Honestly, I’m done with black people in general after witnessing what we have for the past several years. Thank you, liberals, never thought about it before then. The black professionals I considered friends where I work I have all apparently bought into the critical race theory bullshit that’s been peddled at the corporation where I work. Every single new hire or promotion is a black person, usually a black female. We have people in positions now who neither earned them nor qualified for them, it is of course affecting everything to morale to getting the product out. this is a major global corporation and it’s happening at all of them, believe me. If you are Caucasian, you are automatically pegged as racist. That’s the default corporations are going to. Oh and you also didn’t accomplish anything on your own if you have European ancestry. Yes, they are saying that out loud. During major conference all staff/town hall type calls.
Black culture is basically porn/lucifarian culture with broken families, immature parents/people, deadbeat “fathers” not around, killing themselves off through abortion and murder ...
Then there is the “music”... rapping and sampling music takes very little skill, And all the songs sound the same. And the fashion as ugly as shit. Everyone looks dirty, greasy, and ugly. (Rap/hip hop “artists”).
Their shit culture is a problem that black people created, and quite frankly it’s up to them to fix their own shit.
Blacks by far are the biggest murderers of themselves and every single other race. Fuck black liberals, and fuck black conservatives who don’t speak out about the travesty that is black “culture”. Oh and black people are incredibly racist as well, not just towards whites, but Asians and Mexicans as well. I’m sick a fuck of nobody talking about all of this. Their casual racism against whites, especially in their almost all black cast TV shows and movies, is fucking offensive.
Are there normal, patriotic black Americans out there speaking out about the current black culture? Yes, but not nearly enough. They are akin to a unicorn.
I respect what you are saying and don't disagree because you are speaking in generalities. There is the rare rap artist of talent and I hope you don't allow this cancer in black culture to cause you to judge an individual. My hope is that most people supporting the woke agenda simply are being sheepish and will walk away when it is exposed
It's not racist to have debates and talk about cultural dynamics and their potential effects on society while suspending judgement on individuals until you meet them, while recognizing that tendencies or majorities does not equal 100% of the group population.
I don't think you should be done with black people in general. If you're going to judge heavily enough to excommunicate black people in general from your life, then that's a pretty heavy decision.
I would imagine the fear to speak out if you are a black conservative is even worse than if you are not black, because statistically black people vote something like 70-80+% democrat, and it's something like 95% democrat for black women. I would imagine it's much more difficult to go against a group that is so politically monotone. Near immediate ostracization from everyone you may know.
How did it get to be this way? I would speculate that 1. peer pressure and fear of judgement and 2. MSM and propaganda targeting black ppl to stay within their own philosophical/cultural/political group, and telling them that thinking differently is a crime or undesirable. 'Don't even think about thinking differently!'
I would not be surprised if the MSM and politicians over the years have been the main driving force keeping many black ppl in a similar political mindset.
And how do you help introduce different political ideas to people? By respecting and talking, not judging, and by honestly trying to help.
when people read 'spring breakers' in the headline, they're not thinking of two black males who never attended college and prey on REAL Spring Breakers, drug them and rape and kill them.
Who’s fault is it ultimately? Who pushes this culture of degeneracy? Who controls the media and academia and law enforcement and finance and and and...? You are right, we can’t fix the issue until we admit we have one...
No surprise, Reddit is completely silent about this.. There are several posts, but you can only find them by using specific search terms, like one of their names... AND none of the posts have any comments.
Honestly, I’m done with black people in general after witnessing what we have for the past several years. Thank you, liberals, never thought about it before then. The black professionals I considered friends where I work I have all apparently bought into the critical race theory bullshit that’s been peddled at the corporation where I work. Every single new hire or promotion is a black person, usually a black female. We have people in positions now who neither earned them nor qualified for them, it is of course affecting everything to morale to getting the product out. this is a major global corporation and it’s happening at all of them, believe me. If you are Caucasian, you are automatically pegged as racist. That’s the default corporations are going to. Oh and you also didn’t accomplish anything on your own if you have European ancestry. Yes, they are saying that out loud. During major conference all staff/town hall type calls.
Black culture is basically porn/lucifarian culture with broken families, immature parents/people, deadbeat “fathers” not around, killing themselves off through abortion and murder ...
Then there is the “music”... rapping and sampling music takes very little skill, And all the songs sound the same. And the fashion as ugly as shit. Everyone looks dirty, greasy, and ugly. (Rap/hip hop “artists”).
Their shit culture is a problem that black people created, and quite frankly it’s up to them to fix their own shit.
Blacks by far are the biggest murderers of themselves and every single other race. Fuck black liberals, and fuck black conservatives who don’t speak out about the travesty that is black “culture”. Oh and black people are incredibly racist as well, not just towards whites, but Asians and Mexicans as well. I’m sick a fuck of nobody talking about all of this. Their casual racism against whites, especially in their almost all black cast TV shows and movies, is fucking offensive.
Are there normal, patriotic black Americans out there speaking out about the current black culture? Yes, but not nearly enough. They are akin to a unicorn.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is known as "Real Talk", a.k.a Facts/truths.
I wish I could updoot this more than once.
I respect what you are saying and don't disagree because you are speaking in generalities. There is the rare rap artist of talent and I hope you don't allow this cancer in black culture to cause you to judge an individual. My hope is that most people supporting the woke agenda simply are being sheepish and will walk away when it is exposed
It's not racist to have debates and talk about cultural dynamics and their potential effects on society while suspending judgement on individuals until you meet them, while recognizing that tendencies or majorities does not equal 100% of the group population.
I don't think you should be done with black people in general. If you're going to judge heavily enough to excommunicate black people in general from your life, then that's a pretty heavy decision.
I would imagine the fear to speak out if you are a black conservative is even worse than if you are not black, because statistically black people vote something like 70-80+% democrat, and it's something like 95% democrat for black women. I would imagine it's much more difficult to go against a group that is so politically monotone. Near immediate ostracization from everyone you may know.
How did it get to be this way? I would speculate that 1. peer pressure and fear of judgement and 2. MSM and propaganda targeting black ppl to stay within their own philosophical/cultural/political group, and telling them that thinking differently is a crime or undesirable. 'Don't even think about thinking differently!'
I would not be surprised if the MSM and politicians over the years have been the main driving force keeping many black ppl in a similar political mindset.
And how do you help introduce different political ideas to people? By respecting and talking, not judging, and by honestly trying to help.
Can't say you are wrong and my very based buggy agrees with you. He is black.
It’s not “Ew race talk is ugly” when it is wypipo.
Sorry to inform you, but although Whites are often blamed, history paints a very different picture.
I would suggest reading about how Galveston, TX was ransacked after the hurricanes, by blacks.
The Texas Army responded accordingly.
But not murder, or nigligent homicide?
I see what you did there.
I noticed it but decided to do nothing about it - just like the FBI
Seems the report is carful not to reveal the victims race as well.
when people read 'spring breakers' in the headline, they're not thinking of two black males who never attended college and prey on REAL Spring Breakers, drug them and rape and kill them.
Race of the victim?
Odd...the article refers to them as a 21 and a 24 year old, then in the very next paragraph calls them 'two teenagers.'
Another victim of black on white crime.
apparently journalism is hard
white - maybe half asian
Who’s fault is it ultimately? Who pushes this culture of degeneracy? Who controls the media and academia and law enforcement and finance and and and...? You are right, we can’t fix the issue until we admit we have one...
Amen. It enrages me.
They drugged her, raped her, left her unconscious, stole and used her credit cards while she died where they left her.
What did you do during Spring Break?
only fags rape.
Do they want civil war or not?!
They really need to stop with the mixed signals. LOL
No surprise, Reddit is completely silent about this.. There are several posts, but you can only find them by using specific search terms, like one of their names... AND none of the posts have any comments.
Where's the black supremacy, MSM????
All I can say is, wow.
Hang Them both until dead.