Saw lots of other Asians at the protests. I remember why my family left China and I most definitely don't want that here!
I think it could be part of operation wake-up to show all who have fallen for the black victims, racism, reparations narrative how stupid it actually is. When they see the same shit spouted about Asians, and 99% of Asians respond with one raised eye-brow...maybe it will slap them with reality...just my .02
Yup, I see it too! China will be milking this situation out dry. They will play the 'victim role' while also screwing us over.......again. The Democrats, especially the leaders, will go along with it because they were involved with the whole virus situation. China might have released the virus world wide because they didn't get their way on something for once (trade deal with the US.) But the Dems plotted with them, and will never hold China accountable.
cant wait for them to send in imported CCP troops to either do "peacekeeping" or be disguised as rioters.
We already have some training up here in Canada, just for you.
Maybe something like training the "peaceful" protesters from the Huston consulate?
Kind of like Jews ?
Yeah and we know it is the worse crime you can do, to mention (((THEM))). OMG, if only people used their brains.
Posted about this yesterday. Asians will be the new BLM.
Identity politics, the gift that keeps on giving. As long as this is prominent, they can always find some new sub-group to divide us over.
Hello, newbie shill who joined just 49 minutes ago!
Considering our woke liberals take any opportunity to self-flagellate themselves in order to appear good ( because they all have a void in their heart from lack of Christian values + Happiness of making a family) it's no surprise that the Chinese or any other commie is using identity politics as weapons.
For 8 years Obummer was shielded by a media that used the Black People they claim to protect as shields to all critics.
China is following suit by repeatedly telling the world that Chinese people and the CCP are one which is a lie.
The biggest oppressor of the Chinese is the CCP.
Please tell me that they are going to go with the narrative that all white people think all Asians are from China, or that we use "orientals" as a slur, I will die laughing. I'm so white I'm clear, but I have family on both sides from the Phillipines, Vietnam, and China. This will be so fun my "Auntie" Ellen married my grandfather when I was about 6, she's the most racist person in my family.
This narrative is an attempt to blame whites and excuse blacks for their black on Asian racism. I am a Chin-x American who laughs at the bs articles and protest blaming white supremacy for the action of black criminals
As an American I am absolutely ASHAMED by this! It’s bad enough that we’re playing the race card again but Americans don’t even know the difference between criticizing a regime and criticizing a culture. Mention all the Asians who are against the CCP