Comments (18)
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WTF does mentally incompetent mean? If they’re a danger to society, put them down!
WTH he isn't a danger ?♂️ I guess the rape of an 8 yr old fracturing her skull isn't dangerous I guess! Well, it is the state the turtle is running so I'm not surprised. We are truly living in evil clown world!
Who’s the judge?
That’s your enemy
My enemy is all of them but FIRST AND DAMN SURE FOREMOST - is this SICK CHILD RAPIST. He needs to have been put down the first time he raped a child! If you read the article, this is his SECOND time being charged for this.
I’m so disgusted. And I’m hoping someone will do something about this NOW.
There’s always been criminals
The difference is they used to hang when they were caught. Now the walk
String up the pedo, yes of course
But don’t ignore the reason we’re talking about this......the judge
He should only have been found unfit to stand trial because of the fact that he was already dead.
Anything else is an abomination.
Looks like the little girls dad gets 20 min in a locked room with a shovel...hanging is to easy for this pos
He must be related to the locals running the town. Drain that swamp.
Sadly Jefferson County (Louisville) has been a lib stronghold as long as I can remember (this is my hometown) fucked up as this is, it doesn't surprise me. City Mayor (the same idiot that gave Breonna Taylor's family 12 million dollars) and Dem state gov (only reason we have him is cause the last gov went against the teachers union and got his ass beat) have wrung their hands over this covid b.s. and let the protests/riots destroy what was once a beautiful town. Fucking hurts like hell to see it happen.
The fact that he was found “mentally incompetent” in ANOTHER child rape case and just let free to roam the streets! How come KY natives have not taken care of this problem yet?
Ky Native here.... this hasn’t been in the news what so ever...
Thanks for getting the info out.
I don’t want to give AP any more clicks than they have.
WoW. Kentucky is all outta bullets.
You would think?!
Damn - Mentally Incompetent... Must be a DS Presidential hopeful...