Original link. https://reaction19.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Synthese-des-donnees-recueillies-grace-a-lutilisation-oxymetres.pdf
This association is currently suing in France against the obligation to wear masks https://reaction19.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Plainte-masques-fusionnée-signée.pdf. Translate with Google Chrome. I suggest every parents to create an association to do the same.
Translation (sorry for the pagination)
Summary of the data collected through the useoximetersIn a few weeks REACTION 19 received 29 certificates from members who measured their oxygen saturation rate before and after wearing the mask for several hours during.These measurements were taken on children and adults throughout France.
Here is the summary:Schoolchildren (primary school) (7-11 years old): Global data :➢ 11 certificates➢ Starting rate: 99% -97%➢ Final rates: 91% -77%Details:➢ 11-year-old child living in Hérault after wearing the mask for 9 hours : Starting rate: 96%o Final rate: 88%➢ 8-year-old child living in Drôme after wearing the mask for8 hours 30 min: Starting rate: 99%o Final rate: 86% ➢ 10-year-old child living in the Loiret after having worn the mask for 8 hours : Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 83% 9-year-old child living in the Var after wearing the mask for 8hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 89%➢ 10-year-old child living in Hauts-de-Seine after wearing the mask for 8 hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 93%➢ 11-year-old child living in Haut-Rhin after wearing the mask for 6 hours: Starting rate: 98% Final rate: 91%➢ 8-year-old child living in Yvelines after wearing the mask for 8 hours 30: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 86%➢ 7-year-old child living in Puy-de-Dôme after wearing the mask during 3 hours :Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 92%➢ 7-year-old child living in Drôme after wearing the mask for 8:30 am: Starting rate: 99%o Final rate: 92%➢ 9-year-old child living in Drôme after wearing the mask for 8:30 am:o Starting rate: 97%o Final rate: 91%➢ 9-year-old child living in Aisne after wearing the mask for 3hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 90%➢ 7-year-old child living in Essonne after wearing the mask for 8h hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 77% Middle school students (12-15 years old): Global data: 10 certificates Starting rate: 99% - 97%o Final rates: 97% -86% Details:➢ 13-year-old child living in Aisne after wearing the mask for 8hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 90%➢ 13-year-old child living in Bas-Rhin after wearing the mask for 7 hours:o Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 92%➢ 13-year-old child living in Yvelines after wearing the maskfor 4 hours: Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 90%➢ 16-year-old child living in Aveyron after wearing the mask for 8 hours: Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 93% 12-year-old child living in Moselle after wearing the mask for 7 hours: Starting rate: 99%o Final rate: 97%➢ 12-year-old child living in the North after having worn the mask for 4 hours : Starting rate: 99%o Final rate: 86%➢ 13-year-old child living in the Var after wearing the mask for 8hours: Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 90%➢ 13-year-old child living in Maine-et-Loire after wearing the maskfor 7 hours: Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 90%➢ 12-year-old child living in Paris after wearing the mask for 3 hours 30 minutes:o Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 86%➢ 13-year-old child living in Finistère after wearing the mask for 8hours: Starting rate: 97%o Final rate: 90% High school students (16-18 years old): 1 certificateDetails:➢ 17-year-old child living in Finistère after wearing the maskfor 8 hours: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 88%Adults (31-84 years old):Global data: 7 certificates Starting rate: 99% - 96% Final rates: 94% - 86% Details:➢ 66-year-old person living in Ain after having worn the mask for3 hours : Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 86%➢ Person of 37 years living in Eure after wearing the mask during 3 hours : Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 90%➢ 84-year-old person living in Eure-et-Loir after wearing the mask for 4 hours: Starting rate: 96%o Final rate: 85%➢ 62-year-old person living in Ain after wearing the mask for 2 hours :o Starting rate: 96%o Final rate: 94%➢ 31-year-old person living in Hérault after wearing the maskfor 7 hours: Starting rate: 96%o Final rate: 88% Person aged 41 living in Paris after wearing the mask for 1 hour: Starting rate: 99% Final rate: 94%➢ 50-year-old person living in Haut-Rhin after wearing the mask for 5 hours: Starting rate: 98%o Final rate: 91%
I don't see why children have to wear masks. They don't have an employer forcing them to wear it.
Why do parents send their kids to a school that makes them wear masks?
they probably rely on school as a form of daycare while they wage slave
Well thats all more important than breathing AIR. Right. Sad.
Every situation is entirely unique, but with patience, the right scenario and resources, homeschooling is absolutely doable and you will ABSOLUTELY provide a better education in whatever hours you can do it than those propaganda schools!
When our schools were opened in August, I wasn't fully awake yet and out wayed the pros and cons, and considered the fact that they really only have to wear their masks in the hallways it wasn't that bad. Well now I've been awake for 3 months and am pissed every single day that she has to wear one even for that short amount of time. I have emailed the department of Ed, our senator and governor. Alot of other parents still think masks are no big deal and do not understand why I am planning on homeschooling in the fall. Lots of people still asleep and ignorant.
same reason idiots try forcing parents to force a mask on an infant
Not to sing the wrong tune here, but anybody with severe asthma can tell you the same: if you're actually experiencing limited oxygen, you feel it big time. Feeling a little breathless isn't the inconvenience you healthy folks think it is.
You're welcome to keep restricting your O2 intake, increasing your CO2 intake and rebreathing the waste from your own lungs. You may not FEEL the lessened oxygen but it is still doing its damage. Good luck with that.
Just saying it's a weird thing to be afraid of. But thanks.
I am someone who is NOT afraid. However, my anatomy and physiology education tells me that this is a bad direction to go. The sad thing is that most have no idea and so cannot make beneficial decisions about it. I truly wish you well.
You know, fear, in the right context, isn't actually a bad thing. It's making reactionary decisions based in fear that gets a person in trouble. Which is why I offered the information I did.
Ah, but people with COPD and asthma can and must certainly wear masks, no problem...........that's what I heard from a bureaucratic robot recently. Here in Assachusetts, face diapers are everywhere. The ignorance and absolute disrespect for the rights of Americans is appalling. They are deaf and blind. AND THE DAMNED PEOPLE WILL NOT SPEAK UP................about anything.
But, but, the grocery clerk said "It's not about freedom, it's about safety" :O :O
LOL! Yeah right..............
Hi fellow masshole.
Ive said it before. Massachusetts people walk around like they got balls bigger than an elephant. But they aint got the balls to stand up against government bullshit. All i hear from people in my circle is "just wear the mask.give them what they want and itll end sooner". I reply with fuck no and youre a moron for even thinking that.
I have not covered my face with anything for any reason. Ive gone on bakers twitter dailly and attacked him over this shit. But only so much 1 or a few people can do when the rest are sheep
Fellow masshole, indeed. I have not worn the face diaper either. I live in an old fart's bldg (I am 70+) and they've been demanding compliance. A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from a manager (of these properties) from another town who said I had to comply even though I said I could not wear a face diaper. Didn't matter. Last Thursday I received a Process Notice in my door jamb that I had to "cease and desist from engaging in behavior that is disruptive to the peace and quiet enjoyment of the development..." and that I was "endangering the lives of those around by refusing to abide by COVID-19 safety protocols."
MY rights are definitely not of any consequence to them.
The notice quoted, though not in its entirety, FakerBaker's Massachusetts COVID-19 Order No. 55. There are exceptions and I, therefore, am an exception. I have a couple of pages of truth that may be used at some point. I am part of National Liberty Alliance and I think we'll be sending these turds a paper on this. I plan on calling that lawyer's office on Monday and pointing out that THERE IS NO LAW, for starters. If you're a praying person, I'd appreciate your prayers.
Im not a praying person but i wish you all the luck in the world! This state is outta control with this nonsense.
For sure!
All I mean is I have been hospitalized twice because of asthma attacks and have no trouble breathing through a mask.
Chronic oxygen deprivation = Chronic low-grade trauma.
And chronic low grade trauma (also delivered nightly by TV 'programs') is well known to make people more vulnerable to suggestion and to seeking for guidance from outside authoritative [thought] 'leaders'.
This in layman’s terms means 96% to 99% is normal below 95% is concerning.
Figures below 89% are dangerous and are typically seen in people with underlying health conditions.
The effect of a period of 2-3 hours or more in a mask creates an environment of underlying health condition in the body.
So "scientists" finally ran a study that simulated the policy being recommended, rather than contrived one hour sessions with fresh masks, or worthless mechanistic studies about the physical properties of cloth? And of course the simple study invalidated a years worth of trash policy? Thanks science.
The medical industry aint gonna fund itself.
Sometimes they gotta break a few eggs to feast on omelet.
This was basically taught in biology during junior high.
All of the effing medical bastards know this. Will they speak up and speak for their patients? NO. I want to see most of them hung for crimes against humanity and of course, this crapola is just the tip of the iceberg.
Most of those rates would qualify them, and you, for oxygen therapy in the hospital. Damn
Try getting a decent workout at a gym while wearing a mask.
Our youngest daughter was born with PPHN. Basically her lungs didn’t want to transition from fetus to newborn. Because of this she had to be on oxygen for the first three weeks of life until her lungs slowly transitioned. When we brought her home they sent us with a pulse-oximeter. It showed her oxygen saturation. They had a fit if it dropped below 94%. They wouldn’t even let us take her home until she was able to maintain 95%+ on a low setting. This study showing results as low as 83% is terrifying. Lord knows what kind of damage they are causing kids. Thankfully my county is only requiring the kids wear the masks in the halls. None of us have worn a mask at all in public since the whole thing started.
Not to mention breathing back in everything your body was trying to exhale!
Yep I was recently having breathing problems during pregnancy. I wore a monitor the Dr. said anything under 90 go to the ER. I could walk around the house any be ok. But I couldn't wear a mask for more then ten minutes. So I was off work on disability Jun-Nov.
We ain’t got right to oxygen tho....
Let me sum this up. The mask hurts your breathing. Don't wear it.
Does lack of O2 kill brain cells? Will these brain cells grow back? Do we lose IQ when brain cells die? If so, How much IQ loss would occur?
Yes.they dont grow back.entirely possible to end up a vegetable, prob not from the mask but go be dead for eight minutes or so...,.
I think it would require a long term study, and this is the last thing we want. We know enough to see this is wrong.